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Thursday, May 7, 2015

KTFA's Frank26 Conference Call Notes Part 1

Post From KTFA By FrostyTheSnowman » May 7th, 2015, 12:20 am  •  [Post 65]


** The comments made by Frank26, TopShelf and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! **


*** NOTE *** images from POST #16 for tonight’s CC have been re-posted below tonight’s notes for your convenience.

FRANK:  As you know we study together on our forum … currencies … and tonight we study the Iraqi Dinar.

Topshelf has information tonight about the spreadsheet on the CBI’s website.

When he is done, I am going to tell you that we found support for his AREA CODE ;)

“AREA CODE” is a code for the number [rate] that you seek. ;)

TOPSHELF:  Please refer to POST #16 on today’s thread as illustrations have been posted to help you.

I have even more to share … but since we’re limited on time … and that is the ISX side of it … but we’ll do that later.

You know those other “missing cells” and “data” that other folks from other forums thought I was cuckoo on?

Well … we’re bringing it to the surface because I’ve gotten the ok.

FRANK:  I’m looking at Post #16 now … (images posted at the end of these notes)

Wow! This is in depth!

Did I leave you a voicemail today about how the area code supports your data? We’ll get into that later.

TOPSHELF:  I have 13 things to go over … this isn’t just about a date or rate … but to help give you guys the knowledge and confidence you may need about this.

First ... the CBI spreadsheet is up-to-date … within 3 days … and in one case … it was up-to-date within 1 day.

Now some people kinda laughed at me about that … but listen … they are spending money like I said … and they are paying on contracts … and by paying it … that increases the value of certain currencies. Why?

One is removing debt … but it’s also how they got the money to pay for the debts … and made trillions off of it – (and I’ll explain that at another time).

Contracts being paid are in US dollars … and some people thought if that happened … that would be the end of this investment.

Frank, I’m here to tell you … that was the best part of this whole thing. Because it goes against what everyone else is talking about.

The CBI is saying this … not me. They are very smart! Dr. S is superman!

Remember when you are reviewing this … the note count of the dinar … a dinar is a dinar … no matter what denomination it’s in.

They can cancel out denominations of notes and replace it with other things … and it doesn’t affect it.

If they remove it out of circulation to the point they’re retiring those dinars … NOT notes … they retire dinars … that’s when it affects the value.

Just reviewing my notes … loan was instant profit for a certain CBI country … instant profit. Remember the words … “INSTANT PROFIT.”

To clear up some things that confuse some people … the AIIB and the BRICS it’s similar in the east to what the IMF and World Bank does here in the west.

What I mean by that is … if you want to trade with someone in the east … there’s a chance that you’re going to have to deal with the AIIB or the BRICS.

In the west … if you want to trade with the US … you’re going to have to deal with the IMF and the World Bank.

Can that change? IMO sure.

But those are the number one and number two reserve currencies.

It doesn’t matter to the east or to the west … USA … USD … or the Yuan … because they are reserve currencies.

They already trade with each other.

So neither one of them need to be a member of their banking system or development investment banking.

It’s meaningless.  So it doesn’t mean anything if the US didn’t join theirs.

In regards to the conspiracy or the agendas that are out there … time will tell.

Remember … APRIL 6th … and today is May 6th … 30 days … auctions have been going on … they never stopped. TA-DA! They never stopped Frank. Go figure huh?

FRANK:  By them not stopping … they can continue the math that they are doing on the spreadsheet. This is an impressive report TopShelf.

[referring to POST # 16] I will study it more in depth … but in all honesty it is very simple.

TOPSHELF:  February 19th was the last auction. You’ll see the charts where I showed that.

Remember, everyone in “dinar-land” said … “if it starts up again, we’re in trouble.”

They have been hiding it. There’s data. There’s data. There’s data! And people laughed.

Well … here’s the data … it’s been ongoing … and now it’s public … anyone can view it.

They have created the LIQUIDITY, LIQUIDITY, LIQUIDITY that they needed … they paid off debt based on the contract amount. Not based on people hedging or making this an investment.

No everyone is looking at this like we look at this.

Just like when Delta looked at .10 cents … up to a dollar. People relax! The numbers don’t lie. These are the CBI’s numbers!

FRANK:  Is the .10 cents in here?

TOPSHELF: The .10 cent number goes clear back to the beginning of January … and it’s based on contract amounts.

What they are not showing us right now is February 19th which was the last day of auctions … auction numbers from 2891 … there’s missing auctions Frank! It’s all on there … and the numbers keep going up.

Do you see how much money they are moving? There is one BIG nugget there that I haven’t even shared … but we’ll save that for another day because I can’t fit another cherry on top of tonight’s dessert. ;)

FRANK:   Are you allowed to talk about the treasury?

TOPSHELF: Let me just say this. Did I tell you that people would spend money and that when we should get excited?

FRANK:   Yes … they are spending it.   Tell you what … let’s save your treasury information for Monday and we’ll bring in Delta too, ok?   This is extremely helpful. Thank you.

TOPSHELF:  Do you know what is about to happen? I know … silly question. Of course you do Frank?!!!

I am so CONFIDENT with Delta’s information … he was just too far in front of everything at the time to back it up.

Remember when I said … watch for when “people” start to spend money … (that’s a good thing).

People out there said … “No! They don’t have the money or a budget” …

Well … watch what happens in the next 30 days!

FRANK:  This information is coming in so fast!

They told Abadi … he needs to finish this up before Ramadan.

TopShelf … you have carte blanche with me. You don’t need to call me anymore. You just get with Frosty and do your thing and get

it posted because everything is coming out so fast now.

The fact that they are doing things now at WARP speed … (like Scotty … beam me up … oh my goodness you’re already standing right next to me) … it’s almost at a magicians pace.

So I need for you to understand family that info is coming in so fast … that last week a guy from the Finance Committee at the GOI came out and said … “Governor of the CBI … I’m sorry but you can’t lift the 3 zeros of your currency” … <<< LOL … well …

First of all … who asked you?

Second of all … you have nothing to do with what the CBI is doing!

Third of all … you don’t even have the authority to say something like that … because you don’t even have the authority not to do it!

Our Teams refer to this as the “China syndrome” … and on top of that … there is a holiday coming up … that is being programmed exactly the way that Dr. S has always wanted it.

We think that it’s a 2-day holiday … (including Friday … which would be 3) … and Saturday would be 4. Nope! It’s going to be a total of 7 days … and you don’t know about it yet. ;)
These guys are doing some amazing things!

Apparently O wanted to go over to see Barzani … but just like the situation with Abadi … they come here … because they have other “visits” to make in the DC area. ;) The speed is phenomenal!!!

Plus this week … we also have something else … the US budget … is now worth 3+ TRILLION DOLLARS … that is going to be injected into the budget to wipe out some of our deficit and move forward with our economy.

How in the name of Charles Dickens did you do that? (None of your business) ;)

May I see your M1, M2 and M3’s? (Of course not).

Can you tell me what type of foreign currencies you have in your reserves? (No.)

LOL … is your name Bill Clinton?

This is the same thing that happened with the monetary reform of the Kuwait dinar in the late 90’s. 

These are patterns family.

I don’t like to show you things that I cannot “show” and “prove.”

Remember in the middle of the night when Delta came on the forum and said … “Family, 1166 is gone from the spreadsheet.” 

Ever since that day … we knew that they were doing the mathematics. Why? Because they got the Green-Light like a month before that! 

Mathematics is important. How do you subtract a ZERO? (wink, wink)

I am half Aztec … we invented the zero … to measure things that astonish astronomers even today.

The 3 zeros are being lifted right before your eyes … off of the exchange rate! It started at .10 cents and went around .85 to 1.17 … and now it’s at this level … and I’m going to tell you something.

One of our sources called … it appears that certain “things” … with the bonds in Iraq … the IMF … CL … seem to coincide with the area code calculations that TopShelf has spoken of. [393].

Print out POST #16 and study it. You may not understand it … but this is the monetary reform … this is all of our conference calls. 

Give things some time, and everything will become clear as more information is able to be released.

This is rather exciting! We have a 3 Trillion dollar budget … and no one knows where we got the money for it? (LOL)

I love you KTFA and PIF family!

I’ll be with you next Monday … with TopShelf and Delta.

If you’re on KTFA premium … keep this to yourself until Monday. ;)

That’s your conference call.  Goodnight!

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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