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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Mnt Goat Wed. Afternoon Update - "The Journey" - Part 1 of 2

(Thank you George for emailing Dinar Recaps.)

UU4409 – “The Journey” by Mnt Goat

Hello Everyone,

I hope that many of my fine dinarian friends are now trying to take control of learning for yourselves on what is going on with this Iraq dinar RV process. I also hope you found my last newsletter (LINK) on taking this control useful and informative. Now it is time for action.

So today’s helpful tip on intel gathering: 
We tend to look at news sometimes in a vacuum. Almost like as it life stopped  and does not continue or never was. This of course is not true and so in this intel gathering you can’t forget the past and must find a way to gather and save what you now know. What you learn today is applicable and interrconnected maybe months later. You have to put it all together. It is all interconnected as the world existed prior and continues to turn and life goes on in Iraq.
Today’s News

Today is Wednesday April 29th and yes still no RV. Oh but I thought we had a window over the weekend through Tuesday night? 

So in today’s news we need to look at this ongoing RV saga as a journey. A journey that really began in September 2014 when al-Abadi was allowed to take control of the government and voted in as the new prime minister of Iraq.

We all know also about the loss and waist from the  previous eight years of the al-Maliki government and all it’s corruption. We need to take a long look at the stage that was set way before al-Abadi took office. It was not a pleasant atmosphere. It needs much work and cleanup.

I will try to explain briefly some of it below. So instead of seeing the glass as half empty (since no RV has occurred) look at all the wonderful progress Abadi has done for Iraq in only 7+ months. Yes –only 5 months.
The glass is surely half full !  Where do you think we will be in another 7+ months? I hope to be at the bank before then….lol…..

So let’s review:
Maliki saw the 2014 election coming up. He remembered the riots against his policies. He knew he would not get re-elected. So Maliki had to resort to maneuver after maneuver to try to take control of the government. One such tactic was rigging the voting process. Another tactic was by means of attempting to declare a national emergency. He did this under the premises of the new law written up by his council of ministers call the “national emergency act” . This law was of course rejected by the parliament and never went anywhere. So this tactic did not work. When I first saw the article on this new law in early March 2014 I said to myself he was going to try something big to take control since he knows he can’t win the election peacefully. So those that don’t read the articles- I feel sorry for you….lol…..

Then Maliki organized and willfully let ISIS infiltrate his own country (high treason) for the purpose of creating chaos in the hope that he might find a thread in which to take control and force the national emergency on Iraq.

He did this in the midst of the election, thus hoping to give him indefinite powers and suspension of the elections and the constitution. This did not work. This power of course lays only with parliament and they were not about to give it to him.

Then in April he argued over who won the election and did not want to peacefully submit to the candidate who did win. We never really heard much about the voter fraud by I assure you it was ramped. Finally after 5 months (we are talking from April to September) Maliki resigned but only if he could have a vice president position (blackmail).

Since September of 2014 he has not  been very supportive of the new government of Abadi and still continues to secretly orchestrate terrorist activities. So this week we see him once again rear his ugly head (and it is a big one too…lol…) and continue to downplay the progress of Abadi and his efforts to unite the tribes and move this country forward.

This week we see his latest tactic included instilling lack of confidence in the new government and alluded that he could do a better job and he should now take back control since Abadi could not do it. As you may remember parliament could after 30 days take a vote of no-confidence and re-run the elections if the currency prime minister does not satisfy his own policies, as agreed. Remember the big ordeal in 2012 to call for a no-confidence vote on Maliki? This no-confidence must be headed by the president of the country and so we then saw president Talibani and what happened to him (again Maliki eliminates all opposition).

As you may know for Abadi to gain support in order to take control away from Maliki last April – September he had to make promises and negotiate a new unification/reconciliation agreement which included a series of reforms. These reforms were not new and a carryover from the Maliki administration (since he could not or would not implement them) and some new reforms as lessons learned to more tightly control the GOI in the future (to avoid another Maliki nightmare).

So just over this past weekend we see Abadi address these political leaders of the provinces and give yet another of his progress report cards to them in the latest of the Reconciliation Conferences. As we may all know many of these reforms had deadlines imposed upon them as part of the agreement with the Abadi government and many of these deadlines and passed. This was a crucial conference.

This is also the reason  for the recent urgency we have heard to extent the parliament session through May and forgo their usual recess. They need to pass a “basket of laws”, their term not mine. I have listed these laws that have overdue deadlines in my last news letter dated 4/27. We should see these passed very soon. They were supposed to be all voted upon last Thursday 4/ 23 however this did not occur.

As a result Maliki took this as his opportunity from Abadi’s report card of the Reconciliation Conference to jab, poke and bash Abadi and hassle the parliament in suggesting that Abadi has had enough time and should be removed and replaced in order to give another candidate a try (of course he means himself or one of his pigeons).

This is of course totally ridiculous as we all have seen the Abadi accomplishments. The fact is in 7 months so far he has been in power he has accomplished more than Maliki could (or wanted to) accomplish in 8 years he was in power.

So out pops this article about this entire event. It is an excellent read and shows to us once again that Maliki must be dealt with and this must be done soon. I also stand my ground firmly in that we will not see any RV until this occurs.

Article follows:

Prime Minister Abadi stressed in a closed session that will respect any decision taken by the legislature
In previous change in Iraq in 2003, and throughout the five governments Omar yet from the government of Iyad Allawi and the end of the current government, Abadi, the Iraqi Prime Minister announced yesterday respect any decision can be taken by the Parliament on the continued trust their government or withdrawn. With threw Abadi ball in the court of Parliament in terms of its continued support in the face of difficult economic and security challenges facing Iraq, it is for the second day in a row face implicit messages to his predecessor, Nuri al-Maliki, who is famous for his phrase «What Nntaha» (will not give it), a metaphor for his commitment to the authority .

Here is the link to the article it is a long read but very informative as to this crisis. You get to see just where Mailik’s head is at.

[Update on Decentralization Efforts in Iraq]
I have talked about this many times in my news letters. As we all should know by now part of the reconciliation agreement was to decentralize powers of the Baghdad national government (to avoid again any possible dictatorship) by giving each of the provinces more decision making on how their money is to be self managed and by providing security forces within the providences themselves.  This is also a requirement for implementation of their constitution and required now by the USA. I have described this in more details in many of my past news letters.

So we continue to witness the continued rollout process going forward of the new procedures to the provinces underway by the prime minister Abadi.  So this week out pops this article from Ahmed al-Jubouri giving the citizens a report card on its progress so far. Seems Abadi has given direction to his ministers to give update statuses on their efforts to the people.

Gotta luv it. Now this is leadership ! (never saw this from Maliki!)   

Article follows:

Tomorrow Press / Karbala: The Minister of State for Provincial Affairs Ahmed al-Jubouri, on Monday, the central government has transferred about 50% of the powers of the ministries to the provinces, while the political blocs accused of wanting to limit the ministry chair for personal interests and partisan and has no loyalty to the homeland. Jubouri said a number of ways media, including "Tomorrow Press", on the sidelines of the supreme body of a coordination meeting between the governorates not organized province, which was held in the city of Karbala that "the government before the decentralization project was announced by a serious and hard to apply it according to the law," noting that "we have done about 50 percent of the transfer of powers It is run is not a little but it is not enough and there are parties not like the success of the state. "

He added that "there are political blocs hinder the transfer of powers of the ministries to local governments and the biggest problem facing the decentralization", accusing some of the political blocs to "it wants to limit the ministry chair of the interests of personal and partisan and has no loyalty to the homeland."  He explained Jubouri that "the state embarrassing day for lack of financial liquidity and the duty of the provincial cooperation for resolving this crisis," noting that "the Iraqi provinces demanded a meeting today to cancel the decision 62 that halted the transfer of powers has been the prime minister pledged to offer in the next cabinet meeting."

[Update - Fighting ISIS/DAASH]

So once again we hear of propaganda spreading that the battle for Mosul is over and that they are mopping up Anbar resistance. Simple not true!

The USA is sending in the 82nd Airborne units to Iraq and they are not scheduled to arrive until June 1st.
Also the USA Special Forces units are to arrive in May. Those leased Apache helicopters too have not yet arrived to be used in the battle. So you tell me that the battle for Mosul is already over?

I have to tell you this could not be farther from the truth.

So this week we see yet another article telling us what is happening in this area of concern.

Article follows:   

Long-Presse / Baghdad
A source in the Iraqi Interior Ministry, said Monday that security forces sealed off all entrances to the Green Zone in central Baghdad, in anticipation of security breaches will be launched during a demonstration, this afternoon, to protest the killing of leaders and members of the military region of blather.

The source said in an interview with the (long-Presse), "The security forces sealed off all the entrances to the Green Zone in central Baghdad, in anticipation of security breaches during the demonstration, scheduled for this afternoon, in Tahrir Square eastern door area, in protest against the killing of leaders and members of the Army area blather by the organization (Daash). "

The source, who asked not to be named, said: "The security forces were deployed heavily in the eastern section area and nearby areas to protect the protesters."
[Update – Much needed Iraqi Legislation]

(Voice of Iraq) - The member of the National Forces Alliance victory Jubouri the cancellation of the House of Representatives legislative holiday for its members for the month of May with a view to the next important laws that the Council was not able to legislation during the previous sessions of the legislation.  Jubouri also demanded the adoption of important laws and necessary that affect the lives of citizens and significantly affect the functioning of the political process as the law of the Federal Court and the law of parties, and the law of oil and gas in addition to the National Guard law. She said al-Jubouri in a statement to Radio tow that there is a difference in views between the political blocs on those particular laws Parties Law and the Law on the National Guard that the government program focused upon during this period, noting that there are many sessions will be held between the heads of the blocks and the competent committees to work
 on fueling those laws.

My Comments: Once again Iraq is pointing out to us the mandatory legislation needed for national reconciliation and are even making it a priority to get it done since the speaker is canceling the May recess to put a bit of fire under their buts. So what these laws (once again):

1)    Parties law (very controversial, needs lots of debate and work)
2)    National Guard law (needs lots of work)
3)    Federal Court law
4)    Law of Oil and Gas. This is not the HCL as many believe and get confused. It is additional legislation related to HCL but not the HCL in itself.

Soon Link to PART 2

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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