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Thursday, October 1, 2015

Thursday News Summaries by Aggiedad77 at KTFA

aggiedad77 » October 1st, 2015, 11:06 am

Thursday News Summaries and Commentaries

Well the Iraqi news this morning is packed with some good stuff, and I'm expecting more to be coming our way as the day and weekend progresses.....

We stand on the doorstep of October and we are hoping for some really hefty kinds of effort from Parliament in these first few days of the month.....

May they be steady and strong in their efforts to push forward with some very key laws that can have a strong positive impact on the Iraqi economy and their reform efforts as assured they are moving at speeds we've not thought

We wait....we watch.....we pray for the best....for we know.....the BEST is yet to come.
United Nations declares full support for the reforms Abadi

UN announces its full support of PM Abadi reforms for Iraq....this come while Abadi has been in New York attending and speaking at UN meetings.

Parliament will vote on the Islamic Banking Act

Parliament voted in agreement on the Islamic Banking Act on Thursday.....this has to be their version of "fast track".......this moved through Parliament really fast.....IMO....there is something else behind this act.....why would they want or feel the need and urgency to pass this has to play well with their economic recovery efforts, with Abadi's reform efforts, and with the MR.....all that direction this must then be a very positive action on their part.

Urgent Parliament postpones vote to amend the Income Tax Act

In the same light, I don't see this postponement as a big issue as I don't see this act figuring greatly in the scheme of things just yet....yes it can have an impact upon the Iraqi citizens....but in time.

Parliamentary oil accused the government of delaying sending oil and gas law to Parliament

Just sounds like someone's attempt at their 15 minutes of media fame.....he said she said kind of rhetoric that really doesn't tell us too much at this point.....just get on with the plan.

Parliament prepares to pass the laws before adoption of the budget: revive the economy and treasury

The Finance Committee claims they are intent on passing laws before the budget is passed......keep a watchful eye upon these folks to make sure they once again don't over-step their boundaries......they talk a big game....but in the end they are a bag of hot air.....they want the Islamic Banking Law passed, they want the Civil Service Income Tax Law passed, they want the Insurance on Personal Liability Law passed......

They want to take credit for these efforts is what they are after.....they for their vote next week and into the week after that.....high speed for Iraq it sounds like.....good news if they can pull it off.
[Where] published the text of the Islamic Banking Act and prevents the interest and violation of law

The various Articles associated with the Islamic Banking Act that was passed by Parliament a side note.....the Finance Committee above said they would pass this law/act next week.....lightening speed it seems got it passed "this week" and that again is good to great news for out for the bullet train carrying LAWS.

Economy Committee discussed the Second Amendment to the Iraqi Investment Law No. (13) of 2006

From the sound of things, the wording to the Second Amendment of the Investment Law have been approved.....I'm taking this as a big step in the right direction for this law.....let's see this thing "fast tracked" too.....what say you Iraqi Parliament.

Going to take a break here Family......have a fantastic day.   Aloha     Randy

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