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Thursday, April 30, 2015

KTFA's Aggiedad77 News & Commentaires

Post From KTFA By aggiedad77 » April 30th, 2015, 11:02 am  •  [Post 126]

Thursday News Summaries & Commentaries

Parliamentary Finance: Iraq borrowed more than three billion dollars and projects stalled St_khas_khas

The numbers are flying all over the place....$800 million....$5 $3 billion......$3.4 billion.....$2 billion....what is behind door #1.....this member of the Finance Committee claims Iraq will be borrowing from both the IMF and the World Bank....

trust me this isn't the only article we will see today regarding these loans.....most of any loans Iraq is getting from these two organizations comes with little to no interest attached and payouts of around 5-10 years.....there will be good to come of all of this.....

do not let the sight of these loans get you down thinking things are being delayed....the pot on the stove continues to simmer....and it is cooking some good things.
Zebari and Vice President of World Bank lending to discuss Iraq two billion dollars for budget support

Finance Minister Zebari and the World Bank "Group" sat down and put their heads together on how the WBG could help Iraq at this time...the take away was the WBG offering Iraq a loan of $2 billion dollars.....half to be used to help the budget....

the other half used to help in humanitarian ways in those areas recently liberated from the clutches of DAASH....expect to see a WBG team in Iraq next month to start project implementation.

Federation of Chambers of Commerce: on the Government to amend and monitor the implementation of the customs tariff

A spokesperson from the Iraqi Federation of Chambers of Commerce spoke about the tariff laws and claims the central government needs to amend the laws and to closely monitor what goes on at the border entry points to combat corruption....

the implementation of the tariffs will be a positive for Iraq as it will provide a source of revenue.....

but at the same time expect it to be a negative towards the citizens as prices of commodities and other goods tied to the tariffs will likely go up as well.....

if this will eventually lead to products being produced in Iraq that ultimately will be a good thing....but for the short term it will appear as a negative.....and must be monitored carefully.

World Bank" intends to assist Iraq in addressing the budget deficit

Note the photo in this article, post 61, this is the World Bank Group talking....they will be supportive to Iraq's budget while at the same time providing monetary support also for those areas liberated from DAASH control....this is the humanitarian arm of the World Bank that goes in and helps countries such as Iraq trying to get back on their feet.

Financial Kurdistan decide which taxes and fees more than $ million dinars instruments are met

The issue with Baghdad not consistently providing funds to the Kurds has brought on real issues for Kurd citizens...making it doubly difficult to collect any form of do you tax someone for money they have not yet received...blame Baghdad for this conundrum....and they still drag their feet on this very issue.

The Iraqi government sent a bill to parliament to resolve financial crisis

Salary reductions of senior level's been's been it here today....along with an end to paying employees who really aren't here....those "aliens" that Maliki created and condoned to be on the payroll....causing further liquidity problems....

honestly I don't know how the man can sleep at night.....the corruption that he allowed to run rampant is being paid for by those who want to live and govern honestly today.

Tax exemption for oil companies in Iraq

This sure sounds like a big thing....a huge lure to oil companies to walk into Iraq and work on a tax-free basis....but is it really that beneficial to Iraq....

I am supposing if they improve production and export rates significantly then it will pay for itself....other countries have been successful with this sort of effort....let's hope it works as well for Iraq....especially today with oil prices in the bottom of the tank.

Nasraoui for Mrbd: Finance promised us exception of Basra and the granting of an advance in two weeks

Basra wants budget money to start some projects....but Baghdad is wondering how the heck are we going to make salary payments much less give Basra money for projects....

they initially wanted 500 billion dinars but settled for asking for 350 billion dinars....neither of which is a drop in the bucket....neither of which the government can truly provide at this time....

with each passing month Iraq is seeing there is more month than there is money....meaning a continued deficit situation by the end of the month.

Parliamentary Finance: banks are smuggling hard currency entitled goods

Meanwhile....instead of doing something constructive...the Finance Committee continues to stand around and pick their noses with one hand and point fingers at others with the other hand....still harping on currency smuggling.....perhaps it is time for them to either put up or shut up.....

people grow tired of their incessant cries of wrong-doing yet they see no results that stem from any of their accusations....what is this group being paid to do....what is their would appear questionable that they are doing anything worthy of their positions.

Zebari and UN official discuss ways to develop economic and financial relations

Finance Minister Zebari met with the UNAMI representative from the UN and laid out Iraq's current strategies in attempting to deal with budget issues and the deficit....apparently they had a difference of opinion as to how Iraq should be conducting its business at this point and what their priorities should be.

Finance is considering budget priorities for the coming years and how to maximize the Internal Revenue preparation

Finance Minister Zebari met with the Finance Committee in Parliament to discuss strategies for developing budgets in the 2016-2018 years ahead.....

looking for ways to maximize the Internal Revenue, focusing on expenditures and modernization in the coming years....with focused attention on security, food, health, and medicine.

The World Bank plans to assist Iraq in the development of areas liberated from "Daash"

Again, movement and commitment from the World Bank Group to help Iraq not only from a humanitarian way in the areas recently liberated of DAASH control but also helping with the budget deficit in some fashion as well.

Vice President of the House of Representatives demanding mission (UNAMI) more effective role in Iraq

One of the VP's of Parliament spoke with the UNAMI representative from the UN and indicated that there is need for improved and more effectiveness in their role with Iraq at this time.....

believing the UN could provide better assistance with certain problems as they relate to political differences.....this has a ring of national reconciliation to it in some ways.....something the UN has definitely made overtures that it would assist Iraq with....step up to the plate then and provide better guidance.
The arrest of gang specialized rigging currency [the dollar] in Babylon

Several gang members were arrested and accused of currency forgery within the province of Babylon...confessions were obtained and each of the arrested will be turned over to the judiciary for formal charging.

Abadi adviser for the world: interest loan «IMF» not exceeding 1% and payment .. 5 years

Dr. Saleh spoke of the funding from the IMF....relating that it is being done in two parts...the first of which will happen rapidly in the amount of $88 million....which will not exceed 1% interest over 5 years....

to be spent for education, health, and the displaced....the second part of the loan totaling $5 billion requires that Iraq take certain procedural actions that have been established by the IMF...

often these conditions are set upon developmental conditions associated with the Iraqi economy....

let us see how this money will be utilized especially after the Minister of Finance has requested that it be allowed to be used to cope with issues surrounding the war against terrorism and lack of salary funding because of lower oil prices.

Issued 590 arrest warrants against the perpetrators of the crime Spyker memorandum carried out only 21 of them

Of 590 total arrest warrants generated from the Spyker Camp massacre investigations....only 21 have actually by carried out....while this investigation may be coming to an still remains to be seen just how many will be charged in the atrocities that have been discovered to have been carried out at the camp.

Parliament agrees to extend the legislative term of 30 days

Parliament voted and agreed to extend their current session to May 28....basically another month.

So the IMF is granting at least $800 million to Iraq to help with the budget....this amount has been previously discussed and is separate from the $5 billion talked about earlier.

Sahlani: Abadi promised to attend monthly meetings of Parliament

Now here is something you never would have seen Maliki doing....PM Abadi attending monthly Parliament sessions.....

Maliki of course was never welcome in Parliament or when he was he would not show up.....

Abadi on the other hand sees this as an opportunity to push for greater unity among political entities as well as a chance to push his government priorities before Parliament while he gets to listen to their concerns as well.

Clauat..ganh Zamili between the cocoon and "hospitality" al-Maliki and Iraq in the wind !!

Maliki continues to be investigated regarding the fall of Mosul to DAASH terrorists last June.....

ignorance is not a defense....and to say there was no communication between Nineveh and Baghdad is just plain hard to believe....I am hoping this report that is being generated will open many eyes to Maliki's implication in the entire process.

Finance Minister: Iraq is seeking to obtain a sovereign rating

HUGEST news of the day I think.....Iraq seeking a sovereign rating in preparation for issuing bonds that may be worth $5 billion dollars.....

they are also planning on issuing bonds on the local level with their own currency....

what good would that do at the current rate.....something sure seems to need to give for either of these efforts to sprout wings and fly I would think.

Time to run some personal errands Family...enjoy.   Aloha    Randy

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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