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Monday, April 27, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments

Morning News Comments 04/27/2015 Laws and Tariffs

Parliamentary approval of the economy calls for the central bank law and the "expulsion" of the government 

[tlm724] Parliamentary approval of the economy calls for the central bank law

[tlm724] Forecast for economic and investment commission parliamentary, on Sunday, taking the central bank package of measures that will reduce the price of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar, while confirmed that the citizen is the biggest affected by the high dollar exchange rate

[tlm724] taking the central bank package of measures that will reduce the price of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar,
[tlm724] yep they are working it, there were many mistakes made and the CBI went along with it but they are working it

[tlm724] demanded the adoption of a law on the Central Bank guarantees his independence from government

[tlm724] explained a member of the Kurdistan Alliance The committee "addressed in most of the time the government and the central bank confirmed that the survival of the dollar at this point will affect the Iraqi economy

[tlm724] "the economic crisis caused by the rise in the dollar exchange rate, can not be completed without the legislation of a special law of the Central Bank guarantees his independence away from the government.

[tlm724] "the central bank in the event of winning his case at the Federal Court to prevent the government from capping the dollar selling it would be a solution for easing the crisis."

[tlm724] the high price US dollar exchange Balbsat, stressing that the central bank's actions are not the cause of it.

[tlm724] said that speculators and owners of banking offices behind the rise in the dollar against the Iraqi dinar

[tlm724] so lets look at a quote from yesterdays article

[tlm724] , the Tripartite Commission said it had gathered information and evidence on many money laundering and smuggling of foreign currency.

[tlm724] Tripartite Commission said it had gathered information and evidence

[tlm724] now we should see some action and arrest warrants as well

[tlm724] again this must be a package of banking laws, the CBI law and banking law amendments, the Islamic Banking Law and anti-money laundering Law all need to get done 

The anti-money laundering law in the Cabinet soon

April 26, 2015

BAGHDAD / Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network (IMN) Governor of the Central Bank announced the agency on the Keywords, that the draft anti-money laundering law in the State Consultative Council now, after completion by the central bank, hoping to put in the cabinet and then to the House legislation.

Keywords warned in his statement (IMN) that "Iraq will be placed on the black list, if not prescribed anti-money laundering law," stressing that "the central bank stepped up its capabilities in the fight against money laundering."

And that "the law provides for the formation of a national board that includes all parties, headed by the central bank there to be a coordinated anti-money laundering", the seat of "the existence of numerous cases of money laundering, but the control you need to coordinate with multiple parties."

House and form a tripartite committee of financial and economic integrity of the parliamentary discussion of money laundering, the Tripartite Commission said it had gathered information and evidence on many money laundering and smuggling of foreign currency.

[tlm724] also this was from March 30th and what the CBI said

[tlm724] The Governor of the Central Bank's relationship with (range)

many of the observations are installed on Iraq is currently the subject of money laundering depends on the existence of legislation covering all matters relating to these aspects,

and since our task we gave considerable attention to the completion of the draft law is appropriate and consistent with international standards and requirements and the Organization of work and the project completed and revised by international organizations

and is now in the Council The State will soon be referred to the Council of Ministers and deputies, and Iraq is under rated in the gray area and if not do this Act and if approval within the next three months,

 Iraq has been put on the blacklist, so we have a very keen on this project that will end up close to the State Council, met with the President of the House of representatives and explained the important draft law and promised to do better. "

[tlm724] If Iraq delays even slightly they will be put on the blacklist for failure to have proper legislation of international regulations for money laundering ! That should put a fire under their butt's !

[tlm724] today there is a push to get the banking laws done !

[tlm724] Iraq is under rated in the gray area and if not do this Act and if approval within the next three months,

[tlm724] again we don't know when the 3 months began but if we take it from March 30th then they have until June 30th give or take a day Wink


Moves to the application of tariff

[tlm724] ok another hot topic for this morning is tariffs

[tlm724] you all recall what Basra said about the tariffs on the 24th ?

[tlm724] let me refresh your memory 

[tlm724] "the provincial council rejects categorically implementation of the resolution of the incident in the province of border crossings, noting that" This decision, if enacted, would lead to higher prices of goods in the local markets

[tlm724] so Basra said no way we are going to apply the tariffs , let the Kurds do it first

[tlm724] heres another quote
[tlm724] "The federal government continues to take arbitrary decisions against the southern provinces, especially Basra, wondering about the reason for the issuance of such a decision to apply to the province of Basra and the southern regions because of its outlets border and port and airport are excluded from the western regions and the Kurdistan region.

[tlm724] now lets look at this latest on this subject

Moves to the application of tariff 4/27/2015 0:00

[tlm724] directed senior delegation from the ministry to the Kurdistan region for talks with officials there on the application of the unified customs tariff common financial matters law.

[tlm724] there is senior delegation heading to Kurdistan to give them their instructions on applying the tariffs

[tlm724] the delegation will travel on Tuesday to the Kurdistan region for the application of the tariff Standard,

[tlm724] Tuesday it is  Wink  

[tlm724] especially after the Basra Governorate Council's failure to implement the law on the outlets when applied to all border crossing points.

[tlm724] the Kurds SHOULD comply with this and lead the charge in the appilication of the tariffs, this will encourgae the other provinces that receive imports to follow suit, namely Basra

[tlm724] again this will impact the citizens and furthers the need for increased purchasing power of the dinar to offset some of the burden


Council Basra: raise the customs tariff rates at border crossing points was not fair

[tlm724] heres the latest out of Basra

[tlm724] Council Basra: raise the customs tariff rates at border crossing points was not fair *wah*  
[tlm724] confirmed that the decision of the Ministry of Finance was not fair and just being applied in the province without special other local governments rely on imports of these ports to finance various projects,

[tlm724] calling to wait in the implementation of this resolution because it does not serve provinces covered by this decision

[tlm724] there is no way Iraq can afford to wait and I would bet the farm if Basra takes it to the Fed court the court will make a very swift decision on the matter   

[tlm724] The Chairman of the Committee of border crossings Murtaza lipodeca pointed out that "Iraq is passing through a critical conditions is to fight the terrorist Daash in hot areas," noting that "the fighters and citizens at the same time need food and logistical support.

[tlm724] ."Noted that this decision has been applied late last week, noting the number of traders that includes an increase on vehicles by 15% and the goods to about 25%.


[tlm724] Noted that this decision has been applied late last week

[tlm724] that is coming straight from the horses mouth the Chairman of the Committee of border crossings ! Remember the CBI gave the commission all the tariff rates 

[tlm724] so Basra is in violation of the law at this point !

[tlm724] we should see some real progress this week or next week at the latest after the delegation arrives in Kurdistan tomorrow !

Central: Iraq worth two billion dollars to withdraw from the International Monetary

[tlm724] "the International Monetary Fund is considering providing a loan of $ 800 million for Iraq, and this amount is modest

[tlm724] "Iraq is a member contributor to the International Monetary Fund, and has the right to borrow money on favorable terms and very few benefits,

[tlm724] pointing out that "the central bank can not lend to the government any money because the law does not allow it."

[tlm724] yeppers keep your paws off the reserves *slap* Suspect 

[tlm724] General Coordinator of the Network of Iraqi economists called for dialogue between the central bank and the private sector, especially traders, to agree on a contingency plan and a national face of declining oil revenues

[tlm724] there is a contingency plan, it's called Abadi's ecomonic reform ! 

[tlm724] the development of standards for auditing import requests and identified as necessary and important, national necessarily convince them to reduce the value of the Iraqi dinar,

[tlm724] there were many traders, cough cough, who are saying hey I need dollars to pay for imports and as we heard earlier from the committee " the Tripartite Commission said it had gathered information and evidence on many money laundering and smuggling of foreign currency."

[tlm724] so there is some action on this front , going to be whirlwind of activity to get this under control


Special / agreement on the extension of the legislative term of the parliament for a whole month

[tlm724] RCS1947 ty there is a near agreement on the extension in accordance with the rules of procedure of the House of Representatives

[tlm724] there is a near agreement, that is why we haven't seen an official press release from Parliament just yet

[RCS1947] ok thanks

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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