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Monday, May 4, 2015

Monday News Summaries by Aggiedad77 at KTFA

aggiedad77 » May 4th, 2015, 12:55 pm

Monday News Summaries and Commentaries

Parliament held its meeting tomorrow and its agenda includes a discussion of the weapons law and self-financing companies

Parliament met today and one of the things on their agenda was a first reading of a draft law on arms/weapons.....first reading on a draft law protecting mass graves....second reading on a draft law concerning drugs...and a vote on abolishment of the Revolution Command Council.
A member of the parliamentary services: hosted officials to discuss lagging projects

Lagging projects....wonder why they are lagging.....could lack of funding have anything to do with the work stoppage.....but Parliamentary Services Committee members are getting off their duffs and investigating what is going on, especially around the Baghdad area....are things being held up intentionally or are there other reasons....I applaud their sense of getting involved rather than just sitting in the Parliament ivory tower with their heads stuck in the sand.

Abadi calls Amina Baghdad to redouble their efforts and provide better services to residents of the capital

PM Abadi is calling for Baghdad province to pick up the pace when it comes to providing services to the citizens of the capital city.....we are going to see an article ahead of striking garbage workers.....this kind of thing creates a stagnation of a monumental kind and breeds disease and death....not something you want to see in your capital....or any other city.

Kurds to discuss self-determination at White House meetings

The Kurds want and expect to hold their own destiny within their hands.....they want backing from the US for this....they want backing in the fight against terrorism and the liberation of Mosul...these are just some of the things they will present to President obama tomorrow.

Abadi al-Maliki warns

PM Abadi is standing toe to toe with Maliki and telling him to back off with the threats, veiled or otherwise....meaning the issues that he attempted to raise over Thar Thar Nazim Anbar recently.....the havoc his claims have created via the stops here and now says Abadi....meanwhile Maliki tried to shift the blame upon the media but I think Abadi sees right through him and knows exactly where the turmoil originates.

Barzani's visit to Washington carry a lot of question marks

Some question the timing of this visit by Kurd President Barzani to Washington, coming on the heels of the Armed Services Committee votes regarding weapons funding for the Kurds....but one has to remember what the Armed Services Committee votes on is a far cry from what may or may not be approved by Congress in total and what the President may sign off on....much water will flow under the bridge in the meantime.....and come the Kurds wanting weapons, money, and support for their cause towards independence....something this administration has been working silently towards for a few Iraq divided three ways....Kurds, Shiites, and Sunnis.

Consultant Office calls "OPEC" to reduce Saudi Arabia's share of exports to address the Iraqi budget deficit

Iraq is after OPEC to put pressure upon Saudi to curtail their exports by 600,000 barrels per day to help Iraq deal with its budget deficit.....Saudi has recently raised its exports to 10 million barrels per day...but the Iraqi's are fighting this increase.....the April average price for oil sold was a mere $51 per barrel.

Prime Minister's Office: the crisis committee decided to supplement the Basra 250 billion

PM Abadi met with his crisis committee and is making plans to supplement payments to Basra province by 250 billion dinars.....the meeting was attended by a number of ministers including oil, finance, planning, governor of the CBI, Abadi's economic advisor and others....this almost seems to come as a reward for Basra in raising their oil production rates....recognized by the oil minister during the question....where are these funds coming from....and more importantly when will they be distributed.....remember liquidity is an issue....or is it.

Specialists call for reconsideration of the banking sector to activate the Iraqi economy

Economists are pointing to the fact that foreign investments are less than 2% of Iraq's total investments and they are claiming the need for an integrated banking system that will encourage foreign investors to look at Iraq's opportunities....improvements and enhancements must start at the state level and be brought out to each respective is believed to be banking failures that have caused a great reluctance with foreign investors....thus requiring a need to look at restructuring the banking process within laws or amendments to existing laws to make things more equitable.

Parliamentary agreement to vote on the final accounts of previous budgets, and a strike by sanitation workers after their demand for financial entitlements, and 500 Iraqi journalist victims of violence since 2003, is a brief summary .. the most prominent local newspapers for today

Sanitation workers strike for wage payments....serious threat to health issues within Baghdad over this strike....get it settled quickly before disease begins to be a major problem....Parliamentary Legal Committee has brought an agreement before Parliament to be voted upon concerning prior years final accounts pertaining to budgets...this could be something of a first for this Parliament to get past....applause applause.....there are also issues being addressed with recent outbreaks of car bombs.

Vice: The Central Bank can not delete the zeros

NOTICE WHO THIS ARTICLE COMES FROM FAMILY.....SOME UNKNOWN FROM THE ECONOMY AND INVESTMENT COMMITTEE WITHIN is NOT from the CBI or from Dr. S.....what have we been telling what the CBI says....but more importantly watch what the CBI does....look for Dr. S to talk....this article is all over the map, poorly written, first claiming stability then instability in the economy....tells me it might have been hastily thrown together for some reason....and for what reason we don't know other than to scare people.....they do talk of the green light that was issued to the CBI last March 3.

Agriculture expects to receive 3.5 million tons of wheat, barley and confirm to retain the previous purchase prices

Wheat and barley crops appear to be up this year and pricing will be similar to that of 2014....the Ministry of Agriculture plans to open business 24 hours a day to accommodate farmers and minimize any waiting periods....apparently import restrictions on wheat and barley are having positive impacts upon Iraqi farming at this point.

Deputy Kurdish: Congress refused to vote on the project beginning to breach the political agreements mechanism

So the Kurds do not wish to be a part of the Parliament that votes against what the US Congress is trying to do with regards to weapons being sent straight to the Kurds and Sunnis....still the Parliament had enough members present to place a vote of disapproval of the US actions.....almost like getting the cart before the horse....funny what can get Parliament riled up, things that don't truly affect them today....why can't they get just as excited about their economy or their currency and get something done.

Karbouli: agreement Kurdistan national forces for the presidency of the National Guard

So with regard to the National Guard entity and who will be the first president of this newly formed group.....will it be an individual with military background or a civilian.....surprise surprise there are arguments for the coming days...that of so familiar Iraqi phrase.....will see some resolution to this issue.

Parliamentary Legal reveal the most prominent differences on the draft of the Federal Court Act

The Legal Committee should be divulging major differences in the draft of the Federal Court Act Parliament prepares for a second reading and a vote soon after gain approval they must get 2/3 positive votes from Parliament....there are 24 articles associated with this draft law....I can see it being voted upon article by article just as the budget was voted upon in January.

Abadi al-Maliki .. silent war deny close

Is there a war between PM Abadi and Maliki....or is it just a war of the media trying to generate distrust and hate between the doubt Abadi feels some heat from somewhere out of Maliki's camp....he's issued stern warnings to the VP recently to back off with his threats....meanwhile Maliki tries to look the innocent one saying he is just a soldier in the government.....oh give this man an Oscar for best performance of a clown.....fact....Maliki is not happy with being ousted from his position as PM....fact...Abadi does not take Maliki threats lightly and is not backing down or away from them.

Economic specialist: Determine the dollar selling in the local market behind the persistence of high oil prices

The high value of the USD over the IQD persists today in Iraq....still a supply and demand issue.....demand remains high meanwhile the CBI is not offering as much for sale as it once did....thus the street values for the currency are higher than normal...and will likely remain so.

Cancel primer laws in investment projects

The Vice Chair of the Economy and Investment Committee has announced the cancellation of laws that were identified as causing delays and disruptions in the investment processes, many of these were placed into existence over 10 years ago by Paul Bremer as the new government was being set laws look to being more supportive and provide stimulation of the economy today.....also providing for support of private banking in the process.

Optical official border ports continue to work the new customs tariff law

How incredible....the border ports of entry in Basra are applying the new customs tariffs despite the fact that the Basra Council has voted to put a freeze on their application....this is a good thing I believe.

Deputy Kurdish calls for the federal government to pay the salaries of the staff of the region for the month of March

Kurdish MP is calling upon Baghdad to make salary payments to the Kurds....they deserve 17% of the budget she claims and the government has not forked over this share of the budget.....let's not forget tho there has been a liquidity issue with the federal government......this payment of salary issue is not going to be resolved any time soon I believe....there have been so many partial payments made....who has kept book on these efforts to know what was done and for what month.

A member of the parliamentary Balaguetsadah: Bank can not delete the zeros will be printed class 50 000 dinars

Same information from the Economy and Investment Committee.....NOT from the CBI....wait for it Family...wait for the CBI to talk.....for Dr. S to talk.

The World Bank funded projects stalled

Never mind to the title of the article....the World Bank Group stands poised to provide funding to Iraq for both taking care of the budget deficit as well as providing aid to help in funding projects associated with areas that have been liberated from terrorist cells....they will be sending a delegation to Iraq on Friday to discuss priorities of projects.

Araji: state energy committee studying the investment in the oil sector development

Iraq's Energy Commission is studying how to better invest in such things as power plants from the oil sector standpoint and how these investments can be taken to the private sector....they are continuing to attempt to look outside the box from what they had grown used to over the past 10 or 12 years....good things should come from this effort.

National Project Smart Applications

It appears that efforts continue to grow within Iraq to bring about electronic applications of various processes.....all in all these are good efforts for them to be pursuing at this time....most anything they can turn into an electronic transaction saves them money and time.....IT operations are exploding within Iraq at this time.

Araji: We will not be in front of economic reform unless support the private sector in practice

Deputy PM states that Iraq needs to include the private sector in all they do with regard to any economic reform efforts....this is an area that is in its infancy at this point but is steadily growing....without the private sector's involvement Iraq's economic reform will not fully be successful...there needs to be a continued cooperative effort between the established public companies and those of the private sector that are trying to get their feet solidly on the ground.

Director General of Land Transportation's (dinars): through a special port for trucks with Jordan away from military operations.

One transportation company operating between Iraq and Jordan has apparently found a way to keep their trucks safe and operable by staying away from areas where there is known military operations...they are setting up GPS systems in their truck fleet to monitor where the trucks are at all times....they are in the process of buying more trucks...they continue to look for more and more direct routes to haul products and constantly look for ways to streamline the border crossing do a job enough times you figure out what works well and capitalize on it.

Oil reach its highest level in 2015

PAY ATTENTION.....this article points to Brent Crude pricing seeing it rise to near $67 per barrel....but Iraq's pricing is not equal to will probably be $7-10 or so less than Brent pricing.....but the good sign here is that oil prices are on the upswing and that is good for Iraq.

Expert: the country's economic situation is still good and growing sales of oil a month

So the economy continues to say some in the Iraqi government....oil continues to climb...ever so slowly....need to get it above $56 a barrel for it to positively impact their budget...someone claims the CBI gave the government $5 billion for other sectors...meanwhile their reserves hold strong at over $60 billion....I would feel a great deal better if this was the CBI telling us all these details and not some unknown from the government.

Criticism over the provinces rejected the application of the tariff

Arguments continue in full force regarding the application of customs tariffs at border entry points into Iraq....will they be applied or not....will they be applied fairly and equitably at all points north and south or not....some claim the advent of these new tariffs will be passed on to the citizens in the respective provinces and it will ultimately be the citizens who suffer the most from this effort that is designed to help keep the government afloat....the ball ping-pongs back and forth like a good tennis match between the pro side and those who saddle up to the con side of things.

Shammari: Barzani is seeking to declare a Kurdish state US backing

President Barzani in his visit to Washington is wanting to bring about the statehood to the Kurdistan and seeks US support in making this says one political analyst....this would also include arming the Peshmerga directly from US sources....he will also be talking to US sources about the issues surrounding Article 140 and how it impacts the would seem that Barzani is wanting things to move forward at home rather than just sit and stagnate as they see them doing now.

A source in the prime minister: al-Abadi told Biden that Obama would appeal the recent decision by Congress

PM Abadi has been assured by VP Biden that President Obama would challenge any decision to arm the Kurds and Sunnis separately without going through Baghdad first.....sort of goes against what Biden has been promoting for a number of years I would think...but that is politics.

Parliamentary Finance: we will plan to accommodate employees of the self-financing companies in the private sector

Employees of self-financing companies are concerned about getting paid...and their concerns continue to grow....meanwhile a spokesperson from the Finance Committee claims these employees will be paid through the private sector....and the government will lend support in a financial way to assure these employees are me the beef.

Parliament's Finance / Iraq Press /: the current session will vote on the accounts of the previous budgets

Finance Committee is presenting to Parliament the financial budgets of years past for a vote and to approve this accounts...I believe this action will bring closure to these prior years does this affect any ongoing investigations into fraud or theft.....I am sure the investigation process will continue especially where it can shed positive light on wrong doings by identified individuals.

Parliamentary Economy: 5 trillion dinars to lend citizens

Someone in the Economy and Investment Committee is saying that the CBI will be loaning 5 trillion dinars to citizens through commercial, industry, and agricultural banks....this lending will come in the way of small and medium business loans for investment projects.....designed at low interest rates and to help stimulate revenue generation for Iraq.

Iran signs 3 agreements of cash with Iraq and Turkey, Russia

ATTENTION HERE: Why would Iran choose Iraq's currency to garner an agreement can understand Turkey and Russia I suppose...but the IQD....worth little to nothing....or is Iran showing some knowledge of things to come.....they do this and disregard the USD and Euro at the same time....well I can understand that to some degree no love lost with those who place sanctions upon you.

Dozens of traders protesting at Safwan in Basra port to protest the new customs tariff

Further signs of unrest and distrust in the new customs tariffs that are supposedly being implemented across Iraq....this time of course it comes from Basra who was the first to protest the implementation of these tariffs....truck traffic was temporarily stopped but later a result of the peaceful protest.

Near the distribution of all the salaries of support councils in Iraq

Support councils are due to be paid salaries in the coming is the liquidity issue being is being dissolved...are financial conditions they say....let us watch and see what transpires over the next few days to a week or so.

Parliamentary Finance: Dollar crisis be resolved through the amendment of the Central Bank Law

Once again the Finance Committee has a microphone stuck permanently in their face it seems....claiming that currency crisis between the USD and IQD will be resolved supposed through an amendment to be made to the Central Bank Law....this pertains to Law 94 (2004) and resides with COM at this moment....supposedly this amendment will clear up any issue with regard to the CBI being independent of the government in administration of its I don't know about you but I find that extremely funny coming from the Finance Committee...chuckling.
Trade discussed the ration file with the Conservatives before the transfer of powers

More on the transfer of powers from the central government to the provinces and local entities....Ministry of Trade says it will be ready to help with any questions of understanding that the provinces might have once the transfer occurs.....let this be so across the board as transfers occur to help promote unity and cooperation between the state government and that of the provinces.

Jaafari: our arms open to all and we will act on the decision of Congress

Foreign Minister Jaafari stands with open arms regarding recent commitment from Croatia to up their aid to Iraq through joint military cooperation.....Croatia has been providing some military training to Iraqi troops...meanwhile the Foreign Minister's office has been watching closely the news from the US Congress and is monitoring closely any details that come to them from that direction at this time.

The spread of US troops in Jordan in preparation for the intervention Anbar

Special forces on the Jordan and Iraq border....poised to intervene in a timely manner.....these forces have the intent to defend Anbar....sounds like these troops along with the "military advisors" already in Anbar could be seeing some different kind of action soon if they are called upon....if Baghdad makes the request.....sounds like "we" feel this could be imminent...why else stage things in this fashion....toes on the border just awaiting the GO signal.

Parliamentary Security confirms: Arming the tribes are exclusively for the road to Baghdad

Security and Defense Committee within Parliament confirms that any arming of Sunni tribes will come exclusively from Baghdad....stating that any foreign aid must be done through proper channels of the state government.

Barzani of the Kurdistan Fund approves law after approval in the provincial parliament

Recently the Kurds ratified their constitution I believe....or are in talks about that....we see here they have ratified their oil and gas law as it pertains to revenues...this Kurdistan Fund Act was ratified on 4/30-2015 by President Barzani...this determines how oil and gas revenues are divided up within the region it seems.....from the petrodollar standpoint it allocates $2/barrel at this time.

Ok, I'm going to call it break long much news.....lots to digest....but don't let it get you down...this is all good and progressing the way we want and expect it to....some smoke yes....but in the end.....we keep pushing forward as does Iraq.....grabbing some cookies....dessert before lunch you know....always be prepared.  Aloha   Randy

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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