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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

De-Fang the Federal Reserve  By JC Collins

De-Fang The Federal Reserve (Freepom)

OCTOBER 27, 2015    By JC Collins

The Conspiracy on How the Fed is Being Integrated into the Multilateral Framework
Sometimes the complexity and level of artisan skill required to engineer the multilateral monetary framework is staggering.  The socioeconomic and geopolitical shifting which takes place behind the closed doors of think tanks and international institutions would make for intriguing spy-like novels on par with the tales of John le Carré.
Such stories would be reminiscent of the old movie the House of Rothschild where skullduggery and manipulation were used to increase the sovereign debt of European nations. 

The leaders and Kings of Europe refused to borrow money from Mayer Rothschild and in turn Napoleon conveniently escaped from exile on the Island of Elba in February of 1815 and began to wage war upon Europe again.

 The allies formed the Seventh Coalition to fight against Napoleon and quickly diminished their reserves and loan capacities before finally turning to Mayer Rothschild for additional funding to continue the fight. 

Once the Rothschild loan was secured Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo and the tide of history was changed for ever.

The Federal Reserve should be looked upon as the Napoleon of the 20th Century.  It was used to fund the growth of the military industrial complex and expand the central banking system all around the world. 
And like Napoleon, the Federal Reserve performed its function as strategized and will now be modified to fit within the larger macro multilateral framework which it helped create.
The evolution of the Federal Reserve is complicated and would require almost a book length discourse to fully grasp the details and policies which have grown and shaped monetary and fiscal policy both within the United Stated, and throughout the world.
This evolution took a leap forward in March of 1951 when the Fed gained broader independence from the US Treasury, executive branch, and Congress.  The Federal Reserve Treasury Accord ended the pressure on the Fed to peg long-term interest rates and minimize accountability to the US Congress.
This evolution of strategy and mandate allowed for the Fed to become the central bank of the world and indirectly set international monetary policy for other countries.  Not to mention expand funding for the military industrial complex and leverage both physical and economic influence on foreign countries.
With that being said, the US Congress still has a duty to exercise oversight and can adjust or modernize the Federal Reserve Act when it is appropriate to do so.  What exactly would entail appropriate causation can be extremely suggestive of external influence and special interests within the larger international banking community, such as experienced by the leaders of Europe when confronted with the threat of Napoleon.
The Fed is now operating in a vacuum and its mandates are no longer aligned with the domestic interests of the United States.  This inevitable discourse between domestic fiscal responsibility and the waning foreign responsibility to those central banks holding vast amounts of USD denominated securities is creating a situation which will need to be addressed sooner rather than later. 
The inability of the Fed to raise interest rates is based primarily on the negative effect such a move will have on foreign countries.  This lack of movement on policy normalization by the Fed could very well act as the catalyst for Federal Reserve reform.
In a recent speech to Congress, Paul H. Kuprec of the American Enterprise Institute stated that it is the responsibility of Congress to re-examine the mandates, powers, and responsibilities of the Federal Reserve.  An appropriate revision of Fed legislation would be enacted based on that re-examination.
Kuprec goes on to discuss how the overall structure and strategy of the Fed would need to be addressed within a reasonable timeframe.  The Centennial Monetary Commission is scheduled to complete a report by December, 2016, on changes to Fed policies and mandates. 
 Kuprec suggests that this time table be shortened while stating that the monetary mandate of the Federal Reserve must be more specific and less open to interpretation.
The interesting thing about Paul H. Kuprec is that he has previously worked on banking and financial market policy for the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Federal Reserve Board itself, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and the Bank for International Settlements.
The BIS is considered the apex of the central banking system which the US funded military industrial complex helped establish around the world.  As such, it is the BIS which sets the international mandates on monetary reform and multilateral macroprudential policy.
A BIS and IMF affiliated economist and policy maker testifying before Congress on reforming the Federal Reserve Act is tantamount to Mayer Rothschild cutting off military funding to Napoleon during the Battle for Waterloo after the leadership of Europe had been consolidated under his loan mandates and terms.
The interesting part is that the suggestions on reforms to the Federal Reserve Act are strategically similar to what many Americans have been conditioned to demand of the Fed.  The engineering of an opposition to the Federal Reserve has been extremely effective. 

Whether it’s Ron Paul or the Alex Jones network, opposition to the Federal Reserve has been directed and focused on a few key points.
These points were itemized by Paul H. Kuprec, formerly of the IMF and Bank for International Settlements, in his testimony before Congress on July 22, 2015.  The points of interests regarding the Federal Reserve Reform Act of 2015 are as follows:
  1. Requirement for Policy Rules of the Federal Open Market Committee – This point would give the General Accounting Office (GAO) the opportunity to validate FOMC policies and improve the transparency of the Fed process.
  2. FOMC Membership – This would put an end to favored voting rights within the FOMC as such rights are less important today now that the Fed has completed its initial mandate.
  3. Stress Test Transparency and Disclosure of Supervisory Correspondence – This would force the Fed to disclose stress test models used to determine and set specific monetary policies and mandates.
  4. Cost-Benefit Analysis and Review of New Regulations – The Fed has been exempt from regulations that require it to perform cost/benefit analysis of new regulations. This would change under the defined reforms.
  5. Notification of Intent to Engage in International Standard Setting Bodies – Congress and the public must be made aware of international standard meetings in which the Fed participates, as well as the material implications for the US. (Do not let this reform mislead you into thinking that American sovereignty will be protected.  As long as the Congress set has oversight, this reform will ensure that the Fed implements the multilateral mandates as designed. A new cheques and balances maintained by the leveraged politicians.)
  6. Federal Reserve Special Lending Powers – This reform will prevent the Fed from legally lending to a distressed and potentially insolvent financial firm. This was a big issue during the last financial crisis.
  7. GAO Audits – Ensures and validates that the FOMC’s policy directive is consistent with the directive policy rule reported to Congress. Most will recall the Ron Paul push to audit the Fed.  As long as the Congress is controlled and leveraged by international banking interests, the GAO audits will serve the purpose of the multilateral mandates.
This short list of Federal Reserve policy reforms accurately reflect the Cultural and Socioeconomic Interception (CSI) engineering which has taken place through the alternative media and Tea Party propaganda. (Reference post The First False Flags for a definition of CSI
The fact that these reforms are being promoted and testified before Congress by someone affiliated with the Bank for International Settlements, representing the international banking interests, should give all Americans pause.  
Those who have been leading us down the garden path of liberty and conspiracy have failed to both recognize and educate the disorganized masses on the actual methodology of the multilateral transmutation of the international monetary system.  Reducing the power and influence of the Federal Reserve fits exactly into the mandates of the multilateral.
The same can be said of the political platform of Donald Trump.  The “Make America Great Again” pledge and mantra is the condensed talking point which is based on the depreciation of the dollar.  This multilateral depreciation will reduce the cost of US manufactured goods and increase exports.  This means higher GDP, reduced debt-to-GDP ratio, and more jobs for Americans.
The multilateral mandates are being sold to Americans through alternative media and establishment opposition.  The analysis presented here on POM has been attacked and/or ignored by so many sites which promise the truth.  Yet, readers and followers of those sites and personalities have been left more confused and less informed about everything that is taking place internationally.
Long-time readers of POM have been provided a front row seat on the transition from a unipolar USD dominated world to a multilateral SDR denominated world.  The fact that so much of the information presented here is trending accurately is a testament to the validity of the analysis.
Who would have thought that the Bank for International Settlements and the Tea Party, Ron Paul, and the Alex Jones network would all want the same thing?  Truth is definitely stranger than fiction, and conspiracy theory is not the conspiracy we thought it was at all.  – JC
Interested readers may also gain additional insight into the strategies and workings of the international banking interests by reading the post The Bretton Woods Origin of the Cold War.

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