Don't WAIT!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

TopShelf From KTFA: "The Release of the Bonds are Key"

TOP SHELF :  Frank been a bit busy with some personal stuff. A little cherry found its way to me mins ago. It has to do with a topic that others (Delta) has referred too.

 As you know SS and Loans and Bonds are my area of my profession. Well I can confirm the loans is very important at this time and all of this year since last Sept.

It is very much a part of the Paris Club and other strategic partners of the coalition.

It has come to my attention some bonds and the value as the family knows I have a vested interest in, the raw goods in the ground(value). I am ready to fund my projects.

It is 1.2 B usd and we have confirmed it is and has been requested to be moved here to the USA and we do have to pass thru Three Letter Agencies.

Notice I said agencies. See most of DW (Dinar World) thinks UST only and that's not the case.

Clearances have been given and things are released thru the family. So many claim to know the family.  

Well the proof will be always in the funding. Frank you know first hand as you have seen it and now it is done and ready.

 It has never been about what people think I have to prove to anyone. It is about how to protect the process and to also know who is real and who is not,

I am careful to not refer about others any longer for it is not one agency that approves things let alone a bunch of people from one.

The guy in the office next to Jack doesn't always know what Jack is doing. It is ok and best kept that way. The PIF Foundation is about to blast off and to move things forward. Thank you my family and friends for all the help.

The release on the bonds are key and past the point that it will effect us and since we are the owners of it we don't have an NDA on this topic.
This is not about the DW. (Dinar World) It does however explain what is coming for DW.

Be blessed family and Delta, Frank and the family, bring this home with honor and stay positive. All the Paying it Forward will help many.

 DW will not be too far behind.

There is no secret hand shake, as too DW, as long as you hold on to your currencies. Please think about what your doing, don't let fear or others still your dreams, many so called leaders will hedge this next few weeks trying to time it. So they look like the Heros.

Don't be fooled because of their title, they are no better than you and you all know how to do things.

Hire a professional and please take your time. Settle debts thru your professionals, then set up the foundation of your enities, after that put money to work and pay taxes.

See you all believed waiting was hard. Well the hard part is not the exchange of  your currencies. It is doing things right after. Keep it real.

Pay it Forward Foundation will be around for generations to always honor the process that's unfolded.

Please take a deep breath and no matter what leader, member, or forum… thank them for the knowledge but it is you that have to apply it and make sure the prices fit together.

Good or bad or even indifferent they all shared knowledge. Now use it. Don't be fooled and don't be a fool. The hard part is hanging on to it and vetting what you do.

Peace out. Top Shelf

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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