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Monday, October 26, 2015

Shredd: Huge Proof Iraq's Economic Plan Is Not A Fail

[Shredd] a huge proof that iraq's economic plan is not a fail

[Shredd] a huge proof that the imf expects to be paid back and with a currency that is floating and interest rates that can react to the market too, they will be able to ride the economic waves

BondLady:  IMF: Iraq Will Return To The Market In 2016

Press direction / follow-up

Detection of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), on Wednesday, for planning to send teams in the near future for both Iraq and Jordan in an effort could pave the way for more aid,
and as pointed out that Iraq's economy is suffering from the consequences of falling oil prices as well as waging war against (Daash), stressed that Iraq will return to the market economy during the first half of next year.
The director of the Middle East Department and Central Asia for the International Monetary Fund Masood Ahmed said in a statement that 'the Fund is planning to send a team to Iraq next month to negotiate the implementation of financial monitoring,
which may help make way for more aid to the country's economy which was damaged as a result of falling oil prices and the cost of war program waged against al Daash '.
​Ahmed said, that 'at a time when Iraq program does not require emergency aid from the International Monetary Fund, it will help in creating a framework for the diagnosis and treatment challenges prominent influence on the economy',
noting that 'the plan will begin in 2016 and then possible to put the foundations upon which to base by Iraq to submit to IMF funding to implement the program at a later time of the year '.
He said Ahmed, that 'under discussion now, the program will help Iraq to receive aid from lenders among them the International Monetary Fund and reassure potential investors', adding that' it will pave the way for Iraq that is due to the market during the first half of next year to reap the Amul more to pay expenses'.
Within the economic growth indicators in Iraq, predicted the International Monetary Fund, that 'Iraq's economic growth rate recorded during the year by following a zero for the contraction in the country's economy during the year 2014 by 2.1%. "
 [tlm724] IMF planning to send teams in the near future for both Iraq and Jordan in an effort could pave the way for more aid,
[tlm724] stressed that Iraq will return to the market economy during the first half of next year.
[tlm724] well thats pretty specific
[tlm724] it will help in creating a framework for the diagnosis and treatment challenges prominent influence on the economy',
[tlm724] so the IMF has a lil plan plannned
[tlm724] that 'the plan will begin in 2016 and then possible to put the foundations upon which to base by Iraq to submit to IMF funding to implement the program at a later time of the year '
[tlm724] IMF will lend them money later after they get their sh.. together
[tlm724] the program will help Iraq to receive aid from lenders among them the International Monetary Fund and reassure potential investors',
[tlm724] it will pave the way for Iraq that is due to the market during the first half of next year
[tlm724] market economy is the goal and always has been !
Shredd:  Sorry for the late response to this but good news!
[Shredd] Interesting that the IMF is making such a strong statemtent but it makes sense too

​[Shredd] they are proping up iraq's economy with the loan and they also see the urgency of iraq coming to be a "market economy"
[Shredd] do you know what that means by definition?
[Shredd] a market-driven, free floating currency
[cat] its coming  
[Shredd] right cat
[RCS1947] yes sir!
[Shredd] and not that we needed it, but this is a huge piece of proof that a "lop" would never happen
[Shredd] a huge proof that iraq's economic plan is not a fail
[Shredd] a huge proof that the imf expects to be paid back and with a currency that is floating and interest rates that can react to the market too, they will be able to ride the economic waves
[Shredd] while instilling faith and confidence in their currency
[Shredd] makes sense with the investment law work too
[Shredd] the banking laws are a part of this too
[Shredd] I know it's been the sahara of hope in seeing the dinar gaining value but things are continuing to shape up
[RCS1947] progress for sure
[Shredd] banking law gives accounts holding dinar protection and also a window of time for locking in exchange rates
[Shredd] investment law giving protections to investors for managing risk while seeing a good roi
[Shredd] and a market economy that accurately reflects the true value of their currency based on supply and also demand but at the same time the goods and services
[Shredd] transparent to the global invesment world
[Shredd] this IMF loan proves to us that seeing a growth in the dinar value is a "WHEN" and not an "IF"
[Shredd] good news indeed!
This loan "will help in creating a framework for the diagnosis and treatment challenges prominent influence on the economy" so again, the purpose of this is to get Iraq to be a "market economy". We'll have to keep an eye on this for other translations and further articles.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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