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Monday, October 26, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 & Shredd News & Comments

Morning News Comments 10/26/2015
The agenda of the session number (32) Tuesday 27 October 2015
27 October 0.2015
The third parliamentary session                                              
The second legislative year                                                                      
The first legislative term      
 First, read verses from the Koran. 
Second: The vote on the draft second amendment to the Law of Investment Law No. 13 for the year 2006. (Commission of Economy and Investment, the Finance Committee). (17 articles).
Third: The vote on the draft national law card. (Commission on Security and Defense, the Legal Committee, Committee Services and Construction). (Article 47).
Fourth: The first reading of the draft law on ratification agreement on economic and technical cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the State of Kuwait law. (Committee of Economy and Investment, the Finance Committee, the Committee on Health, Committee Services and Construction). (Article 2).
Fifth: the first reading of the draft accession of the Republic of Iraq to the International Convention on the Law of the Prevention of Pollution from Ships for the year 1973 (the Foreign Relations Committee, Committee Services and Construction). (Article 2).
Sixth: The first reading of the draft law of the Fourth Amendment to the Civil Aviation Law No. (148) for the year 1974. (Commission services and reconstruction). (Article 9).
Seventh: discuss the issue of the integration of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities with the Ministry of Culture.
Session starts at: ten in the morning.
IMF: Iraq will return to the market in 2016
[tlm724] IMF planning to send teams in the near future for both Iraq and Jordan in an effort could pave the way for more aid,
[tlm724] stressed that Iraq will return to the market economy during the first half of next year.
[tlm724] well thats pretty specific
[tlm724] it will help in creating a framework for the diagnosis and treatment challenges prominent influence on the economy',
[tlm724] so the IMF has a lil plan plannned
[tlm724] that 'the plan will begin in 2016 and then possible to put the foundations upon which to base by Iraq to submit to IMF funding to implement the program at a later time of the year '
[tlm724] IMF will lend them money later after they get their sh.. together
[tlm724] the program will help Iraq to receive aid from lenders among them the International Monetary Fund and reassure potential investors',
[tlm724] it will pave the way for Iraq that is due to the market during the first half of next year
[tlm724] market economy is the goal and always has been !
[Shredd] Interesting that the IMF is making such a strong statement but it makes sense too
[Shredd] they are propping up Iraq's economy with the loan and they also see the urgency of iraq coming to be a "market economy"
[Shredd] do you know what that means by definition?
[Shredd] a market-driven, free floating currency
[cat] its coming
[Shredd] right cat
[RCS1947] yes sir!
[Shredd] and not that we needed it, but this is a huge piece of proof that a "lop" would never happen
[Shredd] a huge proof that Iraq's economic plan is not a fail
[Shredd] a huge proof that the IMF expects to be paid back and with a currency that is floating and interest rates that can react to the market too, they will be able to ride the economic waves
[Shredd] while instilling faith and confidence in their currency
[Shredd] makes sense with the investment law work too
[Shredd] the banking laws are a part of this too
[Shredd] I know it's been the sahara of hope in seeing the dinar gaining value but things are continuing to shape up
[RCS1947] progress for sure
[Shredd] banking law gives accounts holding dinar protection and also a window of time for locking in exchange rates
[Shredd] investment law giving protections to investors for managing risk while seeing a good ROI
[Shredd] and a market economy that accurately reflects the true value of their currency based on supply and also demand but at the same time the goods and services
[Shredd] transparent to the global investment world
[Shredd] this IMF loan proves to us that seeing a growth in the dinar value is a "WHEN" and not an "IF"
[Shredd] good news indeed!
This loan "will help in creating a framework for the diagnosis and treatment challenges prominent influence on the economy" so again, the purpose of this is to get Iraq to be a "market economy". We'll have to keep an eye on this for other translations and further articles.
Rafidain Bank: give us loans to different segments of the national economy starved
[tlm724] Rafidain Bank: give us loans to different segments of the national economy starved
[tlm724] because the national economy is starved
[tlm724] can you all imagine how starved it would be if Maliki was still PM?
[tlm724] thats a good analogy for Iraq too, a starved economy who's wheels got stuck
[tlm724] and it brings up a good question as well
[tlm724] how can Iraq help their citizens who have little power, little food and very little income How can Iraq tax people who having nothing ?
[tlm724] because they have NO choice they must impose taxes , they no longer have the oil revenue and they are creating a market economy BUT that will take years
[tlm724] so taxes are coming have no doubt
[tlm724] do you really think Iraq would say nah we can't tax because it will hurt the people ?
[tlm724] Iraq see's how much money they are losing ! Untold billions in revenue, they won't turn their backs on that !
[tlm724] so I am hoping we see some sort of increase in purchasing power come into play here
Economist: government is serious financial diversifying sources of income for the country after the austerity budget
[tlm724] that Iraq suffers from a high rate of poverty and unemployment, and among the cement plants have stopped even though she owns there Vogue market in Iraq because of the scarcity of buildings and Almnazl.anth
[tlm724] this is what I was talking about, getting the market up and running is going to take time    these buildings and factories all need to be retrofitted
[tlm724] previous governments did not have" policies "are clear for the repair and building of a strong and solid economy in Iraq
[tlm724] that would Maliki's gov
[tlm724] that the government is serious in diversifying the sources of income and material revenue
[tlm724] that Iraq suffers from a high rate of poverty and unemployment
[tlm724] that is part of the reason the younger generation is leaving Iraq !
Government strategy to strengthen the private sector
[tlm724] that the government has prepared a long-term strategic plan aimed at strengthening the private sector to support the economy and the diversification of resources
[tlm724] well at least they have a strategy  Wink
[tlm724] activation of a number of laws and regulations to support that strategy, including the Social Security Act to ensure the pension rights of the private sector revealed.
"The fact that strategy to blow up the energies of young people and starting the private sector towards the development and that there are steps to move it towards the right path. "


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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