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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 10-28-15

Morning News Comments 10/28/2015
After raising its .. House of Representatives vote on the legal investment and national card modification
[tlm724] theres a few things in this art I wanna point out
[tlm724] Jubouri musta had a side meeting about the salary scale and taking into consideration the economic situation of the country
[tlm724] calling on the Prime Minister and the ministers concerned to come to the House of Representatives for trading with the committees concerned or the members of the council generally to take a position in this regard
[tlm724] he is asking PM Abadi to come to parliament and get this straightened out
tlm724] assess the work of parliamentary committees could lead to change some of the heads of the committees for the performance of work in the legislative and regulatory framework in full
[tlm724] good it's time for more change
The Council voted on the draft second amendment to the Investment Law No. 13 of the Law for the year 2006 submitted by the committees of economy, investment and finance in order to facilitate the organization of work in the investment bodies and address some of the constraints shown by the practice in the application of the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006, as amended,
and to create an encouraging and appropriate climate for investment in all sectors and the granting of privileges and exemptions and soft loans attractive to investors and to allow the ministries to engage with the private sector [Iraqi and foreign and mixed for the rehabilitation and operation of its companies to be reflected positively on economic development and reconstruction of Iraq
[tlm724] that whole paragraph is important
[cat] love it
[tlm724] to create an encouraging and appropriate climate for investment in all sectors
[tlm724] granting of privileges and exemptions and soft loans
[tlm724] love it too cat !
[tlm724] completed the vote on the draft national card law
[tlm724] I am going to read that law in detail later but for now look at this quote
[tlm724] which comes due to the multiplicity of tariff documents among the citizens for the purpose of alleviating the burden on the citizen and keep pace with progress in government work systems in the developed world
[tlm724] the multiplicity of tariff documents
[tlm724] will follow up once I read it
The rule of law: not responsible for the decisions and the uniqueness of Abadi and lack of commitment to the Constitution
[tlm724] we supported the Government of Haider al-Abadi since the first day of its formation last year and stood with full force to its side to help overcome the financial, military and security crises
[tlm724] sure sure lol 
[cat] right   
[tlm724] theres gotta be a but in there somewhere, lemme look
[tlm724] ah ha !
[tlm724] However, the statement said, "but unfortunately, that Abadi rejected the principle of consultation with the State of Law bloc and the political blocs, including the other led to a worsening of the general situation in the country is a threat of catastrophic incidents in the next phase."
[tlm724] oh look at this crap !
[tlm724] The statement concluded by saying, "Today We, the undersigned declare that the statement of the members of the bloc coalition of state law that we are after today we are no longer responsible for the decisions of the Prime Minister and the effects and consequences of non-commitment to the constitution and the laws in force, as we announce the withdrawal of our mandate that its curve him in the House of Representatives on reforms which It was conditional on respect for the Constitution and laws. "
[tlm724] state law that we are after today we are no longer responsible for the decisions of the Prime Minister and the effects and consequences of non-commitment to the constitution and the laws in force
[tlm724] the writing was on the wall !
[tlm724] Maliki is up to his nasty tricks and is leading the charge to bring down Abadi !
[cat] uh huh
[tlm724] *slap* the sh.. outta him
State law Ttrat withdraw the mandate of the independent al-Abadi and did not sign
[tlm724] that the coalition lingered to withdraw the mandate of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to give him a chance to reverse its decisions illegal
[tlm724] while the mass showed that independents were part of the coalition did not sign the withdrawal of the mandate of the al-Abadi.
[tlm724] She explained that "a coalition of state law has no problems with Haider al-Abadi, but issued a random decisions unsatisfactory religious authority
[tlm724] we will have to watch for this, whether they did or they didn't almost doesn't matter, the damage is being done !
[tlm724] the good news is this, PM Abadi has the backing of the supreme religious leaders and thats powerful !
[tlm724] it really comes as no surprise that we would see some sh.. stirring because Abadi's GOI is actually making progress ! AML and investment laws are done ! Even though things are far from perfect this government is much better then Maliki and Najafi could have ever hoped for !
[glory8516] I agree tlm !
[tlm724] glory8516     Wink
Abdul-Mahdi: we have achieved a remarkable increase oil production and we will work on gas export
[tlm724] revealed that the next term will actually move to stop liquid gas import, and work on export
[tlm724] it's about time they got this gas sector going and exporting it will bring in alot of money ! Rock on Iraq Cool
Parliamentary Economic: Ready for the investment law and the vote will bring a boom in the Iraqi economy
[BondLady] 3 day old article but still a good read
[tlm724]  thank you very much BondLady !!
[tlm724] Parliamentary Economic: Ready for the investment law and the vote will bring a boom in the Iraqi economy
[tlm724] sure will !!! *hallelujah*
[tlm724] the law will achieve an important breakthrough in the Iraqi economy
[tlm724] "the essence and content of the law to achieve an important breakthrough and better conditions real investor
[tlm724] makes me warm and fuzzy Wink
[tlm724] the caliber enters the international standard in this area, and especially the international arbitration centers take into account the legislation and laws to be opportunities for the country to attract foreign capital.
[tlm724] yep mentioned that yesterday, its great stuff !
[tlm724] the law obliged all investors completion of 25% of the project to benefit from the loans granted by the banks within its laws 
 Trade ... Workshop on classification of non-tariff technical barriers to traders
Department of Foreign Economic Relations in the Ministry of Commerce held a workshop for a group of employees of the ministry's departments and companies on the issue of classification of non-tariff technical barriers to traders, which is part of the activities of the World Trade Organization WTO Department
Sudanese Hashim, Director General of Department of Economic Relations at the Ministry of Commerce said that the goal of the session comes to clarify the importance of this issue in the provision of integrated databases for business in Iraq enabling environment for foreign business and investors access to the Iraqi market easily and transparently.
He added that the Department of Economic Relations had already been several workshops on the subject were held with Iraqi ministries in order to provide integrated data on the business environment in Iraq, the rules to be able then to link this information with the World Trade Center databases (ITC)
Posted By: Site Management | Date: 28-10-2015

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