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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Thoughts From Jamison at Jester's Place Late Saturday Night

Jamison  :  This is the reason why "The Group"  ( Formerly Gen.64) does not constantly address the same questions asked every 3 weeks when people are bored.

(See: )

I do not understand the confusion that the same people persist to keep asking every 3 or 4 weeks. This whole situation is bigger then anybody realizes and cannot grasp the understanding that most people are not entitled to know the inner workings of a major transaction.

And in most cases, IF a person actually has some of the pieces, those pieces cannot be or should not be discussed in public.

Which is why questions like tonite continue to be asked and a vague answer is given creating a little confusion, but you got to understand the person answering them cannot go into the details to give you your answers.
The UST main priority when this ever happens, is too collect the dinar to be applied to agreements that are over our heads. They have several situations setup to collect and manage that task. Depending on what situation you may be involved with, you will get different opinions by those people of who goes first, etc.

People are trying to understand a situation that has no bearing on them nor do they have any control over it.

The main fact is, when it becomes an acceptable legal tradable currency in our banking system, then everybody will then have the opportunity to exchange.

What steps, or how fast, or who first is just predictions coming from different sides with different storylines based on what they have been told, which none of it you can take as fact or fiction until it happens.

Anybody or any group that claims they will be going first there is enough information that you can disprove their claims regardless of which camp you are attached too.

 But if you have to continue to ask that question I am sure you will eventually get a person that will tell you what you like so you can feel good.

But until it happens nobody truly knows how it will go down, only what has been explain and that has changed a ton of times thru out the year.

Within minutes when the opportunity exist, everybody will know, it will go viral

Note: Recaps has no knowledge of groups, so please do not email or Comment to us about this~ Thank You

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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