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Thursday, October 1, 2015

More News, Rumors, and Opinions Late Thursday Afternoon 10-1-15


Great speech by PM Abadi....(See Article Below) .he doesn't come across as begging for help.....he speaks of "sustainable development" in a very positive light......the things to come in Iraq and in the world....we must be ready for them.....

He seeks cooperation with all nations of the world in combating terrorism....and at the same time his focal point is not purely and solely upon terrorism.....he spoke of environmental concerns, the protection of generations into the future, elimination of poverty and discrimination.....

Lofty topics for someone leading a country that some say is on the brink of extinction......let them think what they may.....we here at KTFA choose to follow the truth and know that a blessing is coming, not only for us but for all the world who continues to stay tuned in to all that is happening....
PM Abadi is a knowledgeable statesman who leads by example and walks with his people not aloof and above them.....I give this man great credit for what he is doing regarding the rebuilding of Iraq and his reform efforts.   Aloha  Randy

Walkingstick:   Speech of the republic of Iraq

Delivered by H°E. Dr. Haiÿ er A1-Abadi  Prime Minister of the Republic of Iraq

September 30ÿ 2015

Honorable President of the General Assembly
Excellency Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, UN Secretary General
Honorable heads of delegations
Respected Members of the General Assembly
Honorable attendants

The 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly is being held under world challenges on many scales, especially, fighting the terrorism of Da'esh. We in Iraq stand steadfast and patient alongside with good people to push the evil of the terrorists away from our country, the region and the world.

This happens while the international efforts continue to promote peace and security, deepen communication among people of the world, and attaining human development, of which, the UN has remarkably considered whether in health, education and living standards.

Since the UN development program launched the first human development report in 1990, countries of the world, including Iraq, started to look forward to achieve a frequent improvement in their human development levels. And, since the international human development has launched this report a quarter of a century ago, many achievements have been made to people in the light of making them a target and means of development.

In Iraq, and because of the wrong policies of Saddam's dictator regime, human development level has dropped after a series of wars ignited by
this regime in addition to the embargo and deprivation that came with the international sanctions. After changing the political regime and spreading a democratic environment in the country, and with the support of the related UN organizations and other international organizations, the development
conditions witnessed a relative improvement.

Our national institutions tried to reduce the gap in development after the third millennium declaration has been endorsed by the world leaders in the UN General Assembly's meeting of 2000 which specified certain goals and made the 2015 as the target year.

Ladies and gentlemen We achieved in Iraq a remarkable progress in dropping rates of mortality, raising the percentages of education, reducing gender gap
inequality, and improving the living standards. However, the evil will carried by the terrorist groups especially A1-Qaeda and Da'esh and the ones who followed them from the Ba'ath ex-regime have hindered the development movement and spread murder and destruction which targeted people, possessions and infrastructure.., their deep rooted wickedness did not distinguish between a child or an old man, or a woman. They terrified the peaceful populations in many areas of Iraq by displacement and ethnic cleansing, even those people who were alleged to be protected by them. Today the people of west and north of Iraq are either displaced mercilessly away from their homes, or are suffering in their cities and villages where the killers' claws are attacking them every

While we highly appreciate the support of the UN and the international community in our just war, and the hard efforts to stabilize the liberated
areas by our security forces, public mobilization and tribes , we look forward for an active contribution by the countries and organizations to
repair the infrastructure of these areas in addition to the reconstruction efforts.

Iraq, and in spite of all what happened, continues its democratic approach to promote respecting the constitution, peaceful transition of power, free expression of opinion, freedom of religion, eliminating ethnic and religious discrimination. We, while facing all these challenges, are considering the public demands in different areas, and the security forces are determined to protect the demonstrators and giving them freedom to express their demands. I personally tasked work teams to follow up all these demands, and meetings are being held with their representatives.

Ladies and Gentlemen.
Based on the government program we adopted in front of the Council of Representatives and in the light of an advanced vision of the supreme
Marja'iya which urges for reforms, and led by the inspiration of the people's demands during the last two months, we produced a political, economic, administrative, and financial package of reforms. And we started working on activating the private sector in our country. We also prepared the necessary finance to endorse small and medium, businesses in spite of the hard financial conditions in Iraq after the huge drop of oil prices.

The people respected and accepted these reforms with a transparent identification of their needs; this reform came as a support by the Supreme Marja'yia in Najjaf and other segments of the society. We are determined to continue in these reforms without neglecting our important role in managing the security and military operations to fight Da'esh. Here, I have to commend, in the name of the Iraqi people, the efforts of the international coalition and brotherly, friendly countries in this war, as providing more support especially in addressing the displaced persons and meeting their needs, and increasing military and
logistical support will make us closer to achieve final victory while spreading peace in all over the world.

Ladies and Gentlemen.
Iraq realized the importance of following up the formation of a new development document adopted by the UN after the third millennium declaration. The Iraqi experts and national institutions participated in the global efforts in our region to form a new declaration project. We celebrate this year launching this project "Sustainable Development Goals" The importance of this declaration is not limited to attain more development for humans but to make sure of keeping this condition, by promoting clean safe environment, protecting the rights of the next generations, spreading peace and security, eliminating poverty and discrimination, and improving the health and educational levels for children in addition to providing more freedoms.

The important items of "sustainable development" and the time schedule for reaching its goals in 2013 require us all to work hard in our countries
on one side, and promoting more cooperation between people of the world and their governments on the other one, to provide the UN an enough space for constructive movement which speed up achieving these targets and to exchange knowledge and practices within its programs throughout countries of the world. Iraq will be serious and enthusiastic to work and attain the "goals of sustainable development 2030".

However, we expect from all countries to adhere and implement UNSC resolutions (2170, 2178, and 2199) which are related to prohibiting the
support, finance and armament for terrorist groups, in addition to the resolution of the General Assembly 281 in 25/5/2015 related to saving
Iraqi heritage which will support building the country and achieve development.

The people and government of Iraq realize the importance of reaching out to the people and governments of the world, and contribute in the
efforts of promoting security in addition to communicating with countries of the region in a noninterference policy in order to guarantee the future for our generations.

Finally, I would like to thank and commend the efforts of peace for Iraq by the United Nations and other organizations and world leaders and
their representatives. We hope to meet next year under better conditions where all of our people witness more progress and peace.

Peace and Allah's Mercy be upon You
Dr. Haider A1-Abadi
Prime Minister of Iraq

Aggiedad77:  Well I had something typed up about this article and it just went "poof"......(See Article Below)   Andy did you do that....LOL.....this is a good thing....and incredible they pull this off in such a quiet fashion....

Remember TRADE is a vital blood line for any country and for these two, Kuwait and Iraq, to be opening doors with each other in this fashion is speaking so very LOUDLY......more of the good life to come.....they are setting up some very good measures to bring about great growth for the proper time. Aloha  Randy


Walkingstick:   Authentication trade cooperation between Iraq and Kuwait, the text of the Convention on behalf of the people

Author: Publisher on:October 1, 2015In: economy

Based on Maoqrh the House of Representatives and approved by the President of the Republic and based on the provisions of subsection (I) of Article (61) and item (iii) of Article 73 of the Constitution
Issued the following law:

No. () for the year 2015

The ratification of trade cooperation between the Convention on the Law

The Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the State of Kuwait
Article 1 of the Republic of Iraq to ratify an agreement on trade cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the State of Kuwait which was signed in Baghdad on 12/28/2014.

Article 2 of this law shall be the date of its publication in the Official Gazette

For the purpose of the development of trade relations between the Republic of Iraq and Kuwait, and safeguard the common interests and mutual benefits between them, and for the purpose of ratification of the trade cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the State of Kuwait Agreement
Initiated this law


Walkingstick October 1st, 2015, Abadi Returns to Baghdad


Independent) .. returned to Baghdad today, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi after attending the meetings of the General Assembly of the United Nations International Conference on the face of terrorism.

Information Office of the Prime Minister described the visit as "successful," adding that al-Abadi, a number of meetings with world leaders and international organizations.

Abdi was US President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi had met in addition to a number of heads of Arab and foreign delegations participating in the meeting of the General Assembly. (End)   Abadi
Dinar Updates:

Q: [I hope that they hurry up and get the reading of the 3 Pres. Act done!] 

BGG   The fact that is within 1 reading and no one really knew - IS HUGE NEWS...
They have apparently been working on it without anyone knowing. 

Once that is read and enforced - Maliki's goose is cooked. Officially.  the Law of 3 presidencies and the AML Law [Anti-Money Laundering] are both HUGE.



OffGrid:   2 reposts ---- 1) OffGrid wrote Forex dropped IQD down to 1104.9 at 7:10am eastern from the 1110.5 last night at 8:20pm eastern --------- they have not reset to 1166 yet this morning

2) OffGrid wrote Forex 'normally' resets to 1166 by 10am eastern ----------- Rayren closed OM early this morning -------------- maybe, just maybe ... today is the day (i reserve the right to withdraw this enthusiasm at a later time today)

Iko replied: Iko Ward wrote Well, Tonto, I believe our work here is done...

Iko ward:  "We have nothing to fear, but fear (What? You changed it? OK) We have nothing to fear, but the Rothchilds. (The crowd is silent, then someone yells out, "Who are the Rothchilds?). "That's why we must fear them."

 Iko...I know who they are...are they being diminished at all...or is that just rumor?

Iko Ward:  Hope, I'm afraid they will never be diminished. There will always be evil in the world.

  Scenario Question. Can anyone in the world stop a falling Piano being hoisted in a High Rise? Obviously NO once it begins the fall. Well the Dow is a Piano who is getting hoisted and the grip lets go and they pull it some so it goes up. There's a lot of tension on the rope and soon we shall see the Piano up close.

OffGrid:  elmer - markets are on a sliding slope right now… i think that piano is on its way down ;)


Mot: For all of you with teenagers or who had teenagers, you may want to know .... ((( another Truism !! )))
For all of you with teenagers or who had teenagers, you may want to know why they really have a lot in common with cats:

1. Neither teenagers nor cats turn their heads when you call them by name.

2. No matter what you do for them, it is not enough. Indeed, all humane efforts are barely adequate to compensate for the privilege of waiting on them hand and foot.

3. You rarely see a cat walking outside of the house with an adult human being, and it can be safely said that no teenager in his or her right mind wants to be seen in public with his or her parents
4. Cats and teenagers can lie on the living-room sofa for hours on end without moving, barely breathing.

5. Cats have nine lives. Teenagers carry on as if they did.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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