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Thursday, October 1, 2015

Comments On The Bretton Woods Origin Of The Cold War

 JC Collins Readers' Comments On The Bretton Woods Origin Of The Cold War  

Pedrofalls  -JC; Thanks for the absolutely fascinating peak into the high orbit of world finance. Long range memories and longer range plans. Such a deal.

Susan  Thank you for that.  Another interpretation of your thesis could be that the British Empire has now successfully used the US hegemony for its own long-term goals where it was necessary to remain in the shadows, and will now sweep it aside in one final putsch and become…

The Empire on which the sun never sets..

Also, I think geopolitical analysis needs to go back further than the ’40s. Like 1917, for example, and the Balfour Declaration.

But as ever, a thought-provoking piece. It doesn’t quite *resonate* as much as it should. Sorry.
Jcollins  Don’t be sorry Susan. What resonates with readers, or doesn’t resonate with readers, was not one of my objectives in writing the piece. As such, no need to apologize.

Jcollins  I do agree with your point though about going back further than the 1940’s, which is why I have previously gone all the way to the 1600’s and the creation of the first central bank.

Llstudent   Excellent post. Thank you.

Safenet   Perfect post J.C, thanks again.. Dollar has certainly been more helpful to establish a supranational order, gradualism is always the method for those using the British Empire mechanics.

Today SDR, or later bancor will be more willingly accepted than it would have been 70 years ago. Those with the brains are certainly getting the upper hand over those with the money bags; both of which serve the same masters.

It became apparent when City of London began to issue the first yuan denominated bond few years ago and position itself as a global center for yuan and Britain’s driving half of the world to AIIB, most of which were so-called traditional US allies.

Jenifer Lytle  Managing the Transition to a Healthier Global Economy

Address by Christine Lagarde, Managing Director, IMF

At “A Conversation with Christine Lagarde”

An event hosted by Council of the Americas

Washington, D.C., September 30, 2015

I just finished watching the live webcast of this speech. The above link takes you to the outline of said speech. It does not, however, include her referencing a couple times in the webcast the Bretton Woods formation and transition that is occurring in that formation in today’s multilateral structure quoting White and Keynes and stressing the need for multilateral inclusion going forward.

The following are quotes from her outlined speech regarding the 2010 reforms but more interesting was her answer from a Q&A afterword when asked about the lagging delay in US congress approving the reforms.

She says she will be meeting with the senate again today to stress the need for approval but has tried on many occasions to convince members of congress to no avail.

Questioner asked if this may be easier now since John Boehner is gone . . . she just said she will again stress to importance of getting this done ASAP. Questioner asked whether she thinks AIIB/BRICS is a back-up plan if congress does not approve and she said perhaps so.

“Therefore, the adoption of the 2010 Quota and Governance reforms is essential to reflect the dynamic changes taking place amongst our membership, and to ensure that the Fund has the resources that are needed to respond to our members’ needs – today and tomorrow. In fact, this is at the heart of the global financial safety net.

I continue to urge ratification by the U.S. Congress as quickly as possible.

It would be in line with the important role that the United States plays in the IMF – and it is, quite simply, indispensable if the world is to effectively manage the transitions that I have discussed with you here today”.

Keep up the good work JC you continue to be right on trend! I loved the article:) Thank you.

Jcollins  Thanks for providing that link Jenifer. All of this will become more and more obvious before long.

Dane  Man what an essay JC! You’ve expressed it very well. I’m sure the anonymous man who looked to be of Indian descent would be proud of your research and presentation. It’s so sad that our entire world had to pay the price over this trickery back in ’44.

“But we have all the brains.” I had a feeling :)

Thank you from deep down in my heart for your personal sacrifice to bring this information to us and smack us in the face with “the defining event of our time”. To say I was lost when I stumbled into POM is an understatement. Here I have found through your hard work and your commenters, that ever so elusive “piece of mind” and calmness that….well just is.

So I would like to take a moment to recognize you and your commenters for these gifts. Because if you wouldn’t have sat down and started POM almost 2 birthdays ago I surely would be a fearful, confused mess causing who knows what kinds of havoc in the world.  Once again thank you JC and POM.

Dane   Oops “fuzzy math” almost 3 birthdays ago :) Man time flies.

Jcollins  It most certainly does. We’ve come a long way since those first simple steps my friend.

Orendareview  JC,  Both the Gladio operations to discredit the communists and Antony C. Sutton’s work explaining how US corporations created the Soviet’s industrial base during the Cold War in an effort to create a kind of closed economic system unable to compete internationally are also an important piece of the post Bretton Woods puzzle. Insightful post. Thank you.

  Thats alot of Kool aid your pouring out JC!

Let’s say your little story has some merit and there is a counter organization against the British New World Order. It is hard to believe that the way “they” have been able to follow a game plan laid out years before to bring the world to the brink of financial disaster for the sake of a hostile takeover vs a counter organization of a more equal system sounds too unbelievable.

Conspiracy theories all seem to fall short by the fact there would have to be too much cooperation from all the little people to make such absurd events take place and keep the truth from being detected.

To think as complicated as this world situation is that a group can undermine the most ruthless psychopathic well funded organization in plain daylight is a utopian dreaming. This situation as you explain it will lead this planet straight towards war. Or did I miss something?

Jcollins   Yeah, apparently you missed the whole article. I never suggested there is a counter organization to what you are calling “the British New World Order”.

 There is that power which you refer to as “the British New World Order” which is solely manipulating things, including America, just as it always has.

This is the plan which Carroll Quigley defined in Tragedy and Hope. Your haste to take a stab at my “little story” has left you in an undesirable position my friend.

The language you use in your comments is confrontational and getting old. Add value, don’t subtract value. And if you’re going to play the devils advocate or disagree (which is just fine), than at least ensure you understand what you’re disagreeing with.

Speedspirit  Sorry. My stance remains what it is because something does not add up. And in my defense there needs to be an opposing force, for Ying there is yang. The laws of physics says it must be so.

If everything is pre planed then would you say Russia bombing ISIS is scripted and likely lead to bigger manuvers of war which by accounts of members of the elite means Kenya and Iran are future targets.

 And if that comes to fruition we are likely looking at population reduction worldwide “for the sake of nature and natural resources “.

I know you have said it’s not that you agree with what’s happening and you are just deciphering the information. I forget that sometimes.

Speedspirit  Feel free to delete my first comment I do not want to add negativity to the blog. I just want to understand to find this missing component that makes it all make sense.

Jcollins  If it’s okay I’d like to leave it, along with my own. I also apologize for my response to you. Upon further reflection, your original comment wasn’t that negative, and my response was also verging on adding negativity to the site. Let’s leave both our comments as a reminder to approach matters from a better place. Sorry brother, we’re all trying to be helpful. Sometimes I forget that as well.

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