Don't WAIT!

Saturday, October 31, 2015

News, Rumors, and Opinions Late Saturday Morning 10-31-15


[Sallypuff] I am posting this again as the room was pretty  dead when I posted it last evening. Please post if you heard anything to the contrary by Tony in yesterday's call. 10:46 PM [Sallypuff] I came back in after I shut the computer down to state an important point about today's call, that I had completely forgotten. Tony did NOT say, I will be here Monday, if need be. That tells me he was and is totally convinced the RV will be announced prior to Monday, Nov. 2nd.

 [Sallypuff] Here is another one from last evening: 10:54 PM [Sallypuff] Just have to share this before signing off again. yada wrote 19m ago Interesting story folks,,wife and I contracted with a WM with wells in the Delaware.

 She went through an alumni contact who referred her to the NorthEast Philly/Delaware. All went well except when she attempted to make an appointment, the WM said makes them a week out,,because we hadn't RV'd yet, had to wait. She gets a call today from the secretary of the WM that he resigned and instead of working out the 2 weeks, they let him go with pay
[Sallypuff] One more from last evening: 10:55 PM [Sallypuff] I suspect he bought Dinars or other currencies, and said to himself, I don't need this job anymore. Now I say goodnite again.


Haystack:  GM all. Waiting for this RV is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It's there just keep looking. When we find it we will know it was worth the wait.


BigE-13B:  top-10-strongest-currencies-in-world

‘Money is not everything’, people say. But it can change many things. Undoubtedly, all power and reputation is said to be associated with money somehow. The value of money is quantified under the name of currencies associated with different countries. There are 196 countries on the globe which have their own unique currencies. It is one of the point of differences between different countries. The worth of the currency belonging to any specific area is more likely to judge the economic and financial status of the country. The top ten highest currencies in the world as of the year 2015 are listed as below.

10. Swiss Franc

Swiss Franc of Swiss Confederation (Switzerland) and Liechtenstein is the first highest currency on the list. The currency code is CHF. 1 CHF is equal to1.05 US dollars.
9. European Union Euro

The next on the list is one attracting currency of European Union Nations. The currency code of Euro is EUR and it is the official currency of 19 states of Euro zone. One unit of EUR is equal to 1.12 US dollars. There are many other countries looking forward to adapt Euro as their official currency.

8. Cayman Island’s Dollar

The official currency of Cayman’s Island doesn’t remain behind in the list of world’s highest currencies. It makes to reach on 8th spot with its one unit worth $1.22. its currency code is KYD and it is symbolized as CI$. Its largest banknote is 100KYD which is almost equal to 122 US Dollars.

7. Azerbaijan Manat

The seventh highest currency in the world is Manat. It is the official currency of the Republic of China. The country’s economy is mainly based on oil and gas trade that makes its official currency’s per unit reaching to a worth of 0.95 US Dollars. The currency code is AZN.
6. Jordanian Dinar

The official currency of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan or commonly known as Jordan, Dinar, is the sixth strongest currency in the world. It is denoted as JOD and 1 Dinar is equal to 1.41 US Dollars. Its largest banknote is 50 dinar.

5. British Pound

The oldest currency among all the currencies of the world, British Pound appears to be on the fifth spot of the list. It is the official currency of United Kingdom, Jersey, Isle of Man, Guernsey, the South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia, Tristan Da Cunha and the British Antarctic Territory. The currency code is GBP and one GBP is equal to 1.54 US Dollars.

4. Latvian Lat

The former official currency of Republic of Latvia that is Lat is the next highest currency on the list. It was replaced by the currency of USSR after 1992. It is denoted by LVL. One LVL equals to 1.59 US Dollars.

3. Omani Riyal

Third on the list is the official currency of the Sultanate of Oman that is Omani Riyal. It was made the official currency of the country in 1970 and before its inception Indian Rupee was the official currency of Oman. The currency code is OMR and one OMR is equal to 2.60 US Dollars.

2. Bahraini Dinar

Bahraini Dinar is the second strongest currencies of the world which stands as the official currency of the Kingdom of Bahrain. It is denoted as BHD. One Bahraini Dinar has got a worth equivalent to 2.65 US Dollars. Central Bank of Bahrain has launched 20 Dinars note as the biggest note.

1. Kuwaiti Dinar

Here comes the king of the currencies of the world as of the year 2015! It’s none other than Kuwaiti Dinar. It is the official currency of the state of Kuwait. It is denoted as KWD and has got a phenomenal value of 3.38 US Dollars. Its largest note up till now is of 20 Dinars



Ricklibby:    Michelle Obama to visit Qatar, Jordan to discuss girls’ education

Frank26:    Indeed and TY .............. We have known about this for 5 days but laughed about it last night on TEAM CHAT CC.

YET !!! ................. It is significant or we would not have made a file on this matter last night.

MONDAY CC will contain this study further with all.

What we LOL about was that SHE will NOT let him go anywhere ......... WITHOUT HER.

IMO ......... Of course.

BTW ......... TEAM CHAT CC had some explosive thoughts last night. IMO this coming week You will post many ............ TA DA FREAKEN DA'S ............. For me .......... And You

There is actually IMO ........... A Map.

Kinda goes like this ....... M gives up or is thrown up...........o brings Olive Leafs ......... KEY WORDS from a base on the E to the W......... Bringing Paper Worth to THE ADRS of 3 in 1 .......... An Expectation becomes a Reality...........

Grand Opening .......... 1 for u 1 for me.......... inside 1 year rest of Basket can also go on this Picnic ........... Via a LL of In Ter Na Tion al s and .............Amended L A W S .......... In 2015??? ............. Well if not to be so then may I ask the pondering question? ................................ Why all the rush?

Just asking.

KTFA FAMILY ........... Tell me ........ What will You do with .......... Yours?
Will it be for God and His Church?
Will it be for someone in need?
Will it be for a stranger?
Or Stranger yet...................... Will it only be for You?

Aloha and be safe tonight with Your children ON THE DARK STREETS........... Take a LARGE flashlight. Wild animals no like a bright light in their reflective lens ......... Good weapon .......... Guide light ........... Etc.

KTFA   Frank ........ Come on just one more time ........ TA DA .........

KTFA Cont……

Aggiedad77:   Good of them to hang around to wrap up things.....before PM Abadi grabs stuff and makes it happen on his own with his "pen" and "EO" authority.....nah....Parliament can do it they are trying to prove.   Aloha   Randy

Walkingstick:    Parliament will vote on the extension of the legislative term of 30 days

By Mohammed Emad 31/10/2015 11:35 |

Brother - Baghdad

Voice of the House of Representatives, on Saturday, the first legislative term extension of the second legislative year, 30 days, to the adoption of important laws.

A parliamentary source said the beginning of "The House of Representatives voted during its 33 first legislative term of the second legislative year to extend the legislative term for 30 days."

The source, who asked not to be named, said: "extension came to pass important laws."

The Iraqi Council of Representatives held on Saturday, 33 of its first legislative term of the second legislative year, while the meeting will vote on the two bills and the first reading of the five bills.


Aggiedad77:  I do declare these Finance Committee people have their minds set on nothing but negativity.....(See Article Below)   they must dream in the red....they probably wear red socks and underwear....I know TMI.......they probably drive red cars.....all they can ever do is point to the negative side of things.....get a new life....take a look at all the good that is going on and make lemonade from all the lemons you keep buying.   Aloha   Randy

Frank26:  Parliamentary Finance: Send a government postponed because of budget meetings with the World Bank to cover the deficit"

KTAF FAMILY .......... Milk is good ......... So is Timing. What did we explain in Thursday DESSERT? That Clinton only bought cigars in 8 years yet at the end Jack made him look good with our budget and deficit via his math in KW. At this juncture of TIME .......... We balance our budget and Iraq clears it's deficit.

Therefore ......... 3 and 4 are ............ STAMPEDING.   KTFA   Frank


Walkingstick:  Parliamentary Finance: Send a government postponed because of budget meetings with the World Bank to cover the deficit

Economy and Tenders Since 10/31/2015 16:57 pm (Baghdad time)
Special - balances News
It attributed the parliamentary Finance Committee, on Saturday, the late arrival of the financial budget for 2016 to Parliament to request the government sent after the completion of the Ministry of Finance meeting with the World Bank to cover the deficit.

He said the parliamentary finance committee member Abdul Qader Mohammed's / scales News /, "The 2016 budget was scheduled to be up to the House of Representatives on the tenth of this month, but the delay came after the Council of Ministers requested it," noting that "the Council of Ministers requested the postponement Send budget to make some adjustments after the completion of the meeting, which will take place in Jordan with the World Bank. "

Mohammed said that "the Ministry of Finance and the World Bank will meet in Amman to discuss the possibility of borrowing from the bank to meet the 2016 budget deficit," revealing at the same time that "the meeting will begin on the first tomorrow from November and lasts until the tenth of the same month."

It is said that "the parliamentary finance committee member Abdul Qader Mohammed revealed to / scales News /, on Thursday, the existence of meetings between the Iraqi government and the World Bank will be held early next month in Jordan in order to obtain" .anthy 29 / H 33 financial loans Link

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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