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Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday News, Summaries by Aggiedad77 at KTFA

aggiedad77 » April 20th, 2015, 10:40 am

Monday News Summaries and Commentaries

Parliamentary Finance: Iraq actually needs to international borrowing

Yet another talking head from the Finance Committee verbalizing the woes of Iraq to come if they don't do some kind of borrowing on an international level....the World Bank is today's focus it seems.....

He talks of Finance Minister Zebari talking about requiring $5 billion dollars to meet the needs of the bonds they have been talking about.....they are in negotiations with both Citibank and Deutsche Bank to obtain such a loan...

.Meanwhile going to the IMF in search of $700 million in financial aid from they are working on a deal to finance the purchase of ten Boeing airplanes.....all the while their monthly government payroll stands around $3.5 billion dollars a month.....cut some of the fat loose.
Kubi: The United Nations will provide assistance to the displaced and support Abadi

The UN has announced it will help provide support for displaced citizens within Iraq...this comes after their discussion with the cleric al-Sistani....the UN also announced it would do everything it can to support PM Abadi.

Zebari discuss with the International Monetary Fund financial reform steps to address the budget deficit

Finance Minister Zebari met with IMF head Lagarde and talked of reform concerns that will help to address the Iraqi budget deficit and current liquidity crisis...this discussion was held during a meeting with the IMF and other ME finance ministers and central bank governors.

Finance calls for the International Monetary Fund to reduce prices imposed on investment projects

Finance Minister Zebari met with a couple of subgroups within the IMF concerning the lowering of prices associated with investment projects within Iraq as a means to help kick start the private sector within Iraq....they continue to investigate any number of ways that will seek to bring about lower costs to Iraq at this time of liquidity crisis.

The formation of sub-finance committee to prepare the body for the formation of the Deposit Insurance Law

A Finance Committee member spoke out today announcing the formation of a sub-committee that will look into the creation of a proposed law that would for a body to guarantee bank deposits....something that is long overdue for Iraq....they seek to stabilize security within the banking industry....something like this will go a long way to alleviating depositor worries.

Can Iraqi prime minister deliver on pledges made in Washington?

This is a fairly easily read article, so I will allow you to do that on your own....what I will suggest about this article is this.....IMO....this article was written by a huge sympathizer of the current administration.....who IMO....are not as eager to see Iraq succeed as the rest of the world wants Iraq to win.....we are slow to support....slower to arm.....and so afraid of looking bad from a political standpoint that we simply will allow two fledgling allies to just go by the wayside in a dire time of need on their part....Iraq and the Kurds.....there has been and continue to be great strides made by this government.....but to gloss over the successes and push the knife in deeper with the other hand is not acceptable of a world power...again IMO.

Parliament to raise its 28 April

Today's Parliament session did get through the second reading of the Investment Law....woohoo....some well as a couple of other readings....then announced its next meeting to be April 28.

Finance is preparing to issue secured orders

According to Dr. Saleh Iraq is about to cover its 2015 budget deficit from a variety of directions....both internally as well as externally in the forms of loans of varying scales as well as bond sales/auctions....all of which will total enough to cover this years deficit in the budget.....

This is probably not a great position to find oneself in.....but it is all thanks to the former government and their corrupt ways that has led to this predicament that Iraq sits squarely in the middle of today...

That coupled with the 50% fall in oil prices since last summer....the two coupled together have done nothing but spell headache after headache for Iraq....I even blame the rise in domination by ISIS in this same time frame on the former government for not providing security for their country as they should have....they are the real cause for ISIS presence in Iraq today and a third nose bleed for Iraq's economy today.

Specialist: that Iraq is free of sovereign funds depth of the crisis

A rather weak opinion by one specialist that appears to feel forced to lean upon wikipedia for support of his stance.....not a strong support for his effort at all I am afraid....wikipedia is not reliable as a source of information on any professional level....he is right I believe in that Iraq needs to have a sovereign currency in order to bring them out of the crisis they do they manage to do that...raise the value of the currency to some recognized international level....begin true trading and interaction with the big dogs of the world.

World Bank representative for the morning {}: help Iraq out of crisis

The World Bank is urging Iraq's government to take stronger measures with regard to greater fiscal consolidation of revenue and expenditure other words keep looking for ways to cut spending...the country saw significant deterioration of their finances in 2014 hit from several different directions all at once essentially has led to a huge liquidity issue for the government....truly a rehash of what we've been witnessing in their economic and financial news for the past number of months.

Coffee break time.....dibs on the bathroom too....LOL.....have a great Monday Family.

Aloha  Randy

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