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Monday, April 27, 2015

Mnt Goat Monday Update Post - “You have the POWER –Take Control” - Part 1 of 2

(Thank you George for emailing Dinar Recaps.)

UU4408 – “You have the POWER –Take Control”   by Mnt Goat

Hello Everyone,

I know in many of my news letters I keep harping that you fine dinarian readers and friends should take this intel gathering to a new level. I keep recommending you take control and stop hinging your emotions and mental wellness on every word of these so called “intel gurus”. So today I hope to given you some advice in how to read the articles and also some new news related to this ongoing RV saga.

In this news letter today I want to explain many misinterpreted articles. The information in these articles is usually very straight forward.

So when you read the articles on your own, simple close your eyes afterwards, relax and think what they are telling us. Don’t interpret, don’t guess, just take the article for its face value at first. Normally you can’t go wrong. Sometimes the Arab to English interpreter does not do such a great job and the wording could be cumbersome to understand. This is why you have to close your eyes and try to see just one main topic or item as to why they wrote the article and what they are attempting to inform the Iraqi citizen. So 9:10 times you will be correct. 
How would you like to be your own intel guru?
I will congratulate some of you fine dinarians already for taking this power yourselves as you are showing much fortitude and self confidence in doing your own research and info gathering. YOUR HAVE THE POWER. You have seen it is not so hard. You fine people are the real hopium in this investment.

So I need to have many more of you promise me you will do the same and take back your own intel gathering. 

Today’s News

Today is Monday April 27th.  The beginning of yet another week and yes there is still no Iraq currency RV.

Will we be called to the banks to exchange this week, as some still contend will happen? NO! Not even a chance!  Sorry to dash away your hopium. So what did happen recently? I will help you understand. Hope this is helpful.

The month of  May is only three days away. Some have said we would never, ever make it out of April without an RV. Really? Well hello May!  June is coming and is just weeks away. 

I want to make it very, very, very clear to everyone right now. I am not predicting a June RV. Did you hear me correctly- I am not predicting a June RV. I am not predicting a June RV. I am not predicting a June RV.

This June timeframe is NOT a Mnt Goat timeframe! It is from al-Abadi himself and I have not seen any articles or heard of any speeches from him recently telling us otherwise. I would think something as important as this he would come to his citizens and tell them. What do you think?  I will gladly shift my thinking when and if I see sound evidence and facts otherwise.

Could June come and go without an RV? It might if Iraq does not meet their plan to rid of ISIS prior to that timeframe. So what is the record for Iraq in meeting their own timeframes in the past?

What I am saying and have been saying now for months is the RV plan has changed and is now much, much bigger that for just the country of Iraq and saving the global economy (which will be a band aid anyhow at this point). What it is - is all about fighting terrorism in the middle east region of the world and making sure Iraq is secure for investors and its boarders, for tourism and investors are protected prior to any bringing back their currency online. It is also going to be a staging area for the end result which in future operations against Syria and Iran. The coalition military will need secured air bases and ways of stockpiling the buildup of equipment and supplies for this endeavor. It is that simple folks. No conspiracies, no boogie mans just that plain and simple. So when this is accomplished to the point of satisfaction of those PTB who really control it all, then we might have our first shot at an RV.

The original plan from 2006, (updated in 2009-10)  has shifted when in June 2014 ISIS attacked Iraq and even the CBI does not have total control over the RV anymore. Also the spread of terrorism groups in Syria with the necessity to eliminate the power base of president Assad. Did I mention the threat of weapons of mass destruction from Iran? The CBI certainly has to agree to any RV and give the go ahead but when the time comes  the ultimate decision will not be theirs to make.
I also want to reassure all my readers that there is still a sense of grave urgency from Iraq in getting the currency revalued since it is part of the economic reforms that were negotiated in order to form this new Abadi government last year. It is not about making us small time investors happy but rather about ensuring the Iraqi economy will flourish for decades and decades to come post RV. The news we are now hearing is all good and shows us they still continue to make ongoing preparations for the RV.

[Recent Reconciliation Conference]
In the last couple days Iraq has witnessed yet another one of their National Reconciliation meetings. This meeting is not new and they seem to have these often especially when a significant event has passed.

Are these meetings important? Yes –they are very significant in that they are calming the political players and giving them a report card as to where the new laws stand and all the promises made to them earlier in order for them to give their support and most importantly to continue their support for the new government. So if we do not hear anything negative come out of these conferences we are in good shape and everything is moving forward. That is what we want.

[50 and 100 Thousand Notes- some clarity]
I have to mention this CBI article today about the issuance of the new 50,000 and 100,000 dinar notes. I am doing this since it is yet another one of those articles that has been misinterpreted by many and talked about by so many intel providers.

Please go back are re-read the CBI article. Link is included below. One intel site says the 50k note and the 100k note will drop the zeros on them. They will become the NEW 50 and 100 notes. How ridiculous! Could not be more wrong!

The Iraqi government must think we are a bunch of idiots interpreting this simple article of their news so wrongly.  Sorry to spend so much time on this today.
First of all the CBI clearly, clearly told us they were taking the 50 dinar notes out of circulation. They made it clear they are doing this because they are not useful and have been easily counterfeited. There is not much more to make out of this. It’s done.

Soon Link to Part 2

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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