Don't WAIT!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Late Thursday Night News, Rumors and Opinions 10-29-15

A quick update from Martha sent to Recaps

Treat this as rumor but the group that is paralleling us is going on Monday. Trying to find out if actual bank or paymaster paying in acct.

Iko is right about the forex and Monday maybe the big forex day, but starting sooner is the way to go like ? Friday.

Remember what I said about timing. There is no argument that everything is done and there are no stops; perhaps a little hedging. We are still in October and the clock is ticking.

There are no windows and China is holding the key to the world.



Greatly Blessed:  Memoranda to catch accused of laundering money .. and the amounts estimated B69 billion dinars


BAGHDAD / JD / .. issued eliminate diary arrest of a group of defendants files amounts of money washing up Akiemha to 69 billion dinars.

The court judge said investigation of money laundering in Baghdad, Iyad Muhsin ligature in a written statement received / JD / copy of "The court issued arrest warrants for three of the defendants files money laundering ".
ligature and continued that" the amounts that indicate around suspicions that she was to money laundering up Akiemha to 69 billion dinars.

"He emphasized that" the court full to ensure legal action taken to arrest the accused, "explaining that "judicial memos issued in accordance with Article III of the Anti-Money Laundering Law." / End / 22 /


Tishwash:  US congress push to implement IMF reforms

WASHINGTON - Senior U.S. officials said on Thursday they hoped to see the U.S. Congress approve reforms to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) which will give emerging markets a bigger say at the global lender.

Reforms agreed in 2010 would put Brazil, China, India and Russia among the fund's top 10 shareholders but have been held up in Congress, which must back them. (BRIC if they would put it in the correct order) 

A source familiar with IMF discussions said there appeared to be a chance of a deal to pass the reforms before Group of 20 leaders meet in Turkey on November 15-16.
U.S. Treasury Under Secretary for International Affairs, Nathan Sheets, said the Obama administration was focused on getting the deal done, although he did not specify a timeframe.

"The case has been effectively made on the Hill. Senior legislators from both parties recognize the importance and I remain hopeful that we will see it," he said at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

White House G20 adviser Caroline Atkinson said the IMF reform was very important and she continued to press for it.

The Senate appropriations committee has approved a funding bill that would also implement the IMF reforms, although the House version of the bill excludes them.

News agency Bloomberg reported on Thursday that Republican lawmaker Kay Granger, who is responsible for shepherding the House bill, said she was optimistic the two chambers could work out a compromise. - Reuters


Kue911:  To dream the impossible dream. To fight the unbeatable for(ptb). To try when your arms are to weary. To reach the unreachable star(RV). RV RV RV


This is Jim Nabors as Gomer Pyle singing "to Dream the Impossible Dream"
Dinar Updates:

wmawhite  ...what is the CBI telling the world when it is in the process of using its gold reserves to purchase its currency from the citizens of Iraq?   ...the CBI owns the IQD...why would they want to buy it back?   ...

Unless they have plans to do what?  A person buys an under valued stock NOT if he/she believes it will go down in value...instead, you buy it believing it will go up in value. 

The difference here is that the CBI is the issuer of the stock...the IQD...they CONTROL its value and here they are wanting it back. 

IMO, we are watching the end of the process to reduce the note count...using gold is the one tactic that will get the rest of it in.



Walkingstick:  China & Germany set up yuan-denominated exchange

Published time: 29 Oct, 2015 10:43

Germany’s Deutsche Borse Group has joined forces with the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) and the China Financial Futures Exchange (CFFEX) to trade yuan-denominated products.

According to the German exchange, the project will start in November under the brand CEINEX and will be headquartered in Frankfurt. The management board will be comprised of senior officers from the three exchanges.

CEINEX will offer Chinese investment products to international investors, starting with cash market products like exchange traded funds (ETF) and bonds.

The new platform will become the first for authorized -denominated trading outside mainland China.

“CEINEX is a milestone in the strategic cooperation amongst our three exchanges. Its value proposition to ‘trade China in international markets’ is a major step forward in the internationalization of the RMB [renminbi or yuan – Ed.]. It provides a sound basis for the development of a successful capital market between Europe and China. We are happy to contribute to this excellent development,” said Carsten Kengeter, CEO of Deutsche Borse.

Deutsche Borse and the China Foreign Exchange Trade System also signed a strategic cooperation agreement earlier on Thursday, to connect markets and foster product innovation.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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