Don't WAIT!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

News,Rumors,and Opinions Late Mon.PM/ Early Tues. AM

Early Tuesday Morning:


Martha:  A new scenario for this FINAL WEEK

I received some Intel very late last night of a group that has been paralleling us that they are being paid on Friday 10/30.

We know that ALL must be completed in the 10th month Gregorian.

This week is being set up exactly like it has in the past. I'm not going to say that today is not our day, but  in the past this final week is a repeat.

Iraq should be paid by the 28th.The 29th is when new money is moved in Iraq and the 30th is Friday, the end of business week and month.
Throw in the UN operational rate due 10/29 for 11/1 and then add all the drama in our Congress with Rep Boehner departing on 10/30.

They will announce Paul Ryan for his replacement today, but they are trying to pass a budget before he is elected in on 10/28.

Now add in Iraq to sell bonds again starting 11/1.

This is the classic Tuesday -Wednesday -Thursday scenario… Realize that at any point this can still happen at any moment….No one has to wait BUT come November 1, the whole world definitely will know!! 

Today is a full moon, a completion of a lunar cycle and perhaps our path to the bank and the activation of money to the people of Iraq. IMO


Chatter:  The House voted at its meeting on Tuesday, approved the second amendment Bill to the investment law No. 13 of 2006 ended 14

Mobius:  Interest rate swaps, which allow investors and companies to hedge thei​r exposure to interest rate changes, comprise the bulk of the global o​ver-the-counter derivatives market, with a notional value of around $5​00 trillion, according to the Bank for International Settlements.


Yecooche:  Iraq Parliament Agenda Tuesday(Oct 27th)
The agenda of the session number (32) Tuesday
October 27, 2015

The third parliamentary session

The second legislative year

The first legislative term

First:        Read verses from the Koran.

Second:    Vote on the draft second amendment to the Law of Investment Law No. 13 for the year 2006. (Commission of Economy and Investment, the Finance Committee). (17 articles).

Third:       Vote on the draft national law card. (Commission on Security and Defense, the Legal Committee, Committee Services and Construction). (Article 47).

Fourth:     First reading of the draft law on ratification agreement on economic and technical cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the State of Kuwait law. (Committee of Economy and Investment, the Finance Committee, the Committee on Health, Committee Services and Construction). (Article 2).

Fifth:        First reading of the draft accession of the Republic of Iraq to the International Convention on the Law of the Prevention of Pollution from Ships for the year 1973 (the Foreign Relations Committee, Committee Services and Construction). (Article 2).

Sixth:       First reading of the draft law of the Fourth Amendment to the Civil Aviation Law No. (148) for the year 1974. (Commission services and reconstruction). (Article 9).
Seventh:   Discuss the issue of the integration of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities with the Ministry of Culture.

Session starts at:  ten in the morning.

House defers its half an hour to lack of quorum

Parliament held its meeting under the chairmanship of al-Jubouri, and the presence of 230 deputies



The KTFAlways site appears to be down again today. 3 days in a row.

Late Monday Night:


[LAS] Tony is on OM for those who can get on!

[LAS] Tony says all his intel folks say this is our week.

[LAS] Last call will be before the end of this month.

[LAS] Caller - If you can tell us one thing you couldn't tell us, what would that be. T- that this is our week.

[LAS] Tony wants to answer more questions.

 [LAS] 10 million or more to invest in next basket of currencies


Emailed to Recaps:

The Dollar Ate Our Profit Is Lament of Delta, Mattel, Whirlpool

U.S. companies that blamed billions of dollars of lost revenue in the first half of the year on the greenback’s meteoric rise are signaling that the trend isn’t getting any better.

Delta Air Lines Inc. said this month that losses on revenue denominated in yen cost the company $55 million. Toymaker Mattel Inc. said foreign-exchange headwinds were the primary cause of its weak third-quarter earnings. And Whirlpool Corp. said Oct. 23 that the stronger dollar will reduce 2015 revenue by more than $2.5 billion.

 Two out of three companies in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index that reported earnings through Oct. 22 mentioned the strong dollar or currency-related woes in conference calls with analysts and investors.

The greenback was about 17 percent stronger in the third quarter compared with the same period a year earlier, the biggest increase in more than a decade and leading to higher, less-competitive prices for U.S. businesses seeking to sell their products overseas.

Companies also take a hit when they account for revenue denominated in weaker overseas currencies, unless they hedged their exposure.

North American firms lost about $46 billion to foreign-exchange headwinds in the first half of the year, according to a September report from FiREapps, a Scottsdale, Arizona-based company that advises businesses and makes software to help reduce the effect of currency swings. Chief Executive Officer Wolfgang Koester said he expects third-quarter results to largely reflect the trends during the first half.

"The dollar is an easy crutch," said Scott Wren, a senior global equity strategist in St. Louis at Wells Fargo Investment Institute. "We haven’t had a great earnings season and we probably won’t. Operating earnings are probably going to remain flat -- or down a little or up a little -- so you look for those scapegoats."

Dollar Strength

More than half of the 173 companies in the S&P 500 Index that have reported results for the quarter have trailed analysts’ sales expectations.

The Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index, which tracks the U.S. currency against 10 major counterparts, averaged 1,204.89 in the third quarter, compared with 1,027.71 a year earlier. 

The gauge slipped 0.3 percent at 5 p.m. New York time. An analysis from the Federal Reserve this year indicated that when the dollar appreciates by 10 percent, profits earned by U.S. companies’ foreign subsidiaries decrease by 4 percent.

During the third quarter, the dollar was 17 percent stronger versus Japan’s currency compared with the same period a year ago. The move, combined with fuel surcharges, hurt revenue in Delta Air Lines’ Pacific unit, which fell 12.7 percent. 

Currency Drag

Atlanta-based Delta, which has been plagued by weak overseas demand and the rise of U.S. discount airlines, posted third-quarter earnings excluding some items of $1.74 a share, surpassing the $1.72 average of 15 estimates compiled by Bloomberg. A Delta spokesman declined to comment beyond the earnings release.

"The currency issue is an important issue for every consumer company in the U.S. that sells overseas," Delta CEO Richard Anderson said in an interview with Bloomberg Television on Oct. 14.

At Mattel, international sales, which make up almost half of its revenue, plunged 19 percent from the same quarter a year ago with the biggest decline coming from Latin America,

where sales fell 29 percent. El Segundo, California-based Mattel’s third quarter profit of 71 cents a share, excluding some items, trailed analysts’ estimates of 79 cents.

Representatives from Mattel didn’t respond to requests for comment.

Dollar strength against emerging-market peers was more pronounced than gains versus developed-nation counterparts. An index of 20 EM currencies was down 19 percent in the third quarter compared with a year earlier, including a 55 percent drop for Brazil’s real.

Benton Harbor, Michigan-based Whirlpool’s shares fell as much as 12 percent Oct. 23 after company executives said they expect the dollar’s strength against currencies including the real, euro and Russian ruble to reduce 2015 revenue by more than $2.5 billion.

“Currencies have experienced a global reset and we are prepared to operate this change in environment,” CEO Jeff Fettig said on the company’s Oct. 23 earnings call.

Added Burden

"The foreign exchange sort of added insult to injury" for many U.S. companies, said Jaime Katz, an analyst at Morningstar Inc. "For places like Brazil, where the currency has been extremely volatile, whenever you translate those revenues into dollars, you’re going to wind up with a big disparity between what you’re earning in local currency and what you’re earning in reporting currency."

Firms often do take steps to stem currency losses. Most S&P 500 companies with a large percentage of international sales will hedge against exposure to volatile currencies, said Wells Fargo’s Wren.

Even in a quarter that saw an ongoing rout in commodity prices and slowing growth in China hurt global demand, 75 percent of S&P 500 companies that have reported earnings for the third quarter have topped analysts’ estimates.

Oak Brook, Illinois-based McDonald’s Corp., the world’s largest restaurant chain, gets about 70 percent of its revenue from operations outside the U.S. It reported net income in the quarter of $1.40 a share, beating the average analyst estimate of $1.27, even as “currency translation” reduced profit by 17 cents a share.

Earnings were reduced by the dollar’s strength against the euro, Australian dollar and ruble, said Becca Hary, a spokeswoman for McDonald’s.



KTFA Monday Night Conference Call

Approx.135  minutes long

The first part is Business Promo and the second part is Dinar/Iraq Intel

PLAYBACK # : 641.715.3639     PIN: 156996#


Walkingstick:   10 Iraqi ex-ministers convicted for multi-billion-dollar embezzlement

By RUDAW 3 hours ago

SULAIMANI, Kurdistan Region — Ten former Iraqi ministers have been found guilty of fraud and corruption while in office on a number of different charges brought against them by the parliament’s Commission of Integrity.

The ministers have been high-ranking members of former Iraqi Cabinets since 2003.

Lawmaker Adil Nuri, who is the spokesperson of the committee, told Rudaw a court in Baghdad has also issued arrest warrants for some of the convicted ministers.

Nuri said Kurdish Minister Shex Muhammad Shex Abdulkareem Kasnazani, who served as the minister of trade in past Cabinets, was among those convicted.

The committee said at least half of Iraq’s revenue since 2003, estimated at $1 trillion, remains unaccounted for since the ministries have not submitted final reports concerning their expenditures.

“We have ministers who are accused of embezzling $900 million, some of $500 million and others are accused of $100 million,” Nuri said. “Some fake ministry contracts are worth $1.5 billion.”

Iraq has continually been ranked as one of the most corrupt countries in the region, with a high level of unaccountability in fraud and bribery cases concerning top officials.

The war-torn country is one of the most corrupt nations in the Arab world, according to a 2014 report from Transparency International.

Iraq was ranked 170th out of 175 countries in the group’s perception of corruption list.

“The country does not have an equivalent in the Middle East when it comes to corruption,” Nuri said of Iraq.

Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi dismissed 123 deputy ministers and general managers in September 2014 as part of a reform plan to reduce corruption in government bodies.

Falling oil prices and a costly war with ISIS across the country has shrunk Iraq’s national budget to an estimated $105 billion in 2015 with a roughly $20 billion overall deficit.

Abadi leads a consensus government that was formed in the aftermath of the ISIS takeover of Nineveh province by ISIS in June 2014.

Sectarian divisions between the majority Shiites and minority Sunnis have made it nearly impossible for the courts to indict officials who are often backed by powerful tribal segments of Iraq’s fragmented society.

Former Iraqi Vice President Tariq Hashimi, a Sunni leader, fled the country in 2012 after an arrest warrant involving corruption reportedly sponsored by former Shiite Premier Nouri al-Maliki.

“We have been threatened several times over each case that we have worked on so far,” Nuri said, adding he hoped the committee’s final report will bring many officials to court.

Nuri said the cases involve almost all government ministries, including those of defense, interior, transportation, commerce, oil, migration, municipalities and many more.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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