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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

News, Rumors, and Humor in Dinarland Wednesday Afternoon


walkongstick :US Republicans pass $3.8 trillion 2016 budget
AFP By Michael Mathes11 hours ago

:  WHAT??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHAT THE ??????????????????


My My ....... First some GOI guy pulls a China Syndrome last week with his NO WAY CBI on lifting the 000. Then we see USA pull a BILL CLINTON ........ SURPRISE ....... Look what I just did with the budget/deficit act.


KTFA FAMILY .......... After Your Xxxxxxx  CC tonight ........ i wish to tell You something that happened to my broker last night.

It WILL require our ........... It will not be long i promise. Only via Live Stream.

C U on CC at 8 pm est tonight.....

KTFA   Frank........ What Foreign Reserves?..... What?



Awake-in 3D:  May 6, 2015 Another "no news" day... Except that GOI postponed voting on their Supreme Court Law again - the law dealing with Articles 46 and 50 of the 2015 Budget Law. Why?

Because GOI can't do much (except stall) until they're allowed to RV. Hence, following day-to-day Iraq news is nothing more than a passing interest... Like watching CSPAN all day. LOL

Also, I did hear that something "in our favor" is going on at UST. Hopefully it's the release of the PPP (Private Placement Programs) funds, which kicks this whole event off for us. :)


Martman: > Awake-in-3D Let's hope so. More dominos are falling and soon they will all fall.


Dr. Mark 
May 6, 2015 at 12:03pm

Looks like they are serious about getting things done...fining those who don't attend!!

Parliament Speaker vows absent from today's meeting strict penalties


Revealed the parliamentary legal committee member Slim Shawki, Wednesday, that the President of the House of Representatives vowed member absent from the parliament session scheduled for today also it recommended doubling the absence not grant any license for the council members to attend the meeting and vote on the Federal Court Act.

Shawki said in a press statement, said that "the parliament speaker Salim al-Jubouri met, on Tuesday, with the heads of parliamentary blocs in the presence of members of the Legal Committee, was discussed during the meeting of the Federal Court Act the entire material." "It has been agreed and the settlement of the points that were an obstacle to the adoption of this law, after reading the first reading and again in the last period, with the Kurdistan Alliance and the Union of Forces".

He said Shawki that "the President of the House of Representatives approved after resolving differences on the issue for discussion at today's meeting in order to vote on it," explaining that "al-Jubouri vowed parliament members who were absent from the meeting also recommended doubling the absence not to grant any vacation" SOURCE 


Guesses to Exogens Picture Clues:

KayKay   Exo's clues in my best guesstimation:

The delay has been due to the US.

A detour to circumvent the SWIFT system has been constructed.

The US has been penalized by the BRICS & AIIB.

*What sort of penalty?, I ask. Is it arresting the crooks controlling all the money, or is it a fine the American people will be stuck paying back? Time will tell.

Either way, I hope our blessings are here NOW!!!

Dinar Updates:

BGG  they are going to print a 50 DINAR NOTE - with the value of a 50K dinar a 50 Dinar note worth (43$) US...their own words. 

Q: Why new currency and what happens if they leave us out? (The old currency)...

BGG:  my simple - they cannot.

The GOI and you and I are in the very same boat.

It would be highly, highly, highly improbable the WB, IMF, etc, etc, would allow the GOI to help themselves to a massive bump in spending power (helping to bridge their budget issues for 2015) and leave us (and the rest of the world) out of the mix.

I just don't see that happening.


wmawhite  ...the loans that the IMF is making to the GOI has nothing to do with the CBI introducing the IQD to the world currency markets. These are two totally different events.  

Q: who owns the Iraqi Dinar?

look on the notes you have...answer: CBI.  Iraq needs the ability to have a citizen travel to any country in the world a walk into a bank with a certified check drawn on an Iraqi bank and open an account in that country.

Just as an American, British, French or whoever can do today

Q:[what would that take to do so?]

It would take the CBI to announce to the world that its currency will be treated as any other and that the CBI will start paying foreign remittences/bills with the IQD.

In order to do so the CBI would announce that the true value of the IQD compared to other currencies is such and such. 

Q: [...a call earlier...stated iraq requested to go international on Thursday. Any truth/thoughts on this?]

IMO...the CBI doesn't have to request jack from anybody...when it decides it is best to do so it will tell the world what the rules are for the IQD



MOT:  A magician worked on a cruise ship. 

The audience was different each week so the magician did the same tricks over and over again. 

There was only one problem: The captain's parrot saw the shows each week and began to understand how the Magician did every trick. 

Once he understood, he started shouting in the middle of the show, "Look, it’s not the same hat!" or, "Look, he's hiding the flowers under the table!" Or "Hey, why are all the cards the ace of spades?" 

The magician was furious but couldn't do anything. It was, after all, the Captain's parrot. 

Then one stormy night on the Pacific, the ship unfortunately sank, drowning almost all who were on board. 
The magician luckily found himself on a piece of wood floating in the middle of the sea, as fate would have it ... with the parrot. 

They stared at each other with hatred, but did not utter a word. 

This went on for a day.. and then 2 days. And then 3 days. Finally on the 4th day, the parrot could not hold back any longer and said...

"OK, I give up. Where's the Bloody ship?"

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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