Don't WAIT!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland on a Quiet Saturday Night


  What have we been told for some time that when the RV is near a plethora of negative info will be put out...looking like that is holding true

: BJ did you hear from your banker friend today? sorry if this question has been asked...

Blackjack7 : No GS but I think we are in the 24hr window from what my friend told me last night

Blackjack7:  Ok just another tidbit...just spoke with my friend and he had a few words...RICH BY MONDAY TUESDAY...that was between the Y'ALL!!!

Adept1:  BlackJack: My contacts suggest the same.
GJHonor  mrs.) Adept1 from the forum very encouraging. Adept1 :  I've had five separate confirmations today/yesterday that the RV has happened in Iraq and we will be IN the banks by Tuesday/Wednesday.

: everything is lining up

  I can't wait to line the bank....

SassyD: Someone noted a great date.......... 5/10/15 !!!!!!!

Yada: When DC was asked on friday,he stated three possiblities,,,no tax, capital gains and flat tax,,,,,in lieu of the current laws,,,,flat tax on contract rates but no tax on regular exchange rates


Iko Ward : I am prepared not to hear anything concrete until tomorrow night at the earliest. It seems they have finally focused on crowd control now that the international problems are settled

Iko Ward: We will,go, first along with the other big groups. General public may not even hear about this until later in the week. IMO

Iko Ward: Remember when you read the other gurus their audience is general public, not us, so,what they say well may be true bit does not apply to,us

Ingenious1:  Iko will we go w/admiral, Gen 64 & other groups? or will they go first?

Iko Ward:  We will go along with the other groups, IMO



Mac May 9, 2015 at 8:10pm How can all these Gurus in the know be on totally different sheets of music. Either Iraq ri'd or not!

> Mac  It sounds like the RI happened in Iraq, and the different prognostications by the different gurus are based on different expectations of what will happen next, or what has to happen before, or what needs to be in place to enable, and so on.

Some believe the rates are on screens and just waiting on some BS logistical steps in the US... gov or bank or treasury, whichever.

Some believe the RV will not happen globally until Plan B components are in place - CIPS.

 Some believe RV won't happen till China is part of the global reserve currency, IMF modifies the SDR, Shanghai exchange is pricing Gold, and so on.

I don't know which is true, but I'm hoping that RV is imminent and we're just waiting on logistics, so any day now.


Awake-in-3D > Ranger4564  
I'm on the "it's just logistics" bandwagon...

Like when you ship a piece of equipment to a foreign country and it goes smoothly from truck, to ocean ship, then another truck, and then it gets stuck in the customs office because one piece of paper wasn't signed or filed properly... that pretty much covers it! 


hkm :
  Mac Im thinking they did, and the delay exo is talking about is the gcr that probably wont take place until fall. I think Iraq is doing it now.


ron bandy May 9, 2015 The Chairman of the Committee of Economy and parliamentary investment, Jawad al-Bolani, said in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The Central Bank of Iraq, devoted billion dollars to activate the private banks sector, especially in the field of small and medium enterprises, as achieve significant revenue and stir the labor market."

R.V./ GCR 
> ron bandy   Nice...... the seperation of goi from cbi

> R.V. / GCR  Excellent!!!! This is something we've been waiting on it!!!


MOT: He Experiences Labor For Mother’s Day – And Leaves His Wife And Dr. In Tears Of Laughter –

He Experiences Labor For Mother’s Day – And Leaves His Wife And Dr. In Tears Of Laughter –

Penn asked his wife what she’d like for Mother’s Day, and though she’s been thankful for the gifts over the past, she thought it would be the perfect gift for him to experience what it takes to become a mother.

They enlisted the help of a doctor to set up simulated contractions, and Penn leaves his wife and the doctor trying not to laugh – but it just can’t be avoided.

What a funny gift – and a better understanding he now has to thank his mother!

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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