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Sunday, May 3, 2015

Clarification From Frank26 on the New 50 Dinar Note


harvestime :The 50 dinar note and the sovereign credit rating require an increase in currency value!!

This is reeeeeeally getting exciting!!! My heart is beating really fast right now!!

Thank you Heavenly Father for allowing us to be a part of this great wealth transfer. We promise to glorify You !!

Frank26:  Yes!  YEs!!  YES!!!  KTFA  Frank

tomsrunners :  So if you buy a pack of cigarettes for $5. Hand the merchant a 50 dinar note (worth 43 us) the citizen gets screwed out of $37 dinar....IMO...Impossible. The'll either come out with lower denoms or use the us dollar for change, which under article 8 the are prohibited......Makes absolutely no sense.....imo
Frank26:  Friend ......... DELTA meant it as a metaphor of jocularity combined with humor splashed with a sarcastic tone of ........... Makes absolutely no sense ........... Congrats ....... You got it.

KTFA  Frank...... ....... i know ...... Behave


Blonkster : What exhilarating news this weekend. Wow. Delta, TY for you posts today. If I may offer my OPINION: New 50 notes entering the Iraqi economy = lower denoms also being released along with a rate. ALL IMO only.


Frank26: Yes and no.  If it is all LDs then we see a new rate.

If it is just the new 50 they could hold the new rate until DRS says so.

KTFA   Frank


Frank, if the 50 dinar is released before a rate change, don't you think the citizens would "come unglued?!"


Frank26:  No.They talk to each other between 5 and 6 am daily in a religious environment .......... They know what is going on.

KTFA  Frank


Excerpts From Last Monday Night KTFA CC: April 27th:

  Did you know that most people don’t know what Iraq is doing with the 50’s IQD notes?

Did you realize that some people think that we are actually going to make [print] a 50,000 and 100,000 note? LOL!!!!

Have you ever seen a 50,000 or 100,000 note? NO!!!!

How can we REPLACE them if they don’t already exist?

Delta explained last month very clearly … that was a MISPRINT IN THE ARTICLE!!!

There are no 50k and 100k notes … and the CBI certainly is not going to print any.

The article that was released about 2-3 weeks ago was a misprint!

Dr. Saleh said very clearly that they will have a 50 and 100 dinar note. It was part of a 4 year plan --- which interrupted because O pulled out the troops.

Please let it be engraved in your minds … Dr. Shabibi has a masterful plan with a mechanism that will allow a 50 IQD note and a 100 IQD note to come out.

As you’ll remember … the Kurds wanted their language on the new currency … and so while they were dealing with a bump-in-the-road (O pulling out the troops) … Dr. Shabibi had the currency reprinted with the Iraqi, Kurdish and English written on the new notes.

Now … with the plan laid out for a 4-year plan … when they release this new currency (the new 50 IQD and the 100 IQD) … with an increase in VALUE … it will give the citizens exactly what they need … PURCHASING POWER!

They will no longer need the United States Dollar!

Listen closely … nobody knows this … there is NOT a 50,000 and 100,000 Dinar note!!!!

Let it be known … right this moment … if you have two 25k’s … that’s worth about $43 (USD).

If you have a 50 dinar … that’s only worth 3 or 4 cents (USD).

They are going to get rid of these (old) 50’s!

They need to collect these old 50’s because it will eliminate a lot of paper currency in the markets is a goal of the MR.

The existing (old) 50 dinar notes … the citizens were about to trade those in … but very few went into the bank to open up an account. They used the 50’s to trade with (street vendors) and bartering. Many didn’t go to the banks because the citizens are angry with the Iraqi banks … and they won’t trust the banks UNTIL the rate is changed. [They are “EXPECTING” it!]

The CBI books cannot give you a date … but the info leaking out is a rate.

It appears to start out at .85 cents to about a dollar. That is a rate family.

The less paper currency on the streets … the smoother this process will go along for everyone. All starting with the 50 … and inflation can be controlled.


#1 – the lack of value of the IQD right now (at the 1166 program rate)

#2 – they (the 50’s) will be pulled out and replaced with the coins.

Think about it … you don’t remove old 50’s and replace it with a fraction of a fraction of a fraction.

THEY MUST CONTROL INFLATION! This is easy … if you truly study this … and not depend on somebody to spoon-feed this to you.

There is no security on the existing 50’s.

After the 30th (of April) when they pull out the OLD 50 Dinar note … the NEW 50 … is primed for the new rate from the CBI.

This is all a part of the Monetary Reform (MR).

Give glory to God for all of this! It is coming! But you don’t have to count the days.

Will the NEW 50’s come out on the 1st of May … I doubt it 100% in fact.

Dr. Shabibi is doing what he needs to do. When he is done … he’ll let you know. You will hear from him next month. Congratulations!

*** When they talk to you about the 50k and the 100k … that is ONLY A VALUE … NOT a denomination! Got it?!!!

You’ve never seen a 50k or 100k note have you? That’s because it doesn’t exist. No such animal!

Example: If you have two 25k’s in your pocket right now … that’s a total of 50,000 IQD.

So, if you have 50,000 IQD (two 25k’s) in your pocket … at 1166 … you have about $43 USD worth in your pocket.

When the NEW 50 Dinar Note comes out you will have the power of purchase equivalent to a 50k.

The only way the NEW 50’s will come out is when the rate changes! And you’ll never see the 1166 rate again.

After the new dinar (the 50 dinar note) comes out … it will be used with more power for the citizens inside of Iraq!

The products they buy will also go up in value to match the power of purchase. They will be able to buy things.

You … outside of the country … you will not see your products go up in price … you will see a capital gain in the dinar that you hold!!!

TA DA!!!!!

Do you understand family? I pray to God that you understand that.

They [CBI] is not trying to give you a rate or a date family … but they’re doing it.

Next month … .85 to .86 cents … I mean come on! I’m not doing this! If you want to blame somebody, blame the CBI – they’re the ones who are doing it.

The deletion of the zeros and the lifting of the 3 zeros are two completely separate things.

Thank God that the deletion of the zeros is done!

There really isn’t much denomination left out.

The 25,000 notes here in the USA … those will be slowly released back to the CBI … in trade for oil, etc. at our pace.

80 to 90% of the Iraqi citizens use the USD.

The Finance Committee says … “RELEASE THE NOTES!” Let the citizens use the dinars … not the USD’s

The Banks want collateral … and between the banks and the citizens … there is no collateral. The citizens have collateral amongst themselves because they haven’t trusted the banks in the past.

The Finance Committee and the CBI is changing everything.

Abadi is doing a great job … but he needs to insure that this is done before Ramadan!

The citizens … their 100 dinars … will be close enough to 100 USD. This is the RI family.

It’s not a 50k note family … but a 50 dinar note.

The NEW 50 note … (with the Kurdistan language on it) … that NEW 50 IQD will be worth about $43 USD … that’s what the CBI said!

Then the NEW 100 Dinars will go up in value too … and the coins.

These lower denominations … with a higher value … that is their plan.

They have already lifted a lot of 3 zeros off of the streets … in the last 10 days.

They did a “Moses flooding” event (that’s what my teams refer to it) … flooding the streets, and banks with US dollars.

So the citizens ran to the banks and got more US dollars … paying for them with their dinars.

This is very important for their core M1, M2 and M3 figures.


The dinar is going to go International pretty soon family … at a new exchange rate!

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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