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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

IMF To Make Huge Announcement October 20 Part 1

If you own anything priced in U.S. Dollars...

Mark Down This Date:
October 20, 2015 

For the first time in 35 years, an upcoming announcement could start a new era in modern
finance, and could create a once-in-a-lifetime moneymaking opportunity. Get in now...

Hi, my name is Dr. Steve Sjuggerud.

I'm the Chief Strategist for Stansberry Research.

We're one of the largest independent financial research firms on the planet, with more than 350,000 clients in over 170 countries.

I've put together this presentation to alert you to an important financial announcement coming this October, which could signal a huge shift in the international currency markets.

For anyone who holds their savings or investments in U.S. dollars, this day, and the months that follow, will be incredibly important--because dramatic changes are coming.

And please keep in mind: This has nothing to do with inflation, interest rates, unemployment figures, or anything like that.
What I'm talking about instead, is an official announcement, coming from one of the most powerful organizations on earth.

It's the first time in 35 years that something like this has happened.

And I believe it will trigger one of the most profound transfers of wealth in our lifetime. You simply must be prepared, and understand what's about to happen.

Why am I so concerned?

Well, I've been active in the markets for over two decades...

I received my PhD in Finance...

I've been a stockbroker and a mutual fund Vice President.

And I even ran my own hedge fund...

But I've never seen anything in the markets that could move so much money, so quickly-

I'm talking about hundreds of billions of dollars changing hands in a single day after this announcement is made.

If you own U.S. assets--stocks, bonds, real estate, or just cash in a bank account--you must be aware of what's about to happen.

And as you'll see, this could be a once-in-a-lifetime chance to set yourself up for safe and extraordinary gains.

Until recently, this story has received very little press. In the early stages of my research, I saw one small article on the back pages of Bloomberg. I saw another short piece deep inside the Wall Street Journal.

But that's already changing. And I suspect this story will explode in the months to come.

Let me explain...

A Big Announcement 

On or around October 20th of this year, the International Monetary Fund is going to make a huge announcement that could radically alter the financial markets, and initiate a transfer of wealth, unlike anything we've seen in more than three decades.

We know the approximate date of this announcement because I recently accessed the IMF's meeting schedule.

Like most official documents, it is filled with acronyms and insider jargon.

But if you understand the markets, it's not too hard to figure out exactly what's going on-- what they'll really be deciding.

I can tell you for certain that this meeting is all about a big potential shift in the worldcurrency markets.

As you probably know, the currency market is the world's largest, most vital marketplace.

It's far, far larger than the stock market.

After all, it's the market for money.

Maybe you don't care about currency movements just yet.

Or maybe you think currency shifts, such as the one that's about to take place, affect only traders and big banks... or people living overseas.

Believe me, nothing could be further from the truth.

Here's a quick example of what I mean.

Although most Americans didn't realize it, there was a similar (albeit much smaller) announcement in the currency markets earlier this year. And it sent shockwaves around the globe. Here's what happened.

First the Franc... Next the Dollar

January 15, 2015 began like any other day in Switzerland.

But around 9:30 AM, without any warning whatsoever, the Swiss central bank announced they were ending the nation's currency peg.

Previously, the value of the Franc grew and shrank alongside the value of the Euro.

The currency was considered "safe," and had extremely low interest rates.

This enabled traders from around the world to borrow in Swiss Francs.

Homeowners throughout Europe did the same--and for years, everything seemed to work fine.

The average Swiss citizen didn't think twice about the Franc--much like most people in the U.S. think very little about the value of the U.S. dollar since everything we own is priced in dollars and everything we buy is priced in dollars, too.

But things in Switzerland began to change very quickly after the January 15th announcement.

The Franc soared as high as 40% in a matter of hours.

Because the Swiss franc got so expensive, investors quickly dumped Swiss stocks like Nestle, Cartier, and Credit Suisse...

Billions were wiped off the Swiss stock market, overnight, as part of the largest one-day drop in almost 30 years.

Nick Hayeck, the chief executive of Swiss watch firm Swatch said, "[De-pegging the Franc] is a tsunami for the export industry, for tourism, and... for the entire country."

Steen Blaafalk, CFO of Saxo Bank, told the Wall Street Journal, "I've been in the market 30 years and I have never seen anything like it."

Even worse, millions of middle-class Europeans outside of Switzerland lost a fortune because they borrowed money in Swiss Francs. Suddenly, they owed 40% more than they did the day before.

For example, one Warsaw borrower saw the mortgage payment on his family's small flat shoot up more than $240 in a single week. The 40 year old lawyer told Reuters: "When I heard the news about the Franc my first reaction was disbelief. Then came slight horror -- what would happen next?"

And a teacher living near the Swiss-Italian border said, "I'm losing tons because of the Franc. Our [family's] mantra is now, buy only what's essential."

But not everyone suffered because of the Swiss Central Bank's currency decision.

Some banks and many investors were properly positioned for the big move.

Questra Capital, for example, made millions betting that the Euro would slump below the Franc. "We immediately knew that it was going to be a very, very good day for [our] investors," said Executive Thomas Suter.

The Wall Street Journal reported that people living near Switzerland's border took advantage of this arbitrage opportunity, almost immediately.

People throughout Switzerland flooded local currency exchange centers to get more Euros with their Francs than ever before.

Take a look at the lines that formed at currency kiosks... some Swiss ATM's were literally running out of Euros to dispense.
You get the point. This was a big move in the currency markets. It affected millions of people.

But here's what you need to keep in mind:

The Swiss Franc is like a speck of dirt compared to the worldwide importance and use of the U.S. dollar.

Consider this: government and public debt in the U.S. is about 100-times more than that of Switzerland.

And, there are over $1 trillion dollars of physical U.S. currency in the world, compared to only about $389 million Swiss francs.

In other words, there are 3,000-times more U.S. dollars in circulation than Swiss Francs.

So while the recent big shift in the Swiss franc was important, it's going to be nothing compared to the ramifications from what's about to happen to the U.S. dollar.

You see, I believe the IMF announcement coming up on October 20th will directly affect the global use of U.S. dollars.

So while swift movements in the Franc affected some hedge funds, international bankers, and a few million people living in Europe...

Swift movements in the dollar will affect nearly EVERYONE in the world... but Americans most of all.

That's because there are simply so many more U.S. dollars in circulation, so much more dollar-denominated debt, and so many more things priced in U.S. dollars, compared to the Swiss franc or any other currency.
Here's what's about to happen...

So what exactly is going to happen on October 20th?

The important point to remember is this: Very rarely do we know the exact timeline for a major event in the financial markets. 

But as I'll show you, I can show with as much certainty as there is in the investment world that this event will happen. And when it does... it's going to start a domino effect that will last for years... and will affect you and your money for a long time.

If you're unfamiliar with the IMF, think of them as a club of bankers from all over the world who regulate the entire international monetary system. 

The Brookings Institute has actually called this powerful group part of the world's "unelected government."

And they hold the special power to control what's known as the world's "reserve currencies."

If there's just one thing you learn from me today it's this: reserve currencies are probably the most important financial instrument in the world...

Most people mistakenly believe there's just one reserve currency. But today there are actually seven major reserve currencies.

Governments use reserve currencies to pay their debts... and to diversify their savings and investments.

Businesses use them to trade...

And any change to the world's "reserve currencies" quickly reverberates around the world, putting literally hundreds of billions of dollars into motion, in a matter of minutes.

Before I go any further, let me stop for just a second and tell you: The IMF is NOT going to announce that the U.S. dollar is no longer the world's #1 reserve currency.

Lots of people have been talking about that idea in recent years, but that's NOT what I suspect the IMF is about to announce.

But I'm convinced they are going to make a huge... and dramatic change to the reserve currency system -- which I believe will affect you over the next few years.

Let me explain this change by first showing you exactly what a reserve currency is and does... and why they are so important.

By definition, a reserve currency is money held in significant quantities as a means of international payments and settlements.

And as most Americans know, for about the last 48 years, the United States Dollar has been the world's DOMINANT reserve currency.

That means, the U.S. Dollar is the most widely accepted, widely used currency in the world.

For example, when South Korea wants to buy beef from Argentina... or when Germany wants to buy oil from Saudi Arabia... the countries must first switch their home currency into U.S. dollars, before settling their payments.

Most people don't realize that this is one of our biggest advantages as a nation.

It's an exceptional privilege and one of our strongest weapons.

As things stand today, America is the only country in the world that does not have to pay for its imports in a foreign currency.

We can simply print more and more money whenever we need to.

Think of it this way...

Even when the U.S. is not involved in a trade, our dollars usually are. 

And that, in turn, helps to support our economy back home.

Because the U.S. dollar is the dominant reserve currency, countries and business around the world must purchase our dollars to execute their trades.  

If a country needs oil, wheat, or gold (all of which are typically priced in dollars) they must first make sure they own enough U.S. currency to make the purchase.

But this is all changing -- and more rapidly than most Americans realize.

That's because one powerful new currency is about to be granted "reserve currency status." It seems virtually guaranteed.

And when this happens, billions -- probably even hundreds of billions -- of dollars will flood OUT of the U.S. dollar and INTO this new reserve currency. 

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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