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Thursday, May 7, 2015

Mnt Goat Thursday Night Update - "Confirmation After Confirmation – WOW!"  Part 1 of 2

(Thank you George for emailing this to Dinar Recaps.)

UU5510 – "Confirmation After Confirmation – WOW!"  by Mnt Goat

Hello Everyone,

Spring is in full bloom in Bavaria. We are gearing up for the onslaught of tourists that come each summer to our region. I can’t say I blame them for it is one of the nicest places on the planet.

Yesterday my daughters and I went for one of our wonderful long walks. We hiked up our favorite mountain trail. There we witnessed many wonders of springtime in the Alpine meadows as we sat, felt the cool mountain breezes, ate our picnic lunch and overlooked the village below.

The news is just pouring out of Iraq and it is all good and much in our favor that something is brewing in this RV saga. Yes -  it is heating up. I am very excited! You should be too..

Today’s News

Today is Wednesday May 6th and all I have to say is TIC TOC, TIC TOC.

It is now only 3 weeks until June . Will this go until June/July. Yes and the news is telling us it most likely will- no hype, no guessing. 

Today’s news is full of confirmations that yet again we are on the right track for an early summer timeframe. Maybe a very good timeframe to the see the RV? 

Remember one thing I never said it was going to RV in June or July. I am not setting a date but I am saying Iraq needs to address demands made by the USA prior to any RV and honestly I do not see any chance of this completing until the June/July timeframe.

There are many other conditions too I am not bringing you today since if you are keeping up with your reading I already mentioned them in two of my last posts. Please go back and read them (LINK & LINK) for I can not keep repeating myself over and over again. Here is some brand new excellent news today on this topic.

So let’s get on with today’s news since this news is factual and is reality.

[More on the new 50 and 100 thousand notes]

Yet another article pops out this week on the printing and issuing of the 50,000 and 100,000 dinar notes. This is very note worthy (no pun intended….lol…) since remember the last time Dr Shabibi wanted to RV in 2012 the same rhetoric came out about issuing these two denominations. Now we have seen just recently many articles once again informing us about the notes.  Folks they intend to print and issue these notes. Can you see a pattern here? Why now?

Remember I said these notes are for very large interbank transactions and large purchases and will eliminate having to carry around suitcases of the lower denominations (5,10,20,100,etc) once the new lower denoms are a issued and the RV pops. They are a necessity and an integral part of the plan to RV.

In this article the CBI is also telling us they had to wait to continue the “project to delete the zeros” until due to getting these notes approved, printed and issued. It is all good news for us. Will they now continue aggressively with the project to delete the zeros? Let’s wait and look for more news in the coming days on this topic.

It looks like for some reason they intend to hold off on the 100,000 note for now until further notice. My guess is because to would be too easy to smuggle money out of the country using these very large notes.

Article follows:


Shafaq News / The parliamentary economic and investment commission said that the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) cannot delete the zeros due to the unstable economic situation,
as pointed out that the bank will solve these problems and will print a new financial banknotes worth 50 000 dinars.

“The commission hosted the CBI director , Ali al-Alaq and they discussed issues concerning the provision of liquidity and increase demand for the dollar as well as the disparity in the exchange rate,” The commission’s member , Methaq Hamdi, stated in an interview for Shafaq News.

Hamdi said that al-Alaq is regarding these issues, as a new financial banknote of 50 000 dinars will be printed , indicating that the Bank delayed printing 100 000 dinars further.

Opps here is another article on the same topic of the 50,000 notes so we know this topic is HOT and it very important. You can almost read their minds……lol.

In this article they are telling us a couple more important points:
1)that this project is part of the reforms that support the economic side in Iraq
2) some fear that the issuance of these large denominations may cause future inflation due to the introduction of new monetary categories. The goodie part of the article says “ stressing that do not impact directly on the citizen” and “it will improves the efficiency of the payments system is in the interest of the country economically, especially in light of the circumstances that are currently going through”.

So now they confirmed for us that these large 50,000 and 100,000 are in fact not for general use by the citizens, as I have stated above. S oif you don’t believe go read the below article for yourself…lol….
Also they are NOT going to lop the zero off these large notes. Why would they since the purpose of them is to maintain them as part of their currency going forward. I know many intel providers differ with me on this point but it does not even make any sense. Again they are simply putting out garbage intel to you. READ THE  ARTICLES ! Does it sound like they are going to lop these?

Article follows:



Excluding impact on the purchasing power of
Baghdad - the joy of pumice

Met project printing large cash categories by the Central Bank acclaimed by experts in the economy, Adin him part of the monetary reforms that support the country's economy.The Governor of the Central Bank had announced during Tadhaifa by the economic and investment commission in Parliament yesterday that the bank in the process of printing new financial category value of 50 000 dinars to enhance the efficiency of the payments system.

The Economic expert d. The appearance of Mohammed in favor of this approach, noting that the country needs large cash price categories because of the configuration in Iraq, as it is dealt format (10) 12, any deal trillions, as well as handle very large blocks of cash in the country any cash payments represented more than monetary instruments and cards and electronic payment. According to Saleh in his statement the "morning" that these trends are not related to monetary policy, but rather to increase the efficiency of the payments system management (cash management policy), where he will be short of money amounts, especially as the large categories account for 90 percent of the money supply in circulation.

He said the way Ask these large groups, saying it is asking the same monthly amount of the money supply to the market, but in different categories, either small groups or large, and not increase the amount of the original, considering that this project is part of the reforms that support the economic side in Iraq.

As for some fear of causing in the case of inflation due to the introduction of new monetary categories, Fastbad favor of it, explaining that the central bank "does not lend" the government, either in the event of lending it to the government and the issuance of large cash categories of possible inflation caused deterioration in prices, as the country is suffering from contraction in liquidity for the currencies of the dinar and the dollar, especially as the currency bloc in Iraq less than 40 trillion Danar.otsud beliefs in the community impact of printed denominations in purchasing power and rising commodity and freight rates, but the observers and specialists economists refuted these beliefs, stressing that do not impact directly on the citizen in it, but improves the efficiency of the payments system is in the interest of the country economically, especially in light of the circumstances that are currently going through.

Link to PART 2

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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