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Sunday, May 3, 2015

Sunday News Summaries by Aggiedad77 at KTFA

aggiedad77 » May 3rd, 2015, 4:58 pm  

Sunday News Summaries and Commentaries

There has been a vast amount of news articles being posted this day and the last several days....what to to stay guys are doing a great job...keep it all coming.

National Reform: Parliament hosts Zebari, on the lifting of customs tariffs

It would appear that Parliament is wanting Finance Minister Zebari to come to Parliament and talk about the customs tariff and bring them up to date on where things stand with it....One after another provincial government is voting down participation in the effort to collect these tariffs at this time....there will be more news on this later in the summaries I've already seen.
High-ranking delegation from the World Bank to Baghdad to meet the budget deficit

A World Bank Group delegation will be meeting in Baghdad on Friday this week to discuss strategy on how the WBG can provide assistance in dealing with the budget deficit that has been largely caused in 2015 by the massive drop in oil prices as well as the great sums of money that are being consumed by the war on terrorism....

The WBG is largely an entity that helps struggling countries through humanitarian efforts with loans and supplies as the needs are identified....I would not be surprised that this meeting will discuss how their efforts to help with the deficit can be tied to these parameters at the same time.

Albraism commends the invitation of Prime Minister World Bank to deal with the province of Basra

A member of the National Alliance coalition is applauding PM Abadi's efforts to bring the World Bank into Iraq to work with the provinces and specifically with Basra regarding reconstruction efforts as well as improving the Iraqi economy.

The parliamentary economy: the role of central markets will contribute to the advancement of economic reality

The Economy and Investment Committee in Parliament is pointing to the Investment Law and talking about how it will contribute to the advancement of the Iraqi economy once it has been voted upon and passed through will provide a great stimulus for investment growth within Iraq from all sectors.

Prime minister: the completion of 27% of the government program

Eight to nine months into PM Abadi's government are showing good efforts on the part of his government....27% completion of what was laid out as part of the government plan from their beginning....not a bad the coming session with Parliament look to see the completion of important laws that pertain to oil and gas, investments, amnesty, distribution of wealth and resources, along with steps that will continue to focus on the revitalization of the private sector.....great things happening and great things yet to come....the BEST is yet to come.

United Nations declares its position on arming the Peshmerga

The UN has provided it's opinion on the arming of various independent parts of Iraq and says that it would be dissatisfied to see this happen if the US decides to go this route...they base their opinion on human rights issues....thinking that any militarization should be taken through proper channels in Baghdad.

Jubouri: the draft federal law the Supreme Court is now ready for a vote

Parliament Speaker Jubouri believes the draft of the Federal High Court Act is now ready for a vote by Parliament...he will be choosing the appropriate time to bring this before Parliament for a vote.

Police officers and members of the Department of Anbar internal appeal launched two months ago overdue salaries

From Anbar police forces comes requests for overdue salaries....some are stating they have not been paid since last August....these requests are being focused towards the Ministry of Interior at this point.

No confirmation of the presence of al-Maliki before a committee of Mosul .. despite his call to testify in Spyker file

Although there has been a request for Maliki to appear before a committee investigating the Spyker Camp massacre it has not yet been confirmed that he will be called in front of the investigating committee probing the circumstances around the fall of Mosul last June....sounds like they have 5 other high level officials yet to interview this week and the committee decision will depend on the information gleaned from these 5 as to whether or not they call upon Maliki to stand before the committee and answer questions....either way does not assure his innocence or guilt at this point.

Commission decides to call the fall of Mosul, al-Maliki to parliament today

So the Committee investigating the fall of Mosul will put it to a vote today whether they call Maliki to testify or not....wonder how this will go.

Attorney-Maliki: No separation of state law for the Dawa Party

Some Maliki supporters believe he will be around in 2 years to be involved in provincial and parliamentary elections.....time will tell....I suspect they may need to find a new leader shortly.

Deputy Abadi calls for an amnesty for those who joined for " Daash "after the fall of Mosul

I suspect that PM Abadi is attempting to provide one last out for those Iraqi's who joined the ranks of DAASH after they took over areas of Iraq....offering them amnesty to walk away from DAASH today.....this would further deplete the ranks of the terrorist group if many take him up on this offer....probably a take it today kind of offer.

Houston Basra and the US are preparing today for the signing of a multi-axes twinning agreement

Houston and Basra, two oil meccas of the world....talking with each other to work towards an agreement that brings them closer together than ever with regard to their oil and gas interests as well as with education, health, and general municipality efforts....cooperative efforts to help each other.

Parliament starts discussing the report on the work of the Parliamentary Integrity

Parliament is geared up to start hearing from the Integrity Commission and their efforts made thus far as a result of their investigations.

Council Anbar: American quality arms shipment arrived in Baghdad

Just a note here...this article is NOT talking about any arms the US Congress has voted to send specifically to Sunnis in the Anbar province....these weapons were sent to Baghdad for distribution according to how Baghdad wants them divided up.....

Anbar meanwhile is sure wanting all able-bodied citizens to step up and volunteer to take action against DAASH terrorists and accept any weapons offered to them by the US or others to help push the terrorists from the province....they state they do not want outsiders performing any security work in the province.....liberating Mosul is one thing....

I am predicting that Anbar may be a powder keg that will need delicate handling to be successful yet.

Abadi: Daash in steady decline and a growing weakness

PM Abadi spoke today about DAASH and claims his sources tell him that DAASH is weakening and in a steady state of decline....he made these claims while speaking with Canadian Prime Minister Harper.

Private banks critical of its own law and the government are given: will be amended

The directors of private banks are being vocal about the laws that cover them today saying they are not effective and are in need of amendments to them.....meanwhile the government seems to be hearing their voices and stating that existing banking laws need to be and will be amended at the earliest opportunity...private banks need to be fully as capable as public sector banks in meeting the needs of their clients both large and small....this is all encouraging to the banking industry in general...good things to come....urgently they say.

Economic Adviser: decline in GDP by about 15% and the government is looking for alternatives

Since last June the Iraqi GDP has fallen 15% largely due to the falling oil prices....but what country hasn't suffered.....the Ministry of Planning points to a rising GDP though in coming years.....upwards of 14%....incredible growth if they can indeed pull this off.....I am sure they need oil prices to cooperate to get to these levels but they are working feverishly to try and stimulate growth in other parts of their industrial economy as well....taking the weight off the oil industry to some extent.

My chest leading calls for the formation of "guard" proactive step even without parliamentary legislation .. like the "crowd"

Heads up Family....we know from recent CC's that PM Abadi was told while in Washington to go home and get "some things accomplished"....could part of that have been more positive steps towards national reconciliation.....that would involved the Kurds and the Sunnis in a big way with the Shiites that Abadi is a part of......

The US Congress may have conveyed the message....make this reconciliation happen and do so by providing arms to the Sunni tribesmen and the Peshmerga or we will do it ourselves.....make this happen and who knows what was promised to him.....maybe that M would "go away" as a problem to Iraq and specifically to Abad and Dr. S.....just supposition on my part....but this is definitely an area where he needs to put forth some greater effort.

The Washington Times: The Pentagon refuses to set a date for delivery of the F16 .. and Iraq may get only a few planes

Again, as with above, more diplomatic pressure being exerted upon PM Abadi and his government to make some things happen in order to get weapons that they have asked for....nothing is free any more.....what price is Iraq willing to pay to insure their full release from the garbage being served to them by the DAASH terrorists.....reconciliation efforts need to be given a full green light and totally supported and backed by all levels of the government at this point.

Bayati warns of putting the country on the blacklist of money laundering

At least one financial expert within Iraq is saying that the government must move carefully or risk having Iraq put on a black list because of money-laundering efforts of certain laundering cannot be allowed to go unchecked it must be dealt with through strict and stiff laws....all levels of government and the CBI must be watchful for anything that can be construed to be money laundering efforts.

Rafidain Bank announces its continuation issuing smart card for displaced people to receive their monthly salary

The Rafidain Bank must have seen some positive results from using the smart cards to pay displaced citizens their salary....they are saying they will continue with this must have been positive.

Iraqi Minister of Oil meets with Head of Russian Oil and Gas to discuss future business developments

Recent meetings between the Ministry of Oil and Russian Oil execs show that Iraq is trying to do all it can to remove obstacles that may be in the way of the Russians in getting their job done...Iraq is eager to see production rates increase and is willing to do all it can to help Russian and other foreign oil companies be more successful in their endeavors to this end.

A delegation from the World Bank plans to visit Iraq to agree on the financing of the stalled projects

The World Bank Group is sending a delegation to Iraq to look at how it can fund stalled projects.....from what we see and read they are looking at these projects in a way that will also provide financial support that will deal with their budget deficit at the same time.....killing two birds with one stone....or in this case maybe multiple birds with one stone.

Trade announces roadmap to discuss the work of the private sector, the Department of Law

Creating a road map to stimulate the private sector...a meeting to be held on May 5.....brainstorming ideas on how to help the private sector grow.

High Nassif raise a lawsuit against the Minister of Defense for defamation

Oh please....find something else to take up time in the court system....State of Law member to file a suit against the current Defense Minister for defamation and media miscarriage....against this State of Law individual.....oh waaahhhh....sorry but Maliki's henchmen must be getting nervous for some reason.
Economists call for reconsideration of the banking sector to activate the Iraqi economy and attract investment

Economists struggle with differences between the banking sectors private and public as well as with the CBI saying the banking sector needs to get its act together in order to help bring improvements to the economy and also provide attractions for investors to want to walk into Iraq with their doubt there needs to be a unified effort on all banking levels to ensure consistency with Iraqi banking transactions as well as a minimized effort of red tape associated with investments....I believe both of these areas are being addressed in one way or another through Parliament committee actions and laws right now.

Araji: We voted to reject the decision of the Congress, despite the withdrawal of forces and Kurdistan

Baghdad Parliament votes against any favoritism from the US government towards the Kurds and Sunnis with regards to arming them separately rather than through Baghdad....the Kurds walked out....the Sunnis denounced the session of Parliament.....this is being seen as a meddling from the US that is not wanted at least at the state level within Baghdad....the Kurds and Sunnis on the other hand welcome any future action by the US to provide them with better equipment and more of it.

Abadi, a Biden rejected interference in the internal affairs of Iraq

Via a telephone conversation PM Abadi told VP Biden we don't want you or Congress to meddle in our politics....saying that Iraq rejects any attempt by the US to arm the Kurds or Sunnis separately....saying that such efforts should go through the central government.

Parliamentary agreement to vote on the final accounts of the previous budgets in the form of resolutions

Make note that the years 2005 and 2006 have been finalized....the other years after that....years that Maliki walked in and took control....have yet to be addressed....suspecting that some close scrutiny will be called for to approve those other years.....could probably use a few cases of Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to sanitize things.

Maliki discuss with Mauritanian ambassador open horizons of cooperation between the two countries

Just want to raise one question here...ok, maybe two....who has ever heard of Mauritania before today.....and does anyone wonder where Maliki's importance stands if this is the type of work he has been relegated to......lack of trust I would think.

Ok Family, I am no where near finished with the news today....but I've got some honey-do's that need my attention....what a day for's all good I believe....very good.

Aloha    Randy

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