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Monday, May 4, 2015

KTFA's Topshelf Update: Spreadsheets & Yuan Info

Post From KTFA by FrostyTheSnowman » May 4th, 2015, 1:12 am  •  


(please note ... more will be explained on tomorrow night's conference call)

1. Spreadsheets changed Frank, and it is up-to-date too!!! (May 3, 2015)
2. Lots of companies have USD lots of it. (Digital world).

3. SS has lots of assets

4. SS has value -- as I have seen on actual assets that are real from many people (over 20+ business investors).

5. H20 will show as well on contracts now

6. Also other exports will show contracts as Dr WalkingStick and ThunderHawk have all ready brought the family many. Here is the cookie on top of first Sunday of the month. More contracts to come this week have them watch notice the value of the export and imports. It doesn't have a value of 1166. It is not possible at all.

7. 50 IQD is worth nothing ... (oh wait a dinar is a dinar). So if you have a dinar ... you have a dinar. See the 50 IQD plays what role? This is where we (LOL) because Delta has brought the family exactly that!!! Great job delta and iTteam!!!

8. Now Iraq comes out with lower denoms ... and a dinar is a dinar. But what is it purchasing power? Look to exports and imports. It will tell you before anything because the contracts are done in place - (digitally will be paid). Paid thru the banking system. Just like it is always done.

See it will in itself remove the dinar count and the rate of 1.16-1.19 will not be that after settlements are done. Then the true rate. I will explain Monday -- IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND as the SS shows it all!!!

 How the numbers work in the past and going forward. How contracts exist and the value of it and it does remove dinar note counts doing it this way.

9. Oh I am beside myself Frank!!! What else can I say? This truly has been one heck of a ride and thank you and your teams -- all of them ... which I know it is your whole family. 

To my teams and members of PIFFERS!!!! Then thanks to our Heavenly Father for the compassion and joy, hope, and faith.

10. Lastly. Pay it Forward please. We do everything for a reason!




The International Monetary Fund is about to declare the Yuan fairly.


The International Monetary Fund is about to declare the Yuan fairly valued, despite the White House's ongoing insistence that the Chinese currency is still "significantly undervalued," the Wall Street Journal says.

"We are now reaching a point where we are close to this no longer being undervalued," IMF Asia department deputy director Markus Rodlauer is quoted as saying. 

The move follows China's establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, providing an alternative to the Washington-based World Bank, and could undermine congressional attempts to include exchange rate policy in pending trade legislation. Wall Street Journal

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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