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Saturday, October 31, 2015

Wealthwatch Member Chat 10-31-15   Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room  10-31-15
Wealthwatch Member Chat 10-31-15   Part 2 of 2
chattels: Indeed the the salary " ladder " appears to lack the full approval of religious authority.
chattels: I cannot tell from the news reports exactly how the salary reductions are proposed to work. Are the " cuts across the board " or do they vary such that there is possible constitutional issues ?
chattels: "The forces under the command of the island operations and the desert had found during its operations in the sweep hand-Baghdadi East on the wheel belonging to terrorists Daash within sum of $ 17 thousand and 650 pounds [a coin Daash]."
 chattels: "that the Iraqi economy is suffering from a real crisis resulting from the decline in the purchasing power of the Iraqi consumer who constitute the middle class based on monthly salaries of the vast majority of it indicating that the salary cuts in this way will lead to the stoppage of the purchase-sufficiency and basic foodstuffs.
chattels: Peshmarga and teachers in Kurdistan go without any salaries for months on end and these Arabs can't take a pay cut !
chattels: oil minister, Adel Abdul-Mahdi, said he "can not achieve results in the work of the ministry without having a clear and correct relationship with local governments."
Said Abdul-Mahdi, in a speech during a coordination meeting with the provinces held in Dhi Qar and was attended by a number of governors and officials of the oil sector, that "without a clear and healthy relationship between local governments and the Federal Government represented by the Ministry of oil will be unable to achieve the results that have been achieved during the last period."
chattels: Oil Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, announced the arrival of the production of the southern ports of Iraq's crude oil to record levels. Said Abdul-Mahdi told a news conference after a deliberative meeting for the provinces over oil management contract in Dhi Qar that "these ports produces 3.8 million barrels a production equivalent to historical rates," adding that "these exports do not include the Turkish port of Ceyhan."
chattels: Reports tell us that the KRG is producing about 650,000 barrels per day which if added to the southern output makes for nearly 4.5 million barrels per day. Quite an output.
chattels: Enorrste : Earlier in the week we had an article in which it was said that the Dawa Party (Maliki's State of Law) was urging Abadi to step down because he was so ineffective. Now we see that just the opposite is being claimed here. Is this a clue that Maliki is losing his grip on the Dawa Party?
chattels: News articles have told us of the conspicuous conflict between Maliki and Abadi within the Dawa party. The core strength of Maliki, the 45 signatures in a display of no confidence as to Abadi, comes from the SLC, Maliki's party.
chattels: The Shiite " alliance " that governs in Iraq includes both the Dawa party and the SLC.
chattels: See " Is Iraq’s Dawa Party on verge of division? "
chattels: See Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser Oct 28 Amid talk of #Iraq PM Abadi being unseated by his own alliance, worth noting only 45 MPs demand no-confidence vote …
chattels: See " Deputy calls for parliament to withdraw confidence from the government Abadi "
chattels: In my observation Maliki has had a " high " profile of late. If he is " losing his grip " on anything it is a " slow release ".
chattels: To wit : In today's news -
chattels: House Speaker Saleem al-Jubouri, with the head of a coalition of law Nuri al-Maliki ways to improve the joint political action. A statement by the Office of the President of the House of Representatives, received by all of Iraq [where], a copy of the al-Jubouri, received the private al-Maliki in his office, "and discussed the most important issues on the political and security arena, and how to improve the joint political action and to meet the ambitious people of the country and fits with the change phase experienced by the region, ".  chattels:
chattels: And yesterday's news -
chattels: Maliki says Abadi cannot nix all vice presidents By Rudaw
chattels: " Former Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said that he was still vice president, pointed out that the three deputies resorted to the judiciary against Abadi decision to cancel their posts, ............... "
chattels: " He pointed out that the posts of Vice President of the Republic has not been canceled, are still under discussion and legislation because it is a constitutional issue, explaining that the President of the Republic can not keep himself without a deputy and at least one, as stipulated by the Constitution and the law, ............ "
chattels: " ............ the President of the Republic can not keep himself without a deputy and at least one, as stipulated by the Constitution and the law, ......"
chattels: “The positions of the vice presidents have not been eliminated and we are still discussing the options, since this is a constitutional question,” said Maliki.
chattels: " ............ we are still discussing the options, ........."
chattels: Bet you dollars to doughnuts that option one (1), advocated by you know who, is that one VP remains by the name of Mr. Maliki.
Doug_W: Sigh
chattels: But, before I go - I have been waiting for the following update
chattels: Urgent Oil Minister: senior Kurdish delegation to visit Baghdad soon to discuss the province's budget :: 2015/10/31 14:20 • Oil Minister: senior Kurdish delegation to visit Baghdad soon to discuss the province's budget [Dhi Qar-where] detect and Oil Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, on a recent visit of the delegation from the Kurdistan region to visit the capital, Baghdad.
Abdul-Mahdi said in a news conference after a meeting of the deliberative provinces over oil management contract Dhi Qar province, said that "high-level delegation from the region will visit Baghdad in the next few days to discuss the oil agreement and the region's share in the budget of 2016" followed ..
chattels: "high-level delegation from the region will visit Baghdad in the next few days to discuss the oil agreement and the region's share in the budget of 2016"
Doug_W: this is a ghost room today 4 Holloween
TxBrand: Who won the skeleton beauty contest ?
TxBrand: NO body
TxBrand: What is a Mummie's favorite type of music?
TxBrand: Wrap
TxBrand: What's a monster's favorite bean? A human bean
Doug_W: baddddd  ] Doug_W: as in really baaaad
TxBrand: What do you call a witch who lives at the beach? A sand-witch.
TxBrand: ‹@Doug_W› lol
TxBrand: Where does a ghost go on Saturday night? Anywhere where he can boo-gie
TxBrand: What did the skeleton say to the vampire? You suck
Doug_W: omg  lol
TxBrand: It’s never said that Humpty Dumpty was an egg in the nursery rhyme.
TxBrand: The water in Lake Superior could cover all of North and South America in a foot of water.
TxBrand: We went to the moon before we thought to put wheels on suitcases.
Doug_W: get out of ur grand daughters joke book Tx

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