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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Reader Thoughts On “De-Fang The Federal Reserve

Reader Thoughts On “De-Fang The Federal Reserve
Link To Earlier Post

Daniel-Grig   JC excellent article. The need to clarify things about the Fed felt. Alex Jones, other analysts are saying the same thing. Here is a very detailed article about the ideology that Jones uses, both the religious-spiritual-prophetic land, and in the field of geopolitics.
This is worth reading.
Dane:   Great essay JC it flows really well. “De-fang” take the bite out and just in time for Halloween :) classic! Great job. Thank you for the front row seat.
2010  “…There is by now a general consensus that the financial liabilities the US have been amassing on account of its large trade deficits poses a general threat for the US as well as the world economy.
However, how and why differs markedly as to whether global imbalances are read from the current or the capital account side. In the former case, the problem begins with overspending in the US and persists because of the policy exchange rates pursued by at least some of the countries running trade surpluses.
The former causes trade imbalances to emerge in the first place while the latter prevents market forces from correcting those imbalances. This way of looking at the problem presupposes an international economy consisting of national economies with their own distinct systems of financial intermediation…”
“…A very different picture emerges however when the issue is looked at from the capital account side, which in our view is more consistent with an emergent transnational global economy that is characterized by an increasingly unified system of global financial intermediation.
 In this setting, the FED is not only an essential player but in fact the operator of this vast system of indebtedness that is denominated mainly in dollars. US policies thus impact not only what happens in the US but the whole structure of international commitments and the viability of payment flows in international financial markets…”  Authors – Jane D’Arista & Korkut Erturk
Safenet:  Thanks J.C, another prediction of yours coming thru.. I remember you saw this coming which resonated with me all along when I consider all the buzz around the slogans and figures popping up in the post-2008 period such as “Rand, Greenspan, libertarianism, free markets, “Audit The Fed”, “Founding Fathers” etc.
Too bad the emotions of many has been and is still being manipulated meanwhile. Please correct me if I’m wrong but the Bank Of England was taken under the control of British Government when pound sterling lost its “reserve-currency” status.
This surely is telling the same powers playing the same game albeit in a much multifaceted and complex arena. Finally, this should have implications on the future direction of QE as a government policy and the overt monetary finance of which you and dripfood familliarized us. Crazy times we’re living in, curious to see how all this will play out to 2020 and beyond.
shawn Michael:   “The fact that these reforms are being promoted and testified before Congress by someone affiliated with the Bank for International Settlements, representing the international banking interests, should give all Americans pause.”
It does give me pause. The more I have read about the Fed Reserve and the BIS, the less I like. I have been reading the book “The Tower of Basel” which is truly concerning. While I recognize the need for some sort of international standards or organization,
 I fail to see the benefits of having a banking system which ostensibly is privately owned, whom the government is forced to “borrow” from, then is charged interest on money, and ontop of it, the bank via fractional reserve banking gets to create more money out of thin air to lend so it can charge more interest.
I am scholar but that seems like the greatest ponzi scheme of all time. I try to keep a very open mind, which is one of the reasons I subscribe to this site. And I really really try not to adopt the sky is falling view.
But when you look at the landscape and see all of the massive bubbles, and then consider the insane derivatives positions of all the SIFI’s, it is honestly hard for me to envision anything but a repeat of 2008 x 10. Perhaps it is my ignorance and genuine lack of understanding of the world.
With the exception of one person I know, every person, from lawyer on down to street sweeper is doing worse despite all the talk about a “strengthening economy.”​
JC I really appreciate your work. Often I have to read it a few times to fully understand the material or what your position on something actually is.
That said, rather than some sort of transition, I think the greatest benefit to mankind would be if some alien race would come abduct all the central bankers and remove them from the planet.
There are others I am sure whose removal might also benefit mankind but I’d say the central bankers (who seem to do nothing more than promote war, poverty & stuffing their own pockets) would be a great start.
I generally don’t subscribe to “its somebody else’s fault.” I am where I am because of the choices I’ve made but its very hard (to) not  get frustrated when the more you read, the more you are convinced that the game is rigged.  Hope you and everyone else are well.
Fromawaysite:   Proceedings, December 5, 2012 – COMER
Dec 5, 2012 – on Wednesday, December 5, 2012 at 10:48 a.m. …. case, from the Federal Court of Appeal. 7 …. requires a trial with evidence and a factual. 5.
A fly in the ointment in Canada has now moved on to the stalling of the last motion by the Crown on Oct. 10 Th. 2015 in The Federal Court in Toronto. See COMER Web site for details on the most important court case in Canada, with little or no press coverage and information being undisclosed to the public.
The hand over of The Bank of Canada and the control of private banks of Canadian debt in 1974 against the Canadian Constitution and the BOC ACT. our new prime minister,s father was in charge at the time. IMF and BIS and the FED all involved.

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