Don't WAIT!

Monday, April 27, 2015

More Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Monday Afternoon


Awake-in-3D    April 27, 2015 at 1:37pm

If this isn't a strong indication of what's going on... I don't know what would be.  BTW - Singapore is a major hub in the Bond redemption Consortium (Did someone say bondS?)   

Gold Flows East – China, India Import Massive Quantities of Gold from Switzerland

In what future generations will likely see as a major, potentially catastrophic blunder of monetary policy, the West and particularly the City of London continues to hemorrhage huge volumes of gold which is flowing Eastwards to Singapore, India and China from London via Switzerland.
 “Gold exports to China from the refining hub of Switzerland almost doubled to 46.4 metric tons in March”, up from 23.6 tonnes in February” according to Bloomberg. India’s gold imports from Switzerland doubled to 72.5 tonnes in the same period.

The increasingly affluent masses in China and India continue to have a voracious appetite for gold as a store of value. Policy makers in China and Russia have also made gold a cornerstone of their monetary policy.

Bloomberg reported the following:

“Flows to India rose before this month’s Akshaya Tritiya festival, which is considered a traditional day to buy precious metals.”

The Asian demand for Swiss refined gold was met in part by very large gold imports from the U.K. Bloomberg states that Swiss imports from the U.K. rose sixfold in the same period to 97.2 tonnes.

This figure dwarfs Swiss imports from other nations. The U.S. and Turkey exported just over 18 tonnes and 15 tonnes respectively and these figures greatly exceed the amounts coming from all the other countries from whom Switzerland imports gold.

It is likely that London good delivery bars (400 troy ounces) favoured by western institutions including bullion banks and central banks are being imported into Switzerland. They go to the Swiss refineries to be smelted and refined into kilobar format which is increasingly popular in Asia and traded on the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE).

Bloomberg also reports that “Global sales from gold-backed funds totaled 55.7 tons in March.” This would indicate that the gold making its way to Asia is coming from official holdings and or liquidation of gold ETFs. Some of those selling the ETFs are opting to acquire physical, allocated bullion and storing in vaults in Zurich, Hong Kong and of course Singapore.

Singapore is fast becoming an important gold hub and a favourite location for allocated bullion storage among risk conscious bullion buyers. Hong Kong saw a decline in its share of the market as Chinese investors increasingly opt to use the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) for buying and trading in general.





OIL  $57  UP .23

GOLD  $1201  UP 26.90!

DOW  +54.65 (0.30%)

NASDAQ  +9.96 (0.20%)
S&P  +4.20 (0.20%)

DXY U.S. Dollar Index (DXY) (U.S.: ICE Futures U.S.)
Delayed Quote Data as of 4/27/15 11:25 a.m.


FOXNEWS REPORTING PRESIDENT GW BUSH BLASTS o'S NUCLEAR DEAL WITH IRAN. He also mentioned that o needs to take some responsibility for the problems in Iraq and Syria w/ isis because he pulled the troops out too soon LOL



Frank26:  KTFA FAMIY.............. i wish to tell You something:

Want Me to blow Your mind with deep thought?

Want Intel normally not told?

Want a light with the power of the Sun to light Your thinking on the MR? (Monetary Reform)

Want a RATE?  Then do not miss YOUR CC tonight.

My time with You in measured ......... By DR S.

Tonight's CC will leave YOU in Awe ...... Speechless.

Not too sure...... Are You...... ?  Try me !!! !!! !!!

Aloha ...... C U tonight.   KTFA    Frank26


Highlights from DC on TNT CC Monday Via Adept1:

DC:  Hope everyone is doing well. It’s a very simple day today;  little has changed apart from a few positive, supportive moves in the direction of preparation.  Fro those who care about details, they have been preparing for this in Iraq at the banks and with notifications going out. 

The mosques are telling everyone to stay calm, that this is upon us, and everything is going to be great. 

That has been the deal all this weekend, with some actions that have taken place that look phenomenal.  Frankly, there is not much to say in Iraq;  it’s just great!

DC:  In the US, everyone is where they need to be, preparing all weekend. The expectation is still the same.  Actions have been taken that are wonderful, with more and more supportive information.  There’s not a lot to expound upon;  everyone is lined up in the belief that this is going down.  We can go home now!

Q:  What are you hearing about the new notes?

DC:  There are two different series of new notes:  the 50 dinar notes, and the 50K, 100K and 250K notes.  Iraq is a cash-based culture, so they will still use those notes, although they will not print very many and they will be heavily guarded. It won’t be easy to get one.  This will also fix a few mistakes, like the Kurdish language.   The 50 dinar notes are invalid after 30. April, so they will need new notes for that.

DC: They are talking about printing costs and security features, so that is just the regular allocation for that purpose.

DC: Pam told us a few things that we need to talk about today, and we listen to the Boss lady.  There are a few things to provoke thought/research for what to do afterwards.  What happens when you get it? 

A lot of folks will be like the dog who caught the car. Tony, Pam and I are all worried that people won’t know what to do when they catch the car (or bus). Before you spend a time, have it invested in earning money. 

We have given that information many times, and talked about people who were rolling in it at one point and now have little left.  Tony’s friend who was in the NFL for 11 years is down to doing menial work because he didn’t’ save or invest his earnings.

There are lots of great books about family wealth, and good articles and seminars, depending on your age. 

1.    Get over a little retail therapy and get used to the weight of money on your shoulders.

2.    How does each spouse treat money – it’s often very different, based on how they were raised, their expectations, experience with money before, etc.  Figure that out ahead of time, with as much patience as possible.

3.    Many are worried about how their kids will take it, and there are many wonderful books about how to deal with people who have never been around real wealth. 

4.    Once you are in the game, take things slowly and walk through all the family issues, because it will control your life, your family’s life, and the other family members who may be dependent on you.

5.    Think it through in terms of money that you plan to give, and what happens when they come back from more.  Let’s say you buy a Mercedes, and a relative comes and wants one, too?

6.    In the family realm, they say “shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations.”  That is, the first generation makes the money, the second generation knows how you made the  money and is cautious with it. The third generation blows the money.

7.    Think through the effect you want this money to have on them, especially your kids.  Don’t make rash decisions, and consider how much you want to support your kids.  Your views about it will change dramatically.  My kids are 2 and 4, and we will be sheltering and providing for them for a long time. If your kids are 40 and already successful, then a little more won’t change them much.  It’s the teenage kids who create the most ripples.

Caller:  How much longer can they drag this out?

DC:  I don’t believe they have much more room to maneuver;  that’s what they are telling us, and besides, they don’t want to.  They strongly desire to get this over with, as much or more than we do.

828 caller:  I appreciate what you are sharing, that we are still ‘right there’.  All this time, whenever we get ‘right there’, who is saying ‘not yet’, and why does everyone go along with that? 

DC: There are many different reasons that we have gone over many times in the past.  Right now, Dr Shabibi and Dr Abadi are consulting.  This is a world event, and they have to make dang sure everyone has their stuff straight.  That’s why it’s so important that everything is lined up. 

We pray to God that this is it.  No one is maneuvering to stop this that we know of.

Caller: Is there a parallel with after WWII, when they were rebuilding Germany and Japan? The wealthy came forward and they got repaid first, and everyone else benefited from the rebuilding. That happened very quickly in those countries, and Iraq seems to be taking a lot longer, not a whole country.

DC:  This is not driven by the US political system. Yes, the administration has influence and they have asked for things to be added in at the last minute.  Now they are antsy and saying “come on, already!”  We are not the ones holding up the train.  Also, when they added in the other currencies, it become more complicated and less manageable, because this is now a venue to poke the other guys and one-up each other. That’s why it has dragged on so long. This is no different from Germany and Kuwait, and it could have happened two years ago, but now it’s so much more complicated. It could happen in the next 30 seconds!  But also more things could easily come up to block it, too.  We just don’t know where Shabibi’s head is at right now.

DC:  Everyone we know is eager to get this done.

627 caller:  Has there been any attempt to do this over the weekend?

DC:  They have been preparing minute details. They are taking it slow, but it’s more about being methodical rather than taking a shot and being denied.

Caller:  Okay.  My spouse is listening elsewhere, so we will discuss this at dinner.  On the last call, DC said that you thought it might be 85% ready to go.  Now?

DC:  I am a little higher now. But we have been super-close before and so we will not go crazy.   But everything looks so good.

Caller: With the early exchanges, what is the status of the contract rates?

DC:  Most of the pool is still there, accounted for and being held for us by special people. Realistically, you’re looking for 2-5 days for the contract rates to be available. That is their estimate by the bankers, for both dinar and done.

Caller: What percent of the Iraqi people has been paid using the Qi cards?

DC:  Those showing that  in their accounts as pending are pretty high, but those actually using it as cash is relatively low.  Those with pending payments from the local or national government are relatively few, because they are doing a bit, then pausing, then a bit more, then pausing.  So we don’t have solid numbers on that.

347 caller:  DC said that this should be done any minute. Are you expecting to do a call on Wednesday?

DC:  No, I’m not.

719 caller:  Someone posted on Recaps that it was stopped on Saturday night, and that was really frustrating.

DC:  I think it’s being very methodical and they are doing a very slow rollout.

Caller:  Let’s ay it was stopped last Monday;  why does it take so long to restart it?

DC: The system used to be on a 48-hour process because it was so complicated.  It would take 48 hours to get the procedures lined up again.  That’s not the case now.  If they hit it at 2.01, they can start it again at 2.05. So that tells us that any pauses are political, not technical or procedural.  This is major stuff, so Shabibi consults with everyone and says, “When I hit this button, you’d better not have any complaints!” So they bring up this, that and the other before it happens.

DC: Lets say Shabibi hits the button, and the system didn’t load correctly in China. They don’t have to stop for 24 hours every time, but they would have to call China, fix the issue, and then start up again.  Most issues in the last 18 months have been political so they have to talk the issue through.  Technically, they can start it up again immediately.

301 caller  What about the Indian rupee?  How is that developing?  You talked about another currency in the first basket.

DC:  I am a fan of their new PM, and I have friends with businesses in India.  They will continue to increase economic output for a while to come.  They are not in the basket that I know of.

Caller:  I heard that money being loaned to Iraq is going to the CBI, not the government.

DC:  There are a number of loans, most related to ISIL or for economic development.  Most of the latter go through the CBI in terms of governance.  The loans are not made to the CBI itself.

Caller:  Who actually profits from all this chaos?  Are the banks making money?

DC:  It depends.  In the past, it might be X getting this, and then the next time they lost out.  Every issue has a beneficiary, but it’s mainly about power, not money. 

405 caller:  You all said that on Friday the man cried wolf;  it’s still being stopped.  The US still has control at the IMF, so what’s to stop them nitpicking?  I won’t see our currency, but it’s getting old that we keep getting this close without the RV happening.

DC:  My sources say that the US has not been blocking this.

281 caller:  I think you said that zim will have a cap of half a million US dollars?  Is that just for the zim or others as well?

DC: That is just for the zim.

Caller:  My wife has currency and the caps apply to her separately, I believe.  I have two children over 18; can they participate as well?  Is there anything particular we need to have in place for them to exchange?  Can the funds then be commingled?

DC:  Each person needs two forms of ID, just as drivers license and passport.  Some bankers may want more documentation, and also they may have ideas of where they want to place your money like a MoneyMaker account.  Otherwise, it should be simple, straightforward and quick.  My understanding is that initially, whomever brings the ID is the name it will be registered under.  So your son will have an account, and his own tax liability.  You can move the money around later.

DC: The banks just want to get this moving on.  In terms of economic input, everyone is ready for that, although Iraqis are 100 times more ready than we are.

This is the real start of their economic boom, and that doesn’t begin until this gets going. 

People need to create businesses, get the infrastructure going, and build up the economy in a major way.  Everyone I talk to is so eager for this to start.  It won’t be that well-known relating to the RV;  it will be more about the economy kicking up and taking off.

DC:  The window times continues to be the same. Everything looks really, really good and I’m very excited for all of us.  Just be sure to think through what to do when you ‘catch the car’.  Have a wonderful 24 hours!

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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