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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tuesday News Summaries by Aggiedad77 at KTFA

aggiedad77 » April 28th, 2015,

Tuesday News Summaries and Commentaries

Great CC last night, loaded with news and great stuff, now this morning we see the news itself equally loaded for us and awaiting our reading.

Baghdad: banks refuse to pay deposits to customers .. and «Central» retains the money to cope with inflation

So the government is not giving out any money, thus the banks and private companies are not willing to pay deposits back to its customers for fear of running dry....heck....they are dry.....

Why are they dry.....mostly because those who have loans aren't repaying them....instead they hang on to what they who do you call.....the CBI of course....everyone knows they have something called cash reserves....they don't realize those cash reserves are not on deposit for the common Iraqi citizen or business though....Those reserves keep the country afloat against all the rest of the world....
But what about the bank's capital that it had to give to the CBI in order to operate.....give that we won' we can't....well ok we will offer you only 4% of what you gave us....the remainder of it guarantees the deposits you hold....or something like that....we are working on laws to handle these kinds of things....a basket of laws...don't you understand.

Deputy for the law: defense minister seeks to empty the ministry of "Shiites"

A State of Law MP is claiming the current Defense Minister is working on sinister things that will kick out the Shiites who are in the ministry today.....that is a pure sign of someone who is very nervous it would seem to me....someone who continues to think there are coattails of Maliki to still ride upon.....he doesn't realize those coattails are dragging in the dirt.....this man and others are trying to shift blame from Maliki's earlier actions onto the current Defense Minister's shoulders....even to the point of creating a siege in Anbar that mimicked what actually happened under Maliki's watch at Camp sick and sad....Maliki will stoop to any level to try and get back what his sick mind says is his.

House hosts at today's meeting of Prime Minister and Minister of Defense on the background of the events of Anbar

PM Abadi and the Defense Minister meet with Parliament today, not to hear what Parliament has to say but to tell Parliament what they have been doing with regard to Iraqi security....Parliament found what they have to say so important they cancelled the remainder of their agenda to give these two their full attention.

Parliamentary Finance: a temporary rise in the dollar price of the subject

Once again we have the talking heads from the Finance Committee letting the world know the obvious things...that the rise in the USD over the IQD has been led partially by the tanking of oil prices in the past year as well as the war on terrorism being a drain to the Iraqi economy....

But what they fail to point to is the real reason for the rise of the USD is that Article 50 came into being near the first of this year....a prodigy child of the Finance Committee itself and an utter failure on their part....unless their intent all along was to watch the CBI having to react to this conundrum with its hands tied by a group that has no right to inflict such dictates upon the bank.....yet they try and comply....the Committee is the real culprit one else.

Nasraoui for Mrbd: Abadi has promised to introduce the allocation of funds to Basra, the Council of Ministers

PM Abadi has promised the Basra council that he will go before the COM and ask for funds in which Basra will be able to stimulate stalled projects....he made this promise but does not indicate as to when it might come to Bluedog hinted...where will the money come from unless you RI....get on with the show then.

Parliamentary Finance: Central Bank has processors to maintain the exchange rate of the dollar

Oh the Finance Committee woke up today with their big boy pants on and are claiming as though the world doesn't realize this....the CBI is the one responsible for the exchange rate of the USD against the IQD and they also are the ones responsible to maintain this rate on an even keel.....over the last 4 months the CBI has put many things into play that is trying to maintain the rate...but the rate continues to rise on behalf of the USD.....and why would that be...something the Finance Committee just coughs behind their hand when asked.....because of Article 50 in the budget.....yes the author of which is the Finance Committee.....they have tied the hands of the CBI hamstringing them with something called supply and has been tied up while demand has gone through the roof.

Council Basra: the issuance of orders to slow down in the application of the customs tariff decision border ports for the Southern District

Basra Council is meeting today to determine what they should be doing about the payment collection of customs tariffs.....get it started.....or drag their feet a bit longer.....the tariffs they will be collecting would be roughly double what had been collected in the past from importers and they are not happy about the increases.....thus forcing them to raise their prices in the Iraqi markets....many see that if Basra starts this process and the Kurds do not follow then more goods will be imported through the Kurdistan at lower tariffs and it will greatly hurt the Basra business.

The IMF provides loans to Iraq worth five billion dollars

Remember PM Abadi asked and was told no.....Dr. Shabs was believed to have this the response to his request....$5 billion dollars....note....this is not the $800 million that the IMF said it would offer to Iraq in emergency funds...those funds to tide things over for a week or two.....also mentioned is yet another sum.....$3 interesting.

KRG: Baghdad recognizing 1.333 trillion dinars

The Kurd government on Tuesday is calling in the debt owed them by the Baghdad government or so they claim....something to the tune of 1.333 trillion dinars.....year to date.....and this comes with a veiled threat....the region cannot continue to deliver oil at the 550,000 barrel per day rate if the Baghdad government cannot hold up its end of the deal...especially when the Oil Minister Mahdi has agreed that the Kurds have indeed held up their end of the agreement for 2015.

Economist proposes the establishment of a development bank shareholder to support the development process

An economist is calling for a development bank that will be designed to support the reconstruction and development process of Iraq coming out of years of war and strife, similar to what evolved with the Marshall Plan associated with WWII Europe after the end of the war....a method in which trust can be rebuilt in the economic model of the country and allow people and businesses the opportunity to get back on their feet.....makes one wonder what has happened over the past 10-12 years.....where has this very effort was it squandered under the tutelage of Maliki and his henchmen.....all for nothing it would seem.

Tension Between Abadi and Maliki Increases

State of Law sympathizers with Maliki are attempting to put pressure on PM Abadi to dismiss his current Defense Minister....trying to place blame on him for a siege near Fallujah in February that was averted by the Iraqi Army.....they are working overtime to try and say this is the same situation as what happened at Camp Speicher where a massacre occurred under Maliki's watch.....but IMO....the two do not come close to adding up.....Maliki is again trying to save his own neck at the expense of someone else.....blame shifting attempts on the part of Maliki.

Parliamentary Finance: customs tariff will be applied "in spite of objections"

If I didn't know better I would think that nothing happens in Parliament without Finance Committee the Committee is saying it is their responsibility to give the head nod to implement the customs tariffs.....and they will do so across the country at all entry points.....nondiscrimination application of the tariffs to be applied at all points at the same time....a part of the WTO approval process...claiming that with no tariffs corruption would be rampant....some complain though that any tariffs applied would only be passed along to the consumer through higher market prices.....only certain products would be hit with the tariff increases at this time.
Parliament receives a bill defining the mandates presidencies

Legal Committee has received a bill that defines the three presidencies....the bill will soon see a first reading in Parliament....will be watching for this reading and any ensuing discussion and debate that follows.

Consultant Abadi : we consult for emergency financial assistance and low interest rate without conditions

Dr. Saleh says that Iraq has sought emergency financial funding and a low interest rate on such funding....what they got was $800 million dollars at a simple interest of 1%....not bad.....and to be repaid over 3 years....and then the Finance Committee talks of a loan of $5 billion from the IMF in addition to the emergency funding.

Abadi: I would give up the position in the absence of the ability to protect citizens and interests

It sounds like bits and pieces coming from PM Abadi's speech before Parliament is indicating he will give in to the will of Parliament....but I am sure he is being very protective of his Defense Minister and his actions. This is a man who rarely makes bad decisions especially when it comes to people....not to say it can't happen....but he is a strong leader and made few bad choices since taking office......this needs to be seen and pitched strongly to Parliament as an attempt to assassinate the Defense Minister's character by Maliki and his sympathizers....nothing more.

Abadi of the House of Representatives: any decision of parliament to change the government will be respected

Again more bits and pieces tied to what I just posted above.

Jubouri, a UN official: the next stage is the real start of a broader project for comprehensive reconciliation

The Speaker of Parliament met with UN representatives to discuss the next stage of events towards national reconciliation efforts....they spoke primarily of efforts to contain and eliminate DAASH cells within well as the importance of a number of laws.....with human rights remaining prominent throughout the discussions.

My tummy is growling for a mid-morning cookie break....where is KNARF.....maybe he's at the beach already and forgot about the cookies....who has the coffee brewed....time for that break.  Aloha   Randy

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