Don't WAIT!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Tidbits From TNT Members Friday Afternoon


Blackjack7:  Ok guys something big just happened

My wm just made a special trip to my home to discuss what is happening…during the call

The rates are live and the reason he wanted to come see me is the walls have ears at the bank

Rates parallel what Tony and DC said on the call

G8way2k:  Fantastic....rates are step?

  He would not have made a special trip unless this is about to say I am excited is an understatement……I was literally shaking when I saw him LOL
Blackjack7:  He is heading back to the bank if the green light is there I am hittin the trail like a cowpatty

Offgrid:  I’m thinking like Iko ----------- announcement today after markets close and we at banks tomorrow

Rrrr: the stock market closes at 4PM EDT... let's see what happens then

Blackjack7:  do not call the banks… wait for them to call you just like Tony said… more people know


This is crazy...all my contacts in Iraq on twitter are going on and on how PROUD they are of Iraq!!!! They NEVER have done that before!!!

Iffy:   keep in mind what tony said throughout this journey: first mouse gets the trap, second mouse gets the cheese, and third mouse gets the chees factory.



Highlights From DC on Friday TNT CC via Adept1:

DC:  Hope everyone’s having a good day;  I sure am!  If you’re not happy, you should be. Live is very good, and otherwise it’s more of the same. For those who want details, preparations continue in Iraq with more lower denominations and fils being distributed and more training. 

A few more exchanges have gone on in-country to get ready for the new denominations and values.  In the  mosques today, they said “Please keep calm;  this is  coming and we want it to go through quickly. 

We are waiting for our abundance and the world is awaiting the financial strength of our country.”  I got something similar from another friend as well.  The summary is that they told them to get ready, keep calm, and be ready for this to go through at any time.

The world is awaiting this as well, with the proper stamina and improvement of the world economy.

Newspapers and television in Iraq are running that economic reform is closing ‘soonest’ with economic abundance coming soon.  There are loyalty checks or revenue sharing, the citizens’ share of the oil (HCL). 

The Middle East is similar to Alaska in that part of the revenue from the state oil revenue comes to you.  In Alaska they get a proportion of the revenue, and they are saying that in Iraq those will start in June or July, depending on the price of oil.

That takes time and oil flow in the country. That’s about the oil revenue, not the RV.  Parliament had good meetings to tighten up a few things that are not required but nice to have. They are not waiting on those at all, but they are just getting them done. 

Abadi has cancelled leave/vacation for Parliament so that they can get a lot of these done before Ramadan.  These laws are not for the RV, more about ISIL and other things that need to get finished after 4-5 years. 

The banks are prepped, the Interior and Finance Ministries, CBI, etc., have all been briefed and they are all happy with what’s going on.

DC:  IN the USA, they are still waiting on the agreed timelines. Everyone is on call, in place, locked down, very ready  for this thing to go. 

 A lot of bankers have been making early appointments.  A few calls are still “I’ll believe it when I see it”, and will call in people once it’s announced. Everyone else is expecting it to go through very quickly.

Caller:  What about these laws that keep popping up?

DC: Which laws are you referring to?

Caller:  I don’t look at them all because it seems like every day they are passing laws, but do they all have to be passed before the RV?  A lot of gurus seem to say that.

DC: The laws are on the agenda to be hammered out, and they are important.  They have needed to work them out for a long time, but they are not necessary to the RV.  However, Abadi is saying “Nobody is going anywhere until these laws are done.” That is keeping them motivated, and is great leadership, but they don’t need to be done prior to the RV.

Caller:  Have you seen the new currency and/or fils?  Can you post pictures?

DC:  Yes, we have seen them for years.  You can see them online.

Caller: Someone made a comment that prior to Kuwait revaluing, there was an IMF loan made to Kuwait.  What information do you have about that?  Is that connected?

DC:  Is history repeating itself?  Yes, it sets a precedent, but… they discussed that. The loan will definitely be used, but it’s not in the general coffers, it’s for a specific purpose. It doesn’t speed up M2 (the speed money turns over). 

 The economic reforms… the RV is really the start of the process, not the conclusion.  When the citizens start paying taxes, employing people, buying things, that starts the economy again.

The loan is for specific purposes, not to blow money on whatever we want to. A lot of us will have money and just go out and buy a car if we want to. That’s a different situation.  They have to follow the Budget and the rules.

Caller:  This loan is from the SDR;  any changes to those calculations?

DC:  The SDR is Special Drawing Rights based on a basket of currencies.  The SDR of a dollar is different from other currencies. It fluctuates depending on what’s going on and the value depends on the particular moment you are asking.  The value changes as the world currencies change.

Caller:  Surely that would have to be updated if there is a change in dinar value. That would be a key indicator.

DC:  You won’t see that until after the RV.

Caller:  Do you know what yesterday’s celebrations were about in Baghdad?

DC:  I don’t know which you were referring to. There were some celebrations but not about the RV.

860 caller:  Do you have the rates showing on the board right now?  And can we exchange here on Long Island?  [Appreciation]  See you in Vegas!

DC:  The current rates are: 

Dinar = $4.67

Dong = $2.27

Zim = .17 minus six zeroes

Rupiah = $1.08

There are a tremendous number of exchange centers on Long Island.

410 caller:  I picked up something that might not be true – at some point, Wells Fargo who continue to deny that they handle dinar, they have put out a memo that they would have the information, that they have changed their process and will now handle dinar.  Is that true? 

DC:  Memos did go out to certain people, not everyone, mainly the select WMs who were part of the new process.  The WMs then said, “Are you crazy?  So all these whacko people were right after all, that we are doing this??”

636 caller:  Austin, Austin, Austin – the BBQ is better down there than in Dallas!  When you were on the call months back, you said that there would be a subsequent basket, down the road, and we could make more on those currencies.  When?

DC:  We will not be able to say anything, and besides Tony and I are both tired.  It won’t be public, and it’s highly speculative.  They are not fond of six million people doing this, so I guess that it will be highly restrictive, and not for a long time. 

It will be 20-30 years, once history slows down and everyone has forgotten this.  Also it will be controlled in a different way.  I wouldn’t spend a lot of time worrying about it.

Caller:  What are your thoughts about donating to charitable foundations after the RV, and taking the tax deduction at the new valuation?  Or is that just out in left field?

DC:  That is what I’m doing!  I’m in left field with you!

202 caller:  The currency rates you just gave out, is that international/market/street rate?

DC:  Everything but the dong was the international rate;  the dong was the contract rate, I believe.  The street rate for the dong was .47 last I saw.

775 caller:  I have a question about the rate for the dong, which is all I have invested.  DC, in the past there was mention of $2.27, and even up to $4 for the dong. 

DC:  There is a probability of it being higher, but the ordinary rates are pretty darn good.  You can always ask for higher;  all they can say is No, and they might say Yes. 

303 caller:  Are there any traps we need to watch out for at the banks?

DC:  The biggest deal we know of is to use the word EXCHANGE;  that is super-important.  Otherwise, just look respectful. Some banks only offer contract rates to the people they want to do business with. A lot of the people in the exchange process do NOT have dinar and may be annoyed about that, so be respectful.

Tony:  DC, our window is still open, but what percent do you  believe in that window?

DC:  If feel in the 90 percentile, because our sources are humbling.  These are the people doing it, and that is what they say, so it’s pretty to see what they said together with the actions by bankers and world leaders. So it’s not just what they have told us but the actions following it, that’s why I’m so excited.

503 caller:  I’m the one who was ready to turn in rupiah two weeks ago.  I haven’t!  I live in the capital city of our state where there is a huge WF branch and a loan center. Will the exchange be at one or both, do you think?

DC:  Most the exchange centers are not at public branches because of security issues.

Caller:  I’ve been going into the downtown branch to build rapport, and then I realized it might not help any.  I heard the rates;  do you think rupiah will also go up in 2-3 weeks? And what about the dong?

DC:  I don’t know much about the rupiah;  it seems pretty stable.  I’m happy with the dong rate;  you’re making a tremendous sum at that rate, so don’t do anything stupid.  I don’t see the dong going up much more. 

I’ve been meaning to say for a while that Pam and I were talking a little while ago, some choices she was making about possible reserves, and I passed on a piece of advice someone gave me when I was starting out in business.  She was thinking about if she should invest more money now and then have an issue later when needing money later. You have to make your decisions now.  Remember Willy Nelson sold the rights to his most famous song for $50, and it went on to make millions.  He needed $50 more then than 100 million in the future.  You have to make your decisions now.

He also said, that when his lawyer told him he owed the government 23 million dollars, “Ain’t that like the government – they let a guitar picker get into them for 23 million!”
562 caller:  [Appreciation]  It doesn’t seem important what codes we use, right, like IQD vs IQN?  It’s just important that we say ‘exchange’?

DC: It should be fine if you say dinar or dong, so long as it’s an exchange.

541:  It’s beautiful here in southern Oregon.  You talked about the graduated payouts for larger dinar holders.  What if you have a large amount of reserves with a dealer?  How will that work?

DC:  The reserves at some of the dealers – and you can do the research to figure out which they are – have the actual notes in their vaults and can physically give you the dinar if you choose. They can also turn it in to the UST and have liquidity there. Some also have options or insurance on their dinar.  Those doing insurance will have problems, because how will you go after some dealer in Dubai? We have raised this issue in the past so you know who you do business with.

All the banks will have liquidity problems, with the dealers AND in the banks.  The simple fact is that you have an enormous amount of assets, and it may take a while to get the cash to exchange for your dinar, no matter where it is.  It takes a while to turn over that amount of cash that quickly.

Caller:  The biggest company does layaways and that is a big question.

DC: There are four dealers who have the actual currency in their vaults and can give it to you. The others don’t have the cash, and you will have to wait for them to send it to you.  There are exchange locations in southern Oregon, such as Medford.  I remember an exchange location in Redding, too.

DC:  Hope everyone has a great evening and weekend. Things still look phenomenally good, and if it continues on this path, we’ll be done.  We are happy to do the 15-minute call, and any other way we can help the process.  We pray that this is it!

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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