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Friday, May 8, 2015

KTFA's Aggiedad77 News & Commentaries

Post From KTFA By aggiedad77 » May 8th, 2015, 9:37 am  •  [Post 85]

Thursday News Summaries and Commentaries   (Friday??)

Finally, the investigation up to the fall of Mosul, al-Maliki and Osama al .. Committee and vote on the summoned

This committee that has been investigating the fall of Mosul last June is almost done with its investigation so they say.....I'm of the opinion there has been a great deal of testimony that as the general public we are not privy to, and that is ok, 

sometimes certain things must be done in secrecy to protect certain individuals and entities, otherwise there would likely be strong uprisings from the people if the truth were just blurted out.....
in the same sense I believe there are certain people who will be found to be deeply deeply involved in a very sinister and almost diabolical plot....

the truth may be partially hidden today but when the findings of this committee are presented those who were responsible will be held accountable and will be made to pay....but whatever the payment it will never make up for the death and atrocity that was allowed to be perpetrated on these people in Iraq.

The Oil Ministry is committed to pay all dues licensing companies late next June

At least speaking for production in the southern sector of Iraq primarily in Basra there appears to be a commitment to pay the foreign oil companies their due by the end of June....

but starting in the month of can this be you say....well watch the price of oil over the coming 7 to 8 weeks and you will see the revenue materialize in Iraq as they move higher and higher above the budgeted oil price of $56 per barrel...

they have walked the streets with their belts tightened since January and they may now walk the streets in newly custom made suits....

their efforts surrounding austerity will have paid off for them....allowing them to pay debts that just days ago seemed to be hopeless....the oil companies will be the first....and it starts before Ramadan.

Economic parliamentary: Central allocated six billion dollars to banks in order to support the private sector

The Economy and Investment Committee spoke of the CBI releasing a billion dollars to aid small and medium level businesses within Iraq

and at the same time they provided another 5 billion dollars to help the banking sector provide assistance to other sectors such as industry, agriculture, housing,

with the Committee being charged with the responsibility to monitor the disbursements of funds in these areas to make sure no one is short-changed and that employees are paid....

in other words don't be taking home money that is not rightfully yours......

the CBI is doing this as a stimulus to the private you think they know of things to come....the improvements in oil prices.....the release from Art 8......the refilling of the coffers that wipes away liquidity issues....

IMO....they are sending a signal of good things to the very near future....why else would they suddenly make such efforts and release such funds in this fashion....economic reform is upon us.....change is happening as we watch.

US Secretary of Defense confirms work with all parties in Iraq to defeat Daash

In a meeting between the US Secretary of Defense and Kurd President Barzani the US confirmed that they were working with all groups within Iraq to defeat DAASH....the Peshmerga forces are being praised for their efforts to confront and defeat the terrorists as they have thus far.

Parliamentary economy calls for a revision of the customs tariff and tax law

It would appear that Parliament is at least listening to the cries of the provincial leaders who are being the voice of the people and wanting to bring about revisions and revamps to the customs tariffs and taxation laws....

Parliament has voted in principle to halt this process and rethink what needs to be done in the meantime.....taxation is never an easy shoe to swallow....

it's not easy today nor will it be easy tomorrow.....but they need to have their ducks lined up and be ready to not only implement but implement in a manner that is consistent from one end of the country to the other....

no special considerations for north or south or east or west. Parliament appears to be willing to take this back on and do what might be necessary to appease the provinces at least for the time being.

Explosion in al-Maliki's motorcade while attending a funeral Shabandar lead to the killing of two guards

It would appear that roadside car bombs were used in an attempt on Maliki's life today while his motorcade was attending a funeral....two guards were injured and later died of their injuries from the incident....Maliki was reported to be unharmed.

Iraq refuses to send Kurdistan’s share of oil revenue for April

Ok, I'm going to stick a neck way out here and do my best Colonel Potter imitation....."Horse hockey".....something doesn't smell like meadow flowers in the springtime here.....

PM Abadi allegedly being behind this story is the first red flag that I see waving.....reneging on their agreement from December, then again reneging on what was stated earlier over the past week or so is yet another red flag waving....

.and where did this issue over the price of budgeted oil come from...that is a first that we've attempting to keep the fires of discontent kindled between the Kurds and Baghdad nothing more........

PM Abadi from the get go has been a pillar for all things of integrity and honesty.....that is the biggest red flag waving from this article that I see....Rudlaw should use greater care in who they interview.
Developing Capacity to Manage Public Funds

In 2014 Iraq spent $51 billion dollars on public procurement relating to natural resources within the country.....this amounts to 20% of the years past such efforts have been hampered by corruption, inefficiency, and long delays...

.in the meantime they have managed to work the process with much more efficiency and words for PM Abadi....they are working on education programs and degree or diploma processes that graduate young job candidates who have greater knowledge for this particular field.

Dempsey: We are working to ease the pressure on Iraqi forces in Baiji refinery

US forces are attempting to help support and resupply Iraqi forces at the Baiji refinery....a strategic stronghold that had been in DAASH control until terrorists are attempting to retake the refinery....

since the 5th of May International Coalition forces have led 26 air strikes against DAASH positions near or around the refinery and have made 8 supply drops to Iraqi positions in the area....

the Iraqis recognize the strategic asset from this refinery as it is on the road between Mosul and Kirkuk....if the terrorist hold it they control the road....not good.

Shrine sign a contract with a security company which gets 51% of the company's shares

As telecommunications needs develop within Iraq so comes the presence of more telecom companies....Shrine has entered the Iraqi market looking to help in providing newer technology in an area that is hungry for touch with the IT world of today.....with a 51% interest now in the company operation within Iraq this should be an interesting partnership.

Time to grab a new mug of coffee and a few of those choice sign of the blue man yet this morning.    Aloha  Randy

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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