Don't WAIT!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wednesday Afternoon Dinarland Chatter


Steadfast:  A reasonably sane person has to wonder, How much longer can they keep people on lockdown, and keep the Iraqi people from rioting?

Iko Ward:
  Stead fast...sanity has nothing to do with this

  Just heard from my friend and all I can say WOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

: Blackjack... what is the reason for the big woooooohooooooo??

Blackjack7:  zzzz the info that I received is very exciting but has to be kept on the hush hush but it affects us all  …with my friends info I am quite sure that is coming here in the room today

RockyMntLAdy: did your Wm call you in for your appt? or was it some more good info?
Blackjack7:  More info from my friend who is in the know

Blackjack7:  My friend told me I have created a tremor in the RV force LOL

:   BJ, more like a tsunami.....

OK Rocks: Blackjack is that a good tremor or a bad one?

Blackjack7: Good


Through pm’s I know that some are wanting to know the bank and who my wm is...I cannot divulge those details because it is pertinent information...I hope you understand as I truly need to protect him and the process...but keep in mind he would not be doing this if he did not know something

JBH4129 :Blackjack if u do exchange ...hit the road Jack and don't u come back no more no more lol

Blackjack7 :Gonna ride off into the sunset and leave one little code phrase before I do


Blackjack7: Hey y'all just got the call I go in at 2:30 kind of ironic seeing how things shut down at 4 out east


: I heard some guys signed NDA yesterday. A high govnmt official…. My fathers friend.... I heard tomorrow is the big day!!

: That could mean 2:00 eastern time for everyone.


Anyone interested in my opinion? I have been saying it all month…..Because of the "missing 50" plates, supposedly given to Iran by Maliki, they won't pull the trigger until the 50s are now longer valid. That is tomorrow. I am not saying it happens, and there is NEVER a single backwall event to this ride, but I like to know why it can't happen more than hoping it will.



Awake-in-3D >  Blackjack 's info is coming from his Bank. Hope the banks aren't being lead down the Yellow Brick Road... Again. I WANT TO BELIEVE! [This time!] :)…..

booyah > Awake-in-3D I think he has one friend he is getting info from, and also a WM

  I've set up my Trusts some time ago and they are costly. What's leading me to some excitement with Blackjack7 is that his WM set him up without being paid for the services in advance. No Banker/attorney does anything without $$$ in hand first!!! :)


Danny S.  April 29, 2015 at 12:15pm

Gold Flows East – China, India Import Massive Quantities of Gold from Switzerland

By Mark O'Byrne April 27, 2015

- Singapore, India and China continue to import staggering volumes of gold from the West

- U.K. exports of bullion to Switzerland increase 6 fold to a very large 97 tonnes

- Gold exports from Switzerland to both China and India doubled in March

- Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) becoming most important centre for physical gold trade

- LBMA says London gold trade will not move to exchange

- Gold price languishes at all time inflation adjusted lows despite robust demand …


R.V. / GCR April 29, 2015 at 12:53pm Whats really going on behind the scenes....

Some guy dressed up looking like a tooth fairy is running up and down the isles with his little pointing stick and Yes, he says and you, and , you and, you and, and you and you and you.

Please meet us in the Room down the hall some are being arrested and others poor babies pink slips and offers to leave dodge city if you know whats best for you and yours , and yours and yours and yours.....

Priming the nation for the take down of Malikis regime , many thought they skipped the worst....NO its just started


BeepBeep > R.V. / GCR  Glad they are cleaning house over there!  I suspect we will be, too, since Iraq is our mirror!  thanks for keeping us in the loop PT.

jdtolle  » April 29th, 2015, Beyond the limitations

The world does not persecute you so much as you would think. Anything that holds you back is assisted in great part by your own imagination, or lack thereof.

Imagine for a while that the barriers are not there. Imagine what you could do if you stepped outside your current assumptions.

The more you focus on what holds you back, the more it holds you back. Imagine being free of the limitations and suddenly, in a very real way, you are.

The energy of your mind has great power. Apply that energy in a positive direction.

Visualize life beyond the limitations. You won’t erase those limitations, yet you can make them far less significant, and much less confining.

Seeing that something is possible, makes it possible for you. Imagine life beyond the limitations, and go do what you have imagined.

Ralph Marston   Wishing All a safe and blessed day   JDT

P.S. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. -- Eleanor Roosevelt

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