Don't WAIT!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

KTFA's Frank26 Conference Call Notes Part 1

Post From KTFA By FrostyTheSnowman » April 28th, 2015, 1:31 am  •  Part 1


** The comments made by Frank26, Delta, TopShelf and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! **


Tonight I’m going to open up my heart to you … so that we may try to help many.

Nobody knows the date or the rate.

Many people call me on my cell phone … but I need your help … could you please make sure that if you tell someone to call me … that they are first plugging into our conference calls and that they know more than the basics about the IQD before you call me. Thank would really be appreciated!   My number is 419-283-2552 

I would like to endorse what Frosty posted on our forum titled … “Who is TopShelf?”

TopShelf runs another Christian based forum (PIF) and I declare him our friend.

TOPSHELF: I appreciate all of the prayers and well wishes for my health.

I have spent a lot of time reflecting back on my life (since going thru surgery) … and thinking about my grandparents, going thru old photos and looking at some old currency that I have. My desire is to carry my family legacy forward with my foundation. 

Frank, your forum has so many people … and since Frosty’s write-up about my grandfather, I’ve had countless numbers of people reach out to me that are extremely “high-caliber” people. It has been very humbling and rewarding to hear some of the comments … it’s truly amazing to me. 

FRANK: I’ve also got good calls from the North-East about you TopShelf.

TOPSHELF: LOL … and I’ve gotten calls from the South. My grandfather was an incredible man. He meant a lot to me and a lot of other people. 

The timing of things … something that caught my eye … is the CONFIDENCE that people have. Keep in mind, I look at the position that my grandfather was in … a position of power … (not like standing up and using force) … but a power of energy in the education system (Universities, schools, etc.) … but people valued what he had to say because they respected him.

He was calm, collective with everything. When people have reached out to me, I was quite surprised to hear that nuclear arena … it was very important to the global powers … and there is not a lot of trust in that arena. There is an opportunity in the world today to keep the peace … and it begins with humanity.

We must use power in the right way … and I believe we will get there. I hope that everything goes as planned … that we don’t go backwards … and I don’t think that we will.

We must have confidence in what we’re doing. We need leaders that can truly lead. We must keep the CONFIDENCE and KNOWLEDGE of what you are learning … you must pass that information down to others. If we don’t pass things down … people can become very lost.

Don’t just worry about today … soak it in … pass it down … I’m not just talking about money … I’m talking about wealth. You’ve got to be able to hang onto what you get. 

On the SPREADSHEETS … I’ve been looking … and waiting … and waiting … nothing is changing on them. 
They have stopped. I just checked before the call. And the area code remains the same! 

FRANK:  Please remember to pray for our brother TopShelf … he is going thru some treatments and we want him to be strong. I believe that this blessing is close and he needs our prayers.


[As you recall from the last conference call] … Abadi tells O … you want to come over here to visit us? Uh, no.

[As you know] … Abadi arrived in DC … it was a very quick visit with O.

In that process Abadi goes and talks to different departments … and asks for certain things.

We told you … you are going to see something very soon.

As it turns out … it was about 24 hours later … something that would make you say … “Oh NO!” 

And we told you … “don’t do that!” 

I said … take my hand and we’ll walk right over this … don’t worry about it.

The following day the IMF gave Iraq a loan … and everyone said “oh NO!” 

How much? … chump change … something like 700 billion to finish up the month of April.

It takes about 60- 70 TRILLION to run that country each month.

700 Billion is not a loan … it’s a slap in the face!

Abadi asked for some money … because originally the IMF turned him down. Remember ... “no more loans for the GOI!”

And we were all excited thinking that the IMF wouldn’t give Iraq any more money.

Then 48 hours later … they gave them some money.

Abadi also went to another department … “can I have some airplanes?”

He was told that he needed to do some things first.

He knows what he needs to do.

He knows that the 50’s are on the way out.

So the US gave them some weapons … but Iraq won’t be able to touch them just yet.

The deal with Iran … it’s done. 

So …. Abadi went back to Iraq … and told Dr. Shabibi that they have a little extra time and told everyone that everything is ok especially with SECURITY. Serious SECURITY!

They made a deal with Iran – behind closed doors. Iran says they are willing to give up their nuclear ambitions if we [Iraq] does something with them because they can’t do it with Russia anymore.


Abadi gets chewed out … told that he is doing a good job … BUT they told him to get something’s done … to convince Dr. Shabibi … that he was given the green-light … and unless Dr. S is colorblind … what is wrong with him?

The US wants this done before Ramadan!

So Abadi goes back to Iraq … meets with Governor of CBI … telling him to get this thing done … that they gave them just enough to get thru April.

There is a push from Abadi onto Shabibi and the CBI to get the MR done.

FDIC’s were established. Insurance? Are you kidding me? For a 1166 program rate? What’s the point?
Speaking of LIQUIDITY … what good does FDIC type of insurance do … without anything of VALUE to insure it with?

Everyone knows what “mechanism” they are going to use to do this.

The LAWS … (aren’t they beautiful?) … HCL … Tarriff … Investment … these are amazing key laws! What a coincidence!

Dr. Shabibi asked for help … for protection for himself.

Dr. Shabibi have a seat here next to me on my blue couch.

As the governor of the CBI … you know the mechanism … right?

Did you know that most people don’t know what Iraq is doing with the 50’s IQD notes?

Did you realize that some people think that we are actually going to make [print] a 50,000 and 100,000 note? LOL!!!!

Have you ever seen a 50,000 or 100,000 note? NO!!!! 

How can we REPLACE them if they don’t already exist?

Delta explained last month very clearly … that was a MISPRINT IN THE ARTICLE!!!

There are no 50k and 100k notes … and the CBI certainly is not going to print any.

The article that was released about 2-3 weeks ago was a misprint!

Dr. Saleh said very clearly that they will have a 50 and 100 dinar note. It was part of a 4 year plan --- which interrupted because O pulled out the troops.

Please let it be engraved in your minds … Dr. Shabibi has a masterful plan with a mechanism that will allow a 50 IQD note and a 100 IQD note to come out.

As you’ll remember … the Kurds wanted their language on the new currency … and so while they were dealing with a bump-in-the-road (O pulling out the troops) … Dr. Shabibi had the currency reprinted with the Iraqi, Kurdish and English written on the new notes.

Now … with the plan laid out for a 4-year plan … when they release this new currency (the new 50 IQD and the 100 IQD) … with an increase in VALUE … it will give the citizens exactly what they need … PURCHASING POWER!

They will no longer need the United States Dollar!

Listen closely … nobody knows this … there is NOT a 50,000 and 100,000 Dinar note!!!!

Let it be known … right this moment … if you have two 25k’s … that’s worth about $43 (USD).

If you have a 50 dinar … that’s only worth 3 or 4 cents (USD). 

They are going to get rid of these (old) 50’s!

They need to collect these old 50’s because it will eliminate a lot of paper currency in the markets is a goal of the MR.

The existing (old) 50 dinar notes … the citizens were about to trade those in … but very few went into the bank to open up an account. They used the 50’s to trade with (street vendors) and bartering. 

Many didn’t go to the banks because the citizens are angry with the Iraqi banks … and they won’t trust the banks UNTIL the rate is changed. [They are “EXPECTING” it!]

The CBI books cannot give you a date … but the info leaking out is a rate. 

It appears to start out at .85 cents to about a dollar. That is a rate family.

The less paper currency on the streets … the smoother this process will go along for everyone. All starting with the 50 … and inflation can be controlled.

#1 – the lack of value of the IQD right now (at the 1166 program rate)

#2 – they (the 50’s) will be pulled out and replaced with the coins.

Think about it … you don’t remove old 50’s and replace it with a fraction of a fraction of a fraction.

THEY MUST CONTROL INFLATION! This is easy … if you truly study this … and not depend on somebody to spoon-feed this to you.

There is no security on the existing 50’s.

After the 30th (of April) when they pull out the OLD 50 Dinar note … the NEW 50 … is primed for the new rate from the CBI. 

This is all a part of the Monetary Reform (MR).

Give glory to God for all of this! It is coming! But you don’t have to count the days.

Will the NEW 50’s come out on the 1st of May … I doubt it 100% in fact. 

Dr. Shabibi is doing what he needs to do. When he is done … he’ll let you know. You will hear from him next month. Congratulations! 

*** When they talk to you about the 50k and the 100k … that is ONLY A VALUE … NOT a denomination! Got it?!!!

You’ve never seen a 50k or 100k note have you? That’s because it doesn’t exist. No such animal!

Example: If you have two 25k’s in your pocket right now … that’s a total of 50,000 IQD.

So, if you have 50,000 IQD (two 25k’s) in your pocket … at 1166 … you have about $43 USD worth in your pocket.

When the NEW 50 Dinar Note comes out you will have the power of purchase equivalent to a 50k.

The only way the NEW 50’s will come out is when the rate changes! And you’ll never see the 1166 rate again.

After the new dinar (the 50 dinar note) comes out … it will be used with more power for the citizens inside of Iraq!

The products they buy will also go up in value to match the power of purchase. They will be able to buy things.

You … outside of the country … you will not see your products go up in price … you will see a capital gain in the dinar that you hold!!! 

TA DA!!!!! 

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2 Thank You

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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