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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

KTFA's Frank26 Conference Call Notes

Post From KTFA By FrostyTheSnowman » May 6th, 2015, 12:37 am  •


** The comments made by Frank26 and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! **

I have 2 things I’d like to tell you about Wells Fargo.

There was a call from area code 208 (and the first 3 numbers of your number are 957) – anyway you called at 2am and told me that you can still buy Vietnam at your bank. Ok ... could you please do me a favor brother? Please don’t call me at 2am because it wakes up my wife. Thanks! 

Family, we had many calls today … as you know TopShelf gave out an area code on our cc last night … and our admins were laughing at me because they knew I would get a lot of phone calls about that today. 

I return every phone call, every phone call … eventually. The only ones that I stay away from are the ones that are a little negative.

Our reputation is well established here at KTFAlways. Our reputation with you is enforced every Monday. With that said, I don’t think I need to give you details about this story.

If you get something specific [and personalized] from Wells Fargo, let us know ... especially if it comes from a particular gentleman with Abbot-Downing.

Ok ... there is a gentleman who is a member of our forum … (my brother in Christ) … who said that his Wealth Manager from WF contacted him ... and she (the Wealth Manager) told him that she had received a notice ... and wanted to know if he'd be interested in some real estate property. 

By the way … this Wealth Manager with WF … also owns dinar. 

So why would WF be contacting people about real estate? 

Turns out that apparently WF uses a data-mining company ... and they produced some data for WF ... of candidates that could possibly purchase a piece of property valued at 8 Million Dollars. 

After dropping the phone and picking it back up again … he said “What?!” 

Here’s the interesting part … his name was the only name on the email list that was given to the WF Wealth Manager. 

This member of our forum ... has 7.8 million dinars in an Roth IRA account with WF.

Apparently he qualifies for that piece of real estate … and the private bank (Abbot-Downing) is trying to see if he'd be interesting in buying that piece of property ... because he qualifies for 8 million dollars … even though his Roth IRA is only worth 7.8 million dinars.

How did it get inflated to that amount? 

It said that his assets were over 8 million and his wealth manager told him to contact them. 

Humm … that’s a one-to-one rate. 
 Pretty interesting huh? 

First of all … let me say … IN MY OPINION … (I know that you’re listening too Wells Fargo) … so do you like blue … when I sit on my Blue Couch. 

For those who weren’t aware that you could hold Dinars in an IRA … that could be a pretty good place to keep them because no one can touch them but you as the owner of that account.

Once the value goes up .... (when the CBI changes the rate) … your Roth IRA could explode in value … because those dinars are no longer at 1166!

So … Wells Fargo is … getting “creative” … (wink, wink WF) 

As you can tell … I’m not pleased with WF … because WF sold me and my friends dinars in 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 … and over the years … the story has changed. 

Now WF wants to protect the enormous amount of profit they are about to make.

Now ... when it comes time to exchange … I’d like to help you … but please think twice before you ask me that question … because of liability ... you know I can’t answer some questions.
Remember when you go to the bank … you need to be like Jed Clampett [in confidence in knowing that you are now wealthy].

Likewise, your banker needs to be Mr. Drysdale – [willing to bend-over-backwards to please and accommodate you].
Be bold … you are no longer just an ordinary citizen. 

You are powerful … no matter how much dinar you have.

You dinars are extremely powerful … I don’t care how much you’ve got. Notice, I said that twice.

Don’t just go to one bank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If the spread is 3% or less … that should be pretty good.

Do you know what WF is charging? 

Check out this voicemail I got … 

“Frank … I’m sure that your cc is already loaded. But when you can, please educate the family as the spread that will be charged for the exchange. For example, I just called WF and I got the spread for the KUWAIT dinar (which we believe will be the same for the IQD) … today WF will sell you a Kuwaiti Dinar for 3.763 USD per dinar.

 They will buy-back the Kuwaiti Dinar from you for 3.0148 USD. Frank, that is a full 20% spread.

The point being … when the value of the IQD changes … people need to shop around for the best exchange rate. If people hurry to the first place that they can find, to get their currency exchanged … they could lose a lot of money on that transaction.”

Interesting huh? 

Please be careful. Walk. Don’t run to the nearest exchange place. Don’t trip. Let others trip. Learn from their mistakes. Be patient … strategic. The value is only going to go up, up, up.

Go to at least three banks.

WF … a 20% spread … WOW! ... really WF???  

Just remember, if the bank doesn’t take care of you like Mr. Drysdale … then go somewhere else.

I hope you had a good time tonight.

Call ended with prayer.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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