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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Comments On "Conflict & Commonality" Part 2

Thoughts On “Conflict And Commonality Between Multilateralism And Democracy”

Dottie Derewicz   APRIL 28, 2015 AT 11:42 AM  Wow.. a lot to think about/absorb.  JC, you have supplied us with so much information and I see how it all connects and here is the challenge you have given us to reflect upon. I am still thinking.. a long road, as I am considering how we got here. To me that is the important we got here.

Nanook.. I connected with what you had to say more than anyone else. Thank you for your thoughts.

And the people at least in the US..are unable to disconnect from what they have been spoon fed for so long. I have given them the truth of the matter for two years now and they still go back to what they were spoon fed over the years. 

They can’t get beyond it. They actually believe all these wars were fought for moral reasons. I truly get puzzled by that one.

I also find humans to not meld so well with change. Even though it may be that the change is for the best. I certainly am not sure yet that this change is for the best, but I am one who will try to take whatever the best of the change offers.

I will wait to hear what others have to say on this and continue to reflect on this.
Fromawaysite APRIL 28, 2015 AT 12:28 PM All very important , interesting and somewhat insightful comments . I being in the fall of my life , study and research as best I can the history of mankind .

We see unfolding before our eyes the Destruction and murder of sovereign countries along with millions of men, women and children, never mind the scores of maimed and millions displaced .

Presidents, Prime Ministers , Heads of State celebrate with $ Speaking engagements. Justice is now , Just US.

“The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power.

What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from all the oligarchies of the past, in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites.

 The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives.

They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just round the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal.

We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it.

Power is not a means; it is an end.

One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power.”   1984

Safety Fishnet (@SafetyFishnet)  APRIL 28, 2015 AT 2:04 PM  Dear J.C, Nanook and others,

While I don’t claim to have a depth of philosophical & political knowledge, it seems obvious that any system will fail -be it republic or democracy (no intent to disrespect any heritage)-.

This is due to a very simple fact that J.C keeps on emphasizing : our infinite ability to corrupt and failure to self-reflect. This is mostly due to, in my opinion, ignorance of ourselves regarding our creation & existence.

One can speculate about the best untested political structure and endless checks & balances, but I keep asking myself what gives one to rule another?

Why do we need to have ownership of assets, how is it justified?

Isn’t the world allodial as the Creator wanted it to be? Isn’t wealth what we produce on given time, as proposed by J.C?

If we define wealth in monetary units and make subsistence depend on it; how can we ensure an equitable representation of one’s fruits of labor?

 Doesn’t us paying taxes annually on property, cars etc. to states mean that states essentially own everything and we just lease from them?

 If U.S is legally owned by the Crown & Vatican, aren’t the other modern nation states, who are relatively younger, as well? Canon law, UCC or maritime law rule us all, we are technically dossier material for the states, with passport & social security numbers.

Whatever system is devised we must establish on the basis of community (common unity) to avoid falling into traps of base desires opposed to our essential needs which feeds apathy.  

The term “human” is derogatory, it is composed of “humi(land, soil)” and “anus” (ass, ring), meaning “land creature” or “bound to land”, symbolizing our limitation by senses.


Nanook, what a beautiful way to put it: “Rights are a negative obligation and they are universal (we are all endowed with them by virtue of our existence as human beings).

If a right requires you to take something from someone they might not normally give you if asked then it probably isn’t one.

Thus – logically speaking – there are no “minority rights” there are only rights as we are all simply human.” You seconded my thoughts, defining one’s rights is futile just like to claim ownership of something. They’re just given, who are we to change and codify.

We are more than humans (or physical bodies) and although transhumanism (terrible idea), on the surface, is promoted to conquer our deficiencies, this is a battle we must face ourselves.

This is what I fear about the multilateral initiative as the people of the world seek sameness.

While it’s definitely necessary to remove most of the inherent instabilities in the globalist system, I fear it will again drive us into complacency by removing self responsibility.

The supranational institutions and their initiatives driving sustainable development & wealth redistribution is better than nothing and but these are the same institutions who exploited us to create these calamities in the first place. Lack of this awareness will lead us to an even bigger crisis in the future as proposed by J.C

I’m sorry if my ramblings have been a headache & nonsense, this piece touched upon some subjects I’ve been considering for some time and trying to address. I’ve already learned a lot from J.C and others on this site and love to embark on the journey to find our inner knowledge.

“Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend” Albert Camus

irrelevant111   APRIL 28, 2015 AT 2:20 PM  Let us return to the days of simplicity…:)

The Shoe Is The Sign - The Beginning

toknowyourenemy   APRIL 28, 2015 AT 2:51 PM  You cannot have spring until you’ve had winter.

 Big questions will have to be answered once and for all. The only way to have the kinds and types of lofty and noble mental duels most here would prefer (me included) we have to have a clear view of the field……the rules of the game.

As in, like after WWII there was no discussion necessary about so many things that dominate the fake news of the msm today. Everyone at the bar is hammered and came in angry – drinking to forget their problems, it’s closing time and the arguments brewing all night long will be settled in the parking lot.

I say prepare, but I know many here believe that to be ignorant. How many reading this have a ‘bull** job’….one that society just wants, not necessarily needs?

You want funny?….ask someone with a want job and they’ll almost universally tell you how its an absolute need job. Unfortunately I have a want job. :(

Cramley   APRIL 28, 2015 AT 4:44 PM  “More importantly, the underlying bonds currently open market operations or the stock of central bank bills too (currently depository financial institution claims on governments and central banks only 7 trillion and more than 6500 million),

compared to 127 trillion stock of M2 concerned, not enough to support a large number of central banks continued to achieve the purpose for base money.

Therefore, the central bank needs a stable and relatively large-scale asset purchases to achieve the target base money…”

Bernanke’s two paragraphs under Fiscal Policy,

 , are going to be executed in China.

daniel grig (@gelingrig)  APRIL 28, 2015 AT 5:50 PM  Hi JC. My perception is that, in this article you tried to see and expose the part fills the glass of the transition to a multilateral system.

Not bad to see the positive.

It is logical and natural that when a transition/RESET of a global financial system, as it is the case now, the architects, the elite, needs the vote of the people (the free will, manipulated) through which people give his signature as slaves.

People think that your vote/firm as free men and women “” in a democratic State, is the way, is the way most decent to create the future, but that is an illusion. The future is created by private supranational institutions.

Seeing a multilateral model full of the glass of the transition part, it is obvious that when the globalists have whipped the world crisis of FIAT money, which has generated such unsustainable inflation, now the same elite, will has reward offer, give, a little more than democracy, more liquidity, a little more than prosperity.

It has to do so that each new beginning RESET starts with a party and when there is party, as it is in the national elections of “democratic” country.

Quidato have little wealth from the middle class, with two hands and returns with one hand, and want the applause of the people, the recognition of the people.

It is as a bandit clench you throat and are on the verge of “collapse” by choking, then the villain, lets you breathe a little, and is hard to tell you face: “I you’ve saved”. He has created the problem, the solution offered.

Democracy is only a tool of manipulation, in the current geopolitical context.

“Nanook73″ said: “in fact, I can’t help wondering if the democracy (or our lack of understanding of its nature) is the root of the problem?”

It is only right that the root of the problem is much deeper, and has to do with our inner nature, with our genetics limited and manipulated within the paradigm of the duality.

Following the thread, root comes out of the planetary picture, leaves the world cosmological, that the root of the problem is in the exo-politics, that we manipulated from outside the planet.

Will be our negative creators or our alien masters. Da equals who are, what happens is that humanity for millennia, this avansando in circles in the pattern of the duality and inside the mouse wheel.

The planet is a giant wheel of the mouse, where we will walk century after century, reaching nowhere, because we’re so by design.

The change to a multilateral and multipolar system, is not more than another, faux pas, which wants to sell to the planetary society as a solution.

It has much reason, “safety nets (SafetyFishnet)” when he says:

“Supranational institutions and initiatives that promote sustainable development and the redistribution of wealth is better than nothing and yet these are the very institutions that we exploit to create these calamities in the first place.” Lack of this awareness will lead to one even greater future crisis as proposed…”

But within what it should be, we have to find our inner balance, our peace and our way, in a controlled world.

The proposal of Brandon Smith, strategy to stop globalization with the method of the LOCALISM, makes perfect sense.

Dottie Derewicz   APRIL 28, 2015 AT 6:31 PM  I don’t know why this was not considered one the greatest speeches of Martin Luther King’s time. He inspired so many..  This speech kind of says it all.

It says what I can’t say so eloquently. America was destroyed from within. What was the vision for America has long been gone. Everyone talks the constitution, but that is mostly what it is, is talk.

Martin Luther King sounds as if he made this speech for the eternity of man. ” You shall reap what you sow”..America I believe has reaped what it sowed. Martin Luther Kings words..”God says..You are too arrogant America..again you have reaped what have sown. “America is moving down a dead end road”.

This speech is about Vietnam, but it is more about America and war and the arrogance of this nation.

Martin Luther King, "Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam"

irrelevant111  APRIL 28, 2015 AT 10:19 PM Dottie,  The speech is profound.

Gov’t is the demon, not America as a whole.   Never disrespect my country.

Dottie Derewicz   APRIL 28, 2015 AT 11:15 PM  It isn’t about disrespecting your country..we as the people have lost any say so into what is done in this country.

When you speak of America most feel it includes your government.

We are suppose to be the ones who elect these idiots. I have respect for what this country use to be, not what it is now.

Of course as I recall we dropped a bomb that killed over 80,000 people in Japan that wasn’t necessary. The war was over..Japan was defeated, but we dropped the bomb anyway.

We have over 800 military bases around the world. We are reaping what we have sown. I love the America that our founders believed in, not the one we have today. If you are offended by the fact that I tell the truth then I am sorry.

Dottie Derewicz  APRIL 28, 2015 AT 11:22 PM I am sure those in Germany loved their homeland as well, but they had to bear the brunt when they allowed Hitler to take the reins.

irrelevant111  APRIL 28, 2015 AT 6:59 PM  The journey of man…
Norman Ball  APRIL 28, 2015 AT 7:40 PM  Exactly Daniel Grig.  Localism starves the Beast. Megalomania can find neither leverage nor traction because localism offers zero economies of scale. 

You can’t construct a Tower of Babel in Mayberry using the resources of Mayberry alone. All the cement in the county might get you three stories high. That’s bush league altitude by Luciferian standards. Their panopiticon needs to see all corners of the earth.

Mayberryans need to ask why the Mayberry Gazette has a picture of the Gaza Strip on the front page as if it’s actionable news (for them). The news that affects peoples’ lives occurs within a 50 mile radius of their homes: school referenda, traffic reports, weather, etc.

 All the rest is prurient interest or calculated manipulation. People LIVE where they ARE. What a concept. What has globalism ever brought Mayberry but PTSD to its boys and girls and higher taxes? 

All this Superpower stuff has resulted in newer schools in Baghdad than Mayberry. So the school referendum might not make it though at any price tag.

Sheriff Andy would be pulling his hair out with all the meth labs on the outskirts of town anyway.

 It may be too late to save the social fabric. We took our eyes off our own town centers and were told to squint into the distance at Kabul. Who took our eye off the ball? Why was our eye taken off the ball?

irrelevant111  APRIL 29, 2015 AT 12:33 AM  Dottie,  The bombs that fell over Japan saved many American lives due to ignorance which is most certainly a failing in all countries.

How many of your ancestors gave their lives so you have the freedom to speak?

I lost many…  Off my podium, wish you well as we live n learn…  Best

uismagno2010   APRIL 29, 2015 AT 6:29 AM  @nanook  I was responding to JC’s comment on your comment. “Minority rights” is establishment wording and JC’s. It is not my wording. I used that wording as a starting point in an attempt to close the conceptual gap to New Paradigm thinking on the issue of “minority rights”. 

The concept of “minority rights” is a mental abomination and a mental aberration imposed on the hapless American people from “on high”.

daniel grig (@gelingrig)  APRIL 29, 2015 AT 7:17 AM  irrelevant111, All wars are behind the interests of private banking. Countries and people are victims.

But the elite works behind a symbol of a country such as America, Russia and China.

If the U.S. out have many hotbeds of war, it is not that the country called USA, if single to decided to go to war, but that have manipulated the votes, for the lie of corrupt politicians, which are private banking puppets.

The United States is no longer a free country, it is a corporation headquartered in Washington, DC (district of Colombia) is a micro-estado in another State and belonging to the Vatican.

America has two constitutions, but few know this painful truth.

What makes the elite then is face even through patriotism.

Part of patriotism is “brainwashing” that many American soldiers have died and killed others, thousands of miles distance from his country, like Afghanistan, Iraq etc thinking that they are Patriots and defend America, unaware that defended the interests of private banking. We are all brothers planetary.

luismagno2010  APRIL 29, 2015 AT 8:24 AM JC, I do believe that this is your best off-topic essay ever. The Achilles heel of your improving vision is the failure to extend your multilevel thinking to a multidimensional reality.  ~ from Ludwig der Grosse aka Luis Magno

JC Collins  APRIL 29, 2015 AT 12:21 PM  Luis, thanks, I think. The esoteric is never far from my mind. So in good spirit I’ll give you a tidbit of something that aligns with your comment. 

Humans are multidimensional reality, and the Earth is a multidimensional lens. Everything has multidimensional components whether we perceive it correctly or not. 

A multilateral restructuring of Mans systems is a “projection” of the multidimensional characteristics of both mind and matter, of which the Earth is the projecting lens.

Norman Ball   APRIL 29, 2015 AT 1:24 PM  “Part of patriotism is “brainwashing” that many American soldiers have died and killed others, thousands of miles distance from his country, like Afghanistan, Iraq etc thinking that they are Patriots and defend America, unaware that defended the interests of private banking.  We are all brothers planetary.”

Part of the American Empire’s job is to convince the American People that they and it are one. This averts having to make the rather awkward request of “your sons’ and daughters’ lives to conduct our business overseas”.

Is there a dawning recognition of this outrageous glossing-over in the heartland? You might think after Iraq and Afghanistan there might be.

You might also be wrong…

Look at the wild reception in Middle America to ‘The Sniper’ movie. They loved it because WE were kicking THEIR asses. American kids in Afghanistan can suicide themselves all they want. 

The Heartland is deaf and blind to their silent message. Nothing has been learned. Darwin had little time for stupid. The exceptionalist nation is flunking out.

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