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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

KTFA's Frank26 Tuesday Night Conference Call Notes

Post From KTFA By FrostyTheSnowman » April 28th, 2015, 10:00 pm  •  

** The comments made by Frank26 and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! **

Remember this article from last night when Abadi said … “We’re not bankrupt!”

Remember this article from last night when Abadi said … “We’re not bankrupt!”
Iraq has a ton of natural resources! 

They’re not broke!

So I’ve had several calls about the OLD 50’s that are expiring …

So … if you have OLD 50’s can you do anything with them?

Well … you could have IF you would have turned them into a dealer last month.

Outside of the country [outside of Iraq] … you had until the end of March to turn them in.

Now … if you have 100 of the OLD 50’s … please don’t throw your hands-up in the air! 

When you bought your dinars … they didn’t come with a guarantee. 

So how much are the OLD 50’s worth? About .02 to .03 cents a piece. That’s about $3.00 USD for the whole set of 100.

Let’s talk about something else … when the time comes and you take your dinars in to exchange … do you think that an “authenticity certificate” is going to help you? (That doesn’t prove that they are real). 

That authenticity certificate [given by some dinar brokers/deals] is nothing more than a large business card.

If you had 1,000 of the OLD 50’s … you lost about 30 bucks (USD).

If you had a million of the OLD 50’s … you lost about $300 (USD).

Why not keep them? 

Who knows … ten or twenty years from now, they may become a collector’s item that you can pass down to your kids. 

Especially since they [the OLD 50’s] are going to be destroyed by the CBI.

The CBI is only trying to collect the 3 zeros.

The NEW 50 is primed and groomed for a NEW RATE! 

You could try to sell your OLD 50’s for a penny a piece on eBay. Someone might want them.

Tink mentioned that you could frame them.

Make a piñata out of them. Use them with your Monopoly game. Get creative!

Next … MALIKI – is HOT NEWS right now! 

They are after him … and he knows it.

We may see him get dragged into parliament … where they’ll embarrass him … because they now have “LAWS!!!”

With the new laws in place … he is primed for “bars.” 

If they do get him behind bars … we should pray for him. 

Its’ not our position to destroy someone more than they have destroyed themselves.

I suppose we want revenge … (it is human nature) … but as Christians … we just need to pray for him … because it’s not going to be pretty. It might be equivalent to Saddam. It depends on how much he gives up.

Maliki is being “readied” to be arrested.

The green-zone has prepared itself – military wise. 

What did we say yesterday … that 70% of the budget needs to come out. 

Only 30% was used.

At what rate? … they never told you.

Yesterday, Abadi announces that he’s going to the Holy city of Karbala … HOLY DINARS BATMAN!!!

Abadi went to disburse the remainder of the 2015 budget.

They can distribute it … BUT they can’t use that money yet.

Abadi: You’re doing it again … for the 12 … for the DC folks … right? 

You’re trying to impress them.

How much will the citizens of Iraq get? 

Shhhhh … [It’s coming!] 

Now … fast forward 24 hours later … look what happens … “The GOI sent the entire Kurdistan share for the month of April!!”

Usually when we see Abadi open his mouth … it takes months for it to come out. But not now!

WOW! Well good for your Abadi! 

They distributed it … but can the Kurds spend it yet … of course not! 

There is no money … 
He went there to distribute POWER !!!!!!!!!!

Aren’t you curious to see what they’ll do tomorrow?

Tune in tomorrow … (after our LiquidBioCell call) … I may tell you … IF … he has done it!!!!!!!! 

Don’t forget … this Thursday night … KTFA PREMIUM TeamChat.

(Please pray for the city and people of Baltimore). 

CC ended with prayer

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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