Don't WAIT!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

KTFA's Frank26 Conference Call Notes Part 2

Post From KTFA By FrostyTheSnowman » April 28th, 2015, 1:31 am  •  Part 2


Do you understand family? I pray to God that you understand that.

They [CBI] is not trying to give you a rate or a date family … but they’re doing it. 

Next month … .85 to .86 cents … I mean come on! I’m not doing this! If you want to blame somebody, blame the CBI – they’re the ones who are doing it.

The deletion of the zeros and the lifting of the 3 zeros are two completely separate things.

Thank God that the deletion of the zeros is done!

There really isn’t much denomination left out.

The 25,000 notes here in the USA … those will be slowly released back to the CBI … in trade for oil, etc. at our pace.

80 to 90% of the Iraqi citizens use the USD.

The Finance Committee says … “RELEASE THE NOTES!” Let the citizens use the dinars … not the USD’s

The Banks want collateral … and between the banks and the citizens … there is no collateral. The citizens have collateral amongst themselves because they haven’t trusted the banks in the past.

The Finance Committee and the CBI is changing everything.

Abadi is doing a great job … but he needs to insure that this is done before Ramadan!

The citizens … their 100 dinars … will be close enough to 100 USD. This is the RI family.

It’s not a 50k note family … but a 50 dinar note.

The NEW 50 note … (with the Kurdistan language on it) … that NEW 50 IQD will be worth about $43 USD … that’s what the CBI said! 

Then the NEW 100 Dinars will go up in value too … and the coins.

These lower denominations … with a higher value … that is their plan.

They have already lifted a lot of 3 zeros off of the streets … in the last 10 days.

They did a “Moses flooding” event (that’s what my teams refer to it) … flooding the streets, and banks with US dollars.

So the citizens ran to the banks and got more US dollars … paying for them with their dinars.

This is very important for their core M1, M2 and M3 figures.


The dinar is going to go International pretty soon family … at a new exchange rate!

Sorry … but when you visit other websites … (that give you false news [and false hopes]) … no wonder you’re going crazy about this monetary reform process.

So … you’re either going to see the NEW rate or the NEW notes … at the same time.

KTFA STAFF … please continue to bump Frosty’s notes. The M, T, and sometimes W notes are very helpful to some.

Lexi … (member of KTFA) … Yes … Lexi, there are many “Keywords” … and I’ve already proved myself on these in the past. Not bad Lexi … you were able to find the BASKET of LAWS! 


FYI … the “green zone” will increase security next week … BIG TIME!!!

Remember November 14th … when I exploded [on my cc] … I wasn’t proud of that … I then apologized … it was the “mother hen” in me … that I was not going to let others insult my by saying that laws were not important.

A BASKET OF LAWS … I said … look for the BASKET OF LAWS … in order to TRIGGER THIS!!!!!!!!!

The “mother hen” in me wanted to protect you.

LAWS are everywhere … left and right … all over the place!

It’s a 4 year MR plan … and it’s finally coming together at warp-speed in Iraq right now.

Dr. Shabibi has been moving pretty darn fast ever since he got the green light. You know that it’s him.

He asked for 2 things … and he got both of them. (Protection and some funds to finish out April).

The banking LAWS are next in the MR lava flow – it’s the next thing you will see.

The anti-money laundering law is in the cabinet right now.

If Iraq does not do this now … Iraq will be placed on the Black-List!
The anti-money laundering law means no one can touch your money!

If Iraq doesn’t get these laws done … the IQD will be put on a Black-List!

Check this out … “Parliamentary approval of the economy …” the flooding of the USD was a temporary thing. 

They know what they’re doing
The CBI has a GREEN-LIGHT for an RI.

Former pride … the CBI said that … “CBI has some measures against the USD against the dinar …” 

WHO SAID THAT? The CBI did!!!!

They say … “if we allow the USD to survive in Iraq it will affect our economy” … YA THINK?!!!

Raise the rate … mission accomplished. CBI says do this for the citizens. How? By introducing the NEW 50 and 100 IQD Notes. (Told you that was a misprint last month).

Tariffs were put on an application with the GOI. Which is exactly what we need! 

Abadi said there is no going back on this decision. He met with providences to discuss the transfer of the 2015 budget powers.

Do you see all of these steps and where we are at?!!!

After all of these things, deals and visits … Abadi is headed to Karbala.

Karbala is the Holy city … 
If we don’t see this by Ramadan … BackDoc, I got your back! 

Look for Shabibi to pop his head out next month.

So Abadi says … “the monetary policy in Iraq has OBJECTS and a MECHANISM to move the Iraqi economy forward.” – sure sounds like the governor of the CBI. 

Anything else Abadi?

Yes … Iraq is not bankrupt. They just don’t have any currency. They are filthy rich.
Iraq just needs to get rid of the crippling exchange rate.

Look at this … the official dollar exchange rate does not reflect the state of the economy and thus the gap gets bigger in the exchange rate. WHEW!!! Oh my !!!!

Delta … can you give us your CBI file? 

“Yes … 90% within 2 weeks. 

Before Ramadan June 18th. 

Iraq’s banking system must show it as well. 

Need to look for Liquidity, Inflation, Smuggling & Counterfeiting.

TopShelf please follow on spreadsheet.

Inflation … look for it and counterfeiting and smuggling.

As you know, I am from the middle-east … and in the past … Ramadan has been very, very weak. Because there is no money for Ramadan. They need to show dignity and respect for their holy time. They have no money. They still need 70% of this budget distributed and that is why Abadi is going to Karbala.

Keyword … “Wait for the DEAL” 

There is a very long line waiting for Abadi … HCL, citizens, tariffs, investment laws, banking laws, IMF, WorldBank, the USD, USA, World economies (especially coalition forces), salaries, retirees, budget of 2015 and 2016, contracts, bonds, the exchange rate, BIS, WTO, UST, oil companies, investors in Iraq, the next Marshall plan, Iran, Obama, US budget, US debt, politicians, terrorists, private sectors, Ramadan, Radeem and Rasheid Banks, etc.

Every Monday I give you my all … my 100%

TOPSHELF: One comment. I was not expecting that tonight. Don’t give up your dinars to someone else … until you are with the right person at the financial institution that you choose. 

In the last 48 hours someone contacted me about my grandfather who meant a lot to our family. He was a family man. He passed away in 2000. He served humanity until his wife passed away. Five days after she died, he died. He served in many administrations. 

Zerb put out something today … think about that … Dr. Abadi uses that rider! 

The spreadsheet does mean something … it’s the CBI’s spreadsheet!

The reason why “they” don’t want the Federal Reserve audited is because it will tell you too much about VALUE … it would show you everything. If they did … everyone would know. They don’t want it to be “easy.” Value is what they have!

Hope you enjoyed your conference call family! 

CC ended in prayer

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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