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Saturday, May 2, 2015

Saturday News Summaries by Aggiedad77 at KTFA

Aggiedad77 » May 2nd, 2015, 10:07 am  •  

Saturday News Summaries and Commentaries

British, Ukrainian and Korean companies seeking to invest in Diwaniya

Diwaniya province may be getting some investors to enter their realm in the near future, it seems that British, Ukrainian, and Korean companies could be doing more than just looking for opportunities....

They each may provide investment money for mostly humanitarian efforts associated with local needs in this area of Iraq....water, medicine, food, waste recycling could all be improved and these companies from their respective countries can bring in the expertise and funds to bring about change.
Abdul-Mahdi: attract investment and modern technology live up oil industry

The Oil Minister has identified at least one Korean investor that may be capable of providing necessary funding to Iraq to bring about needed improvements in their oil and gas structure....many oil and gas companies have entered Iraq to drill for oil or to "rework" existing fields with new technology....

But we've heard little of any work being done with their surface equipment which we know to be outdated and sadly in need of renovation to be brought up to modern technological standards....perhaps the Koreans will provide some of the necessary funding to make some of that improvement in the oil and gas industry within Iraq in the near future.

Abadi Merkel: We have understandings with the Kurdistan region for the Liberation of Mosul

We saw where PM Abadi has been invited to attend a conference in Germany of 7 countries all concerned about terrorism and all very interested in how Iraq is approaching the DAASH threat within their country......we see continued talks between Abadi and the German Chancellor with him explaining that understandings between Baghdad and the Kurds exist on how Mosul, the second largest city in Iraq, will be liberated.....

Reading between the lines.....central government and the Iraqi Security Forces in conjunction with the Kurd Peshmerga forces have a plan that will bring about the liberation of Mosul....a unified effort which is not causing alarm at this point....but is being orchestrated for the appropriate time....and in the meantime Iraq is working on Anbar and seeing that DAASH threats are removed from there before they make the final push into Mosul.

Joint Task Force announces the implementation of the 18 strike against "Daash"

The International Coalition of forces continue their air strikes on targets in both Iraq and Syria that are identified as DAASH strongholds and combat units.....they are having the desired affect against such units and in some cases they simply disappear....there one second...then "poof"....gone the next.

Committee in Congress passed a draft supply Iraq with weapons

So the US House Armed Services Committee has passed a draft of a law that would supply certain groups within Iraq with weapons.....mainly the Kurds and more details come out about this piece of work...which by the way is still being opposed in Baghdad.....there are conditions applied to it....only 25% of the funding would initially go to the Peshmerga and Sunnis....

The remaining 75% would be contingent upon the furthering of the national reconciliation efforts by Iraq if this proves positive that remaining 75% goes to the Iraqi Defense Ministry....if they don't move forward with the reconciliation efforts then 60% would go again to the Kurds and Sunnis...and interesting way to tie their hands.

Anbar renewed its demand for the launch of the province's budget relief to the displaced and displaced

The Anbar province government is waking up and demanding its portion of the budget to be used in humanitarian efforts for those who have been displaced....they also expressed the need to continue funding the Sunni tribesmen who are fighting DAASH at the present time.

Iran, Iraqi Kurdistan keen to boost trade exchanges

Iran Kurdistan area is eager to start trade with the Iraq Kurdistan region again.....much of their former trade had been severed due to areas overtaken by DAASH terrorists in the last year....both sides have been meeting with their counterparts and believe a restart of their trade could be imminent.

Maliki calls for workers to build what was destroyed Daash

A wolf in hospital gown is still a wolf....or a snake...even as he tries to show his support to Iraqi workers on May 1, International Worker's Holiday, he says in a statement that he is supportive of the reconstruction process for areas that were destroyed by DAASH....oh right sure you betcha....somehow I don't see the citizens rallying with Maliki on this effort of his.

Hakim calls attention to the industrial reality and provide social security for workers

More accolades from Iraqi leadership regarding the International Worker's Holiday, May 1.....calling for social security for Iraqi workers that would in turn contribute to the further development of Iraq's economy.

Abadi congratulated Labor Day: We have plans to revive factories and rely on labor

PM Abadi being supportive of the May 1, International Worker's Holiday to announce intentions of restarting Iraqi factories and of course relying heavily upon the Iraqi work force to get these factories back on their feet again.....they continue to look for investors who express a willingness to work with Iraq in turning their economy turning their internal manufacturing interests around and helping Iraq grow towards self-sufficiency again.

Abadi adviser: Commercial chaos hampers economic development

A well known fact that Iraq possesses much of what it needs for its agricultural and general industry to be a successful and viable part of the Iraqi economy....they just need to be given the opportunity to grow and to do that some imports must be limited in order that Iraqi businesses can grow and become profitable.....

Dr. Saleh points to the fact that while in the most recent years oil has certainly been the revenue generator for Iraq....this does not have to be the case....given the appropriate attention to other industries they can grow and become equals to oil revenues....the long run of high oil prices though has made Iraq lazy in many respects and now they must face facts and stimulate a regrowth of other industries back to pre-2003 conditions for them....

The problem is that much of Iraq has tasted the easy money that often comes with the oil industry and have grown to expect is up to the government to make the right sales pitch to cause a renaissance of these other them do this.

Parliamentary Finance Amol rest assured that there is sufficient cover the salaries of employees and retirees

One says we need to cut salaries, another says no we have enough money in the till to cover salaries....who do you believe.....or maybe we should just sit and wait and see what transpires....and if we have to they claim....we will just pluck money from the tree of lending.

Barzani leave for Washington this afternoon

They must have gotten the terrorist label on the Kurds all cleared up....remember that from last year when they were going to visit Washington then all bets were called off because their names still showed up on some terrorist watch list.....President Barzani whisks off to Washington this issues should be a hot item...but perhaps independence is an even hotter point for talking.....and general all around support for the Kurd efforts.

Criticism over the provinces rejected the application of the tariff

The provinces are up in arms about the proposed customs tariff, they know it will bring money to least at the central government level.....but it will hurt their local vendors and the citizens due to the price increases that will follow from the importers to cover their cost of paying the doubt any time such a change is attempted it will not be well received at the street level where the rubber meets the road.....citizens will bear the brunt of this kind of tariff and right now the Iraqi citizens do not have the funds to spare for any price increases of any commodities....figure out another way....and if you must....apply this for all border crossings equally.

Parliamentary Finance: the Iraqi economy was fine and able to repay the international loan

The borrowing from the IMF is considered a normal effort on Iraq's part at this time....they are getting both an emergency load as well as medium and long term loans.....low interest rates....and a payback over 4 years....nothing out of the ordinary for Iraq in this case and they have the funds to make the meantime they continue to seek ways to bridge the deficit of $25 billion dollars....perhaps internal loans and continued increases in oil production/exports in the coming months.
Commission decides to call the fall of Mosul, al-Maliki to parliament today

First keep in mind this is Iraq.....just because they decide today to call Maliki to testify about the fall of Mosul does not mean he will be present just means he will be scheduled at some point in the near future.....I say that because the investigative commission has said it will have a preliminary report out soon with a week or so....this means Maliki needs to appear quite soon I would think.....also we have not had any updates on his condition or where he is even located since he went in the hospital earlier in the week.

World Bank is providing two loans to support Iraq

The World Bank Group is offering 2 loans to mention of amounts...but they are to be repaid in a 35 year time period at an interest rate of 1.5 %.....great news for Iraq.....sounds like one loan will be used to support their budget while the other will be for humanitarian efforts associated with areas liberated from DAASH and for displaced citizens in need.

Attorney-Maliki: No separation of state law for the Dawa Party

No Maliki is not yet out of commission....or is this just huff and smoke on his party's part to show their waning support for a former leader who is on his way out....after all it would be difficult to win an election in two years from a jail cell....time will tell what lies ahead with his future aspirations.

Baghdad Secretariat shall transmit a group of corrupt contracts Integrity

The Baghdad Secretariat has given up a group of contracts they believe to be corrupt....they have handed them over to the Integrity Commission for further investigation......hey Finance Committee....take note...when you have suspicions this is what you do.....give the alleged problems to the ones who are trained to get to the bottom of and learn.....the Secretariat is attempting to be as cooperative as possible.

Cookie and Coffee break.....dibs on the bathroom first though......have a beautiful day this Saturday Family.   Aloha   Randy

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