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Thursday, May 7, 2015

Thursday News Summaries by Aggiedad77 at KTFA

aggiedad77 » May 7th, 2015, 9:37 am 

Thursday News Summaries and Commentaries

Cabinet: conversion ration card to the "smart"

Starting next month in June a smart card could be coming to least those who live in the Najaf looking for their distribution as you may very well be part of a pilot program thru the Ministry of Communication.

Abadi: we are committed to ensuring all provinces share

PM Abadi was quoted today while speaking with the VP of the House of Representatives of Syria that all of Iraq would be sharing in the financial budget of Iraq....that the Peshmerga are to be considered a part of the Iraqi security system..
He pointed to the executive and legislative branches of government providing viable laws that serve the citizens while the Iraqi Security Forces which includes the army, police, popular crowd, Peshmerga, and the Sunni tribesmen have been successful in their battles against DAASH within Iraq.....

He also stressed a continued effort of cooperation and unity between the Baghdad government and that of the Kurdistan.

Abdul-Mahdi, the Jordanian Minister of Energy and reach a final agreement on the draft Iraqi oil pipeline Jordan

The Iraqi and Jordanian Energy Ministers put the final touches on an agreement to run a pipeline between Basra in Iraq and the city of Aqaba in Jordan will provide another export avenue for Iraqi crude oil in the near future....providing continued energy support between the two neighbors.

Parliamentary Finance staff fears dissipated .. liquidity sufficient to payment of salaries

Economic breakthrough appears imminent according to at least one member of the Economy and Investment Committee in Parliament based on rising oil prices and the overall fight against a result they believe that employee monthly salaries are not in is believed that within the next "phase" or coming weeks oil will continue its price just over 3 million barrels per day for April the oil exports for the month were the highest seen this year....bringing in over $4 billion dollars....this is with April pricing around $51.70 on the average.

Parliamentary Commission of Economy confirms Cancel to delete the zeros and replace it with the currency of 50 thousand dinars category

Keep in mind this is NOT the CBI talking here again Family.....but someone from the Economy and Investment Committee that is claiming the 50k notes will be printed in lieu of deleting the 000's.....I just don't find any basis for this kind of action on Iraq's part at this time other than to cause confusion with this makes no sense at all when the CBI has been talking at least since 2012 of the 000's removal....and as late as March they were given the green light to do so.

CBI warns of annexation of the country to the list of countries with lax money laundering

The CBI warns Iraq that they must continue to monitor and provide laws against money laundering of currency and smuggling of currency from the country otherwise they risk being placed on a black list of countries who are having issues with money laundering activities on a world-wide basis......

I see this as a warning....a strong warning to street dealers....we are coming to get you...we are coming to take you close up your suitcases, fold up your collapsible table legs and run for your life and take your illegal operations somewhere are no longer welcome in Iraq.....the same can be said for the crooked and corrupt with you or off with your head...the choice is yours.....Iraq is getting serious about how the world perceives its it tries to ride a wave to success.

MPs call for questioning Zebari to impose customs tariffs on the south ports only

More than 70 Parliament members signed a petition that would at least temporarily halt the collection of customs tariffs and they call for the questioning of Finance Minister Zebari on claims that not all ports are enforcing the same level of tariffs....Zebari is a Kurd so is he believed to be cutting slack to the Kurds up north.....this battle isn't over yet.

Conscious / Work: Workers pay of creditors of the smart card for the months of March and April holders today

It would appear that retirees and those on social security who hold smart cards are being paid today for the months of March and April.

Abadi cost-Jaafari visited Iran secretly to complain about the actions of the direction of al-Maliki government

PM Abadi and the Foreign Minister Jaafari apparently took a secret trip to Iran to talk to high level officials there about the abuses from the Maliki government.....they were told that the Iranian security forces that had been in Iraq had been pulled away after word from their Supreme Leader.....Abadi and Jaafari spoke with regards to quell any attempt by the Iranians to back a Maliki attempt at taking over the government....I'm guessing this wasn't seen as a social call.

Parliament will vote on the law of customs tariff

In the Parliament session today they voted in principle for the customs tariff law....I'm assuming they voted in favor of it will be implemented remains to be seen......they also voted in principle to solve problems associated with self-funded mention yet of voting on the Federal Court Act or the National Guard Act.

Najib likely to attach to the budget table 13 trillion dinars, with high oil prices

From the Economy and Investment Committee comes good news....announcing the return of oil prices for Iraq to over $ least $4 higher than that established in the budget for this year.....there is a misprint in this article about Brent Crude pricing it should read $68 nor $86...the slight of a hand can cause interesting results.
World Bank: Iraq will exceed its financial crisis

More talk of the loan from the World Bank Group that is earmarked to help with regard to reconstruction and restarting of services in areas newly liberated from the clutches of DAASH...this loan will be repaid in 35 years at an interest of 1.5%....the WBG believes that Iraq will weather this crisis and will come out of it stronger....the loan can be expected by July.

Parliamentary Integrity declares its readiness to receive information about corruption cases and "keeping the identity of the source."

The Integrity Commission has declared its readiness to receive information concerning cases of corruption on both administrative and financial fronts while keeping the identity of those who have information as confidential.

Parliament voted in principle to postpone the application of the customs tariff law

Ok, so this clears up a bit of muddy water from Parliament today....yes they voted on the customs tariffs law today....but what they did was to vote to postpone any application of the law....until some later time.

Parliament lifted its 19th of this month to discuss the National Guard Law

Parliament decided today to move the vote on the National Guard Law to their next session.....what happened to the Federal Court Law that was to be voted upon today as well?

Good Morning Frank.....up early are we for a lunch with Dad.....or just getting smart to the constant reduction in the size of the cookie mountain each day when you get up....yep it's tough reading these articles and "brain food" is needed to work through them....munch...munch.....but oh they are so good....thanks for sharing bro.  Aloha Randy

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