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Thursday, May 7, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments

Morning News Comments 05/06/2015

Finance: irreversible for the application of tariff

[tlm724] the Ministry of Finance and the General Customs Authority refused to reverse the decision to apply tariffs despite the protest

[tlm724] now thats hot !

[tlm724] no backing down now !

[tlm724] Zebari and Director of the General Customs Authority, Major General Hakim Jassim face the need to continue the application of the customs in all ports tariff including the Kurdistan region outlets
[tlm724] MP Liberal Mazen Mezni bloc said the "morning": that a number of members of the House of Representatives will present a proposal to postpone the labor law tariff for a certain period to ensure that the high prices of food and vegetables until the settlement of customs matters

[tlm724] ensure that the high prices of food and vegetables until the settlement of customs matters

[tlm724] there you go careful monitoring as it goes forward

[tlm724] Basra has no choice ! Kurds have already started !


Rate of exchange

5/6/2015 0:00 BAGHDAD - Al-Sabah   said the economic academic Dr. Majid Baidhani that the dinar exchange rate against the dollar will soon return from rates over a short period due to the slow recovery of oil prices

Alaalmih.oukal in an interview for the "morning" that the reasons for the high price of the dollar against the dinar known but the coming period will witness Back to the exchange is close to the previous rates price because of the checks on the scene of victories (Daash) terrorist and high Alinvt.

wachar Baidhani rates that the central bank measures announced by the beginning of last March will also contribute to the stability of the exchange rate after taking the market enough time for the purpose of determine the real exchange rate.

[tlm724] that the central bank measures announced by the beginning of last March will also contribute to the stability of the exchange rate after taking the market enough time for the purpose of determine the real exchange rate. Bring on the stability !

Full Implementation of Tariffs Postponed Until July

House of Representatives vote on the Academy of Law and proceeded to read the National Guard Law

May 07 .2015   On the other hand the presidency of the Council agreed in principle to the content of the decision of the Finance Committee about the wait customs tariff law and submitted it to the Legal Committee of the ripening and then vote on it at a later meeting.

And then the Presidency has decided to adjourn the meeting until the day of 19.05.2015.

The information department

Iraqi Council of Representatives


Congress center and south claim for questioning Zebari to impose tariffs on other outlets without

Editor Alaa Hassan - Thursday 7 May 2015 14:33

Alsumaria News / Baghdad   announced a group of deputies from the central and southern provinces, Thursday, for the collection of the signatures of more than 70 deputies to demand to stop the customs tariff for their provinces,

stressing that it must include all outlets Iraq , as called for questioning Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari because of the imposition of tariffs on Mnavd border without the other.

The MP said the province of Basra, Khalaf Abdul Samad , at a press conference, today, in the Parliament together with the deputies of the center and south and attended by Alsumaria News ,

"The Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari was insisting on the application of the customs tariff in our provinces without having to apply in the territory Kurdistan and its outlets. "
Abdul Samad pointed to "collect the signatures of more than 70 MP to demand the stop of customs tariffs for central and southern governorates that did not include all Mnavd Iraq of Trebil to Abraham in Kurdistan."

 He said Abdul Samad, "in the absence of the minister directives stop in this regard will Nstdifa and Nstjoppe about the reasons for the imposition of tariffs on Mnavd border Iraq without the other. " 

For his part, MP from Basra Mazen Mezni said that "there is an agreement between the provincial government and the General Authority for taxes to postpone the application of the law for two months in the case of the central government's approval on it must include all government ports in center and south. 

" He added Mezni "we will resort to follow the latest style, a deduction of funds customs tariff to finance our province only." 

Furthermore, the Attorney Haitham al-Jubouri, the Minister of Finance called for "postponing the implementation of the decision until the seventh month after the agreement between the parliamentary finance committee, 

accompanied by a delegation of General Customs and a delegation from the Kurdistan region and concerned with customs after visiting port Abraham. " 

The Ministry of Finance has issued earlier decision imposes on the central and southern regions of Iraq the fulfillment of the commitment of customs tariff exception of northern Iraq.


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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