Don't WAIT!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

News, Rumors, and Opinions Wednesday Morning


Roberta April 29, 2015 at 8:44am Joel Osteen

When you have an attitude of faith, all the forces of darkness cannot stop you.

Maybe you’re about to give up on what you’re believing for. But you need to get ready—the sun is about to break forth!

If the thought is negative, discouraging or pushing you down, don’t dwell on it—delete it.

Delete the negatives. Reprogram your thinking with thoughts of faith, thoughts of hope, thoughts of victory.

Quit telling yourself it’s never going to change. Things can change overnight…even things that look impossible.

gg4 on April 29, 2015 at 8:42am

Zimbabwe: First Review Under the Staff-Monitor Program-Staff Report; and Press Release


Norj M. gg4 thanks;  Zimbabwe is loaded with rich deposits of all types of minerals, yet they can't come up with a stable currency?  Who is kidding who? We have read how China, Russia etc. are there mining and reaping benefits. The controllers once again have taken over a country that lacks good leadership; intentionally.


D.K.C. > gg4 I think this is fascinating....Iraq also owes a lot of debt to the Paris Club and I think.....the Paris Club was expecting a payment with Rv'd IQD.....

 Quote:  "Reengagement with creditors.
The authorities have stepped up their reengagement with creditors, including by increasing payments to the World Bank (WB) and the African Development Bank (AfDB), a key step in their roadmap toward seeking rescheduling of bilateral official debt under the umbrella of the Paris Club"

This may be HUGE:   If I read this correctly- they are reorganizing all their debt under the umbrella of the Paris Club so that they can move forward with currency reform???  Anyone else???


Gonna retire April 29, 2015 at 8:57am Maliki in the hospital?

BAGHDAD / Sky Press: Displays Vice President Nuri al-Maliki, Wednesday, to illness and was taken to a hospital in Baghdad, after he entered the coma.

A source close to Maliki for "Sky Press," that "the vice president suffers from diabetes and is subject to continuous treatment and, more recently strained the same travel and conferencing, today entered into a sudden coma and was transferred to a specialist hospital in Baghdad for treatment."

The source, who requested anonymity, that "al-Maliki is currently undergoing treatment and it is hoped to improve his health, according to supervisors doctors on treatment," expected "not to proceed with the palm of al-Maliki for his program to win the satisfaction of some elites."

He was placed political source confirmed for "Sky Press" earlier in sharp contrast to that going on in the political center between al-Maliki and al-Abbadi and other parties.


Awake-in-3D April 29, 2015 at 9:53am Good morning! So TNT chatroom is on pins and needles following the minute-to-minute posts by Blackjack7.

His Trusts and Foundation were set up last night (this costs $3,500+ minimum) by his WM and at this moment he's waiting to go in to meet his WM.

I pray this meeting is to exchange and not just to sign his formation documents.

If he "disappears" after his meeting this morning, that would be good news. We shall see...



Topic: The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. Mahatma Gandhi

[arizona49] Some Public Holidays Iraq 2015

•Labour Day is on Friday, 01 May 2015

 •Ramadan (Start) is on Thursday, 18 June 2015

•Republic Day Iraq is on Tuesday, 14 July 2015

•Eid Al Fitr (End of Ramadan) is on Saturday, 18 July 2015



LoveMyBoys:  With BJ info last night I was hoping it might be the night - maybe today?

Blackjack7 : today should be our day

Blackjack7 :I am prepared for my has been quiet so far still have the ringtone set even if it is not at night LOL

Blackjack7 : like I said yesterday my wm would not be setting up the attorneys for the trusts foundations etc without knowing something as that is a huge expense

Blackjack7 :actually I have been preparing for a couple of months...he had called me from vacation saying that it was here back in March but things were put on an admin hold

Blackjack7 :guys I just received a text from my wm everything is set with my accts trusts and back shortly

GodLovesYou:  Blackjack is right about the cost of a Trust....I paid $5,000.00 for my Blind with the WM going now to set his up......that is very positive.

Titleistpro:  Ok blackjack so what happened?

Blackjack7: gm titlest don't know if you saw but I received a text from my wm saying the trusts foundation and accts were set and ready to go...accts for deposits

  I should be getting called shortly to go in

Iko Ward:  I know we're all hi on BJ's ride, but everyone in this room has different circumstances and will need to develop an individual plan that suits their needs. Remember the golden rule...sit back, take it all in, get varied opinions, then make your decision. You will have takes years to set up final versions of any plan, and that plan needs to be flexible to take into account an ever shrinking world economy.

» April 29th, 2015, 7:52 am  PM to Welcome Int’l Business to Baghdad
Posted on 28 April 2015 .

Iraq’s Prime Minister and many of his most senior colleagues will address a top-level international business conference being held in Baghdad later this week.

Organised by the Iraq Britain Business Council (IBBC) together with Iraq’s National Investment Commission (NIC) and the Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce, the event will also be attended by senior executives from leading companies in both the UK and the Middle East Region.

Dr Al Abadi is expected to highlight the dynamic relationship between Iraq and UK business and will call for more investment from British firms to help the nation to continue its rapid development.

The PM will be joined on Wednesday 29th April by Deputy Prime Minister Dr Shaways and the ministers of Oil, Agriculture, and Planning. The Minister of Higher Education and former Deputy PM, Dr Hussain Al Shahristani, will also speak on the second day of the conference on Thursday 30th April.

The event, being held at the Babylon Hotel on the banks of Baghdad’s Tigris River, will also be attended by the UK’s Ambassador to Iraq, Frank Baker OBE, and the IBBC’s Founder and Executive Chairman, Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne.

Dr Sami Al Araji, the Chairman of the National Investment Commission, and Jaafar Al Hamdani, President of Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce, will both address the conference.

Business leaders, such as Shell Iraq’s Country Chairman, Hans Nijkamp and BP Deputy Country Manager, Zaid Elyaseri, will also speak at the event.

Baroness Nicholson, who is also the UK’s official Trade Envoy to Iraq, is delighted at the amount of attention the event has generated both within Iraq and in the wider Middle East.

“The IBBC regularly holds big events both in London and here in Iraq, but this week’s is something really special. The National Investment Commission and the Chambers of Commerce have pulled out all the stops and worked terribly hard to bring us an incredible line up of political and business talent,” she said.

“Giving the challenging security situation in some parts of Iraq, I am frequently asked why international commerce and industry would be interested in such events. The reality of course is that for much of this nation, it is business as usual, and what business there is,” added the Baroness.

“This is a nation rich in both natural resources and the skills of its people. The place is full of opportunity. Just ask our 62 IBBC members – multi-nationals such as Shell, BP, Standard Chartered, Ernst & Young, Weir Group, Eversheds, Control Risks, and Olive Group. They are doing fantastically well and I want other big UK firms to come and take a slice of the action.”



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