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Monday, April 27, 2015

Monday News Summaries by Aggiedad77 at KTFA

aggiedad77 » April 27th, 2015, 12:09 pm

Monday News Summaries and Commentaries

Back in the saddle's great to be back after a beautiful weekend spent with my beautiful bride.....we have a great many news pieces to digest this morning so grab a bigger than normal cup of coffee and let's start down that road.

Infallible and Abadi agree to plans to accomplish reconciliation

The three presidencies met yesterday and discussed the national reconciliation efforts for Iraq as well as the importance of arming fighters in the Anbar and Nineveh provinces to help in the fight against DAASH control.
Abadi heading to Karbala to head the coordinating body for provincial councils meeting

PM Abadi headed to Karbala today to head up a meeting between all provincial governors....discussions will include the transfer of powers process to the provinces.....functions and services as prescribed within the budget were to be discussed and how they will impact the provinces going forward.....allocations of staff and personnel....and other relevant laws....this meeting is a continuation of a first meeting by the group held back in December in Basra.

Erbil confirms that it has fulfilled its obligations with oil Baghdad .. and wait for ideals

Ok, according to Erbil the Kurds have met their obligations with regard to oil exports since the first of April at 550,000 barrels of oil per day....they claim they will be up to 600,000 barrels per day by the end of the month and up to 625 barrels per day by June through the end of the year....such boasting we've seen me the results....

Also we have not heard from SOMO as to what they believe the Kurd export rates have been for April...but if the numbers are true, the Kurds are expecting Baghdad to step forward with required budget payments....belly up and ante up they say....the Kurds are also claiming they sold their oil between $55 and $60 per barrel during the month...that would be great progress as well.....the Kurds are looking to Baghdad to hold good to their side of the bargaining agreement that was reached earlier this year/late last year.

Nassif describes the balance of the Commission to "exchange brokerage and trading"

An mp for the Rule of Law is complaining that PM Abadi does not have enough involvement in the naming of some special grades positions.....things like Inspector Generals and such.....claiming he is leaving these decisions to the committee appointed this responsibility and there is question to their fairness in such appointments.....not so sure that Abadi needs to be directly involved so much as he should provide the committee with the working knowledge of his expectations and let them know he will personally oversee all appointments and if he isn't satisfied he will get involved at some point.

Kurdistan Democratic Party proposes to extend the presidency of Massoud Barzani six months

The Kurdistan Democratic Party recommended and all parties agreed to a 6 month extension of President Barzani's current term to allow for the referendum on the Constitution to occur....the rewrite of the Constitution should impact what happens for Barzani going forward.

Partition projects .. National Guard model

They continue to await the passing of the National Guard Law, a law that will do much with regard to ensuring the provinces are able to create an orderly group of national armed troops for protection of each province.....the National Guard will be trained and supplement the Iraqi Security Forces who now fight DAASH and other terrorists....

It remains to be seen how the Kurd Peshmerga might be brought into this fold as well....something the Kurds really do not want any part of at this time.....moving in this direction with a National Guard will be closely monitored to prevent any infiltration by terrorist cells such as DAASH to overcome local authorities and allow for their buildup as has been evidenced in the past, especially in the Anbar province....the relationship between the National Guard within each province must be maintained as strong with Baghdad Central Command to ensure the wrong forces or leadership cannot gain that control.

Parliament decision is likely to send more money to Kurdistan

Some say that it is believed the Finance Committee will commit more money to the Kurds as a result of their increased exports for the month of April as well as the rise in oil per barrel prices.....IMO....this remains to be seen....I'm not sure it is the say of the Finance Committee but more so of the Finance Minister and PM Abadi as to what gets paid to the Kurds and when.....we've all seen that the Finance Committee, or at least some of its members have very loud voices and they seem to enjoy vocalizing their opinions.....but I don't think they have the last say in this matter.....just my and see what transpires.

Abadi: Iraq is not bankrupt and low oil prices, the impact of the country's revenues

Speaking before the provincial leadership of Iraq PM Abadi continues to share his common message that Iraq is not bankrupt, that yes low oil prices have certainly hindered their revenues for the year, as has the war on terrorism and as a result their coffers are pretty much dry at this point in time....but bankrupt as a points with pride to the assistance provided by the provinces in fighting DAASH....thus confirming the unity that is needed by all of Iraq.....meanwhile he calls upon conservatives to lead the way in supervising ministries and departments as they are given over to the provinces to ensure that proper authority is continued at the province level and that as smooth and as streamlined a transfer of powers as possible happens all across Iraq.

Parliamentary Finance: this year is difficult and the priority of the government employees' salaries insurance

Once again the voice of the Finance Committee seems to ring louder than any other committee within Parliament these days....they are stating today that there is some concern going forward with regard to guarantees of government employee salaries....that some insurance plan needs to be in heck with government employee salaries....this committee ought to be focused on what is being done to turn around the austerity process they find themselves in does not seem that the Finance Committee is working all that closely with the PM or the Finance Minister or any other ministries at this point.....they seem to be more focused on specific issues rather than the overall picture that needs attention across Iraq today....and they can't keep their noses out of other ministry business....focus focus focus.

Parliament will discuss tomorrow the final accounts for the budgets of 2005 and 2006 and the amendment replacing the House bill

Parliament reconvenes what end.....should see the second reading of the Investment Law....some health laws...PM Abadi will be present along with his Defense Minister....should be an interesting session.....I am of the opinion though it is time to see Parliament step up the pace if we are to see anything worthwhile come out of the month of May other than Mother's Day.

Saleh: We have a deficit in the balance of payments of the Iraqi

Dr. Saleh spoke again about the rise in the USD rate over the IQD....quoting the Article 50 issues in the budget that cap things for the CBI at $75 million per day......a total hinderance to the CBI's efforts.....he says that the dollar exchange rate is not reflective of the Iraqi economy....the black market supply and demand is driving the wedge between the two currencies because of the way the CBI remains hamstrung by the efforts of the Finance Committee.....this is an issue the CBI is fully capable of repairing if they are fully allowed to do their prescribed work and not babysat by the Finance Committee dictates.

Parliamentary economy emphasizes the pursuit of political blocs to pass a law to invest line with economic developments

So Parliament met today and ended their session with a second reading of the Investment Law......that lays the door wide open to put this law to a vote....soon....tomorrow maybe....probably too soon....but it is needed especially so with what it stands to bring to the investment playing field in the way of reduced or eliminated red tape for investors as well as stops to corruption that have been rampant with investment projects in the past.

Abadi Office: upsurge in the export of oil in Kurdistan will boost oil deal with Baghdad

From the office of PM Abadi comes what has to be some sweet noise for the would appear that SOMO is also recognizing the recent upswing in Kurd exports for the month of April....and that coupled with a rise in oil prices is obviously reflecting very positively for Iraq and the Kurds at this a result it appears the Kurds can expect a payment in line with the budget expectations from Baghdad....this rise in exports by the Kurds is also a positive step in further solidification of the oil and gas agreement reached between the two entities earlier this year that is found within the budget.....stepping ever closer to the much sought HCL.

Baghdadi is dead (clinically) and there is a struggle to succeed him, and the central lift the dollar to face the financial crisis, and agreed to re-Abadi, former officers to the service .. the most prominent local newspapers cited for this day

Many local newspapers are claiming that the ISIS/DAASH leader al-Baghdadi is seen as clinically dead and the terrorists are scampering to find a new leader....meanwhile the CBI still fights for its own right to conduct business as they see fit....otherwise they will continue to struggle to make ends meet if they must meet the demands places on them by the Finance Committee.

Abadi of Karbala: quantities of oil exports was not up to what is now the budget

Again speaking from Karbala today, PM Abadi reiterates to the provincial leadership present that Iraqi oil exports still remain under the budgeted amount of 3.3 million barrels of oil per day...and somewhere below the $56 per barrel budgeted price......yes the Kurds have increased exports and sales of oil...but that by itself is not enough to sustain Iraq.

Araji: what happened during the last few days is nothing but a media war of the enemies of Iraq

Deputy PM reports that what has transpired via the media over the past few days has been merely a media war being led by enemies of Iraq.....a massive attempt to break the moral and backs of the Iraqi Security Forces who are fighting tough against DAASH terrorists.....he sees Iraq uniting to stand together in the common fight for the life of Iraq....for all of Iraq....calling upon all citizens to resist the rumors being spread by enemies of the state.

The appearance of Mohammed Saleh: The government is considering a mechanism for the implementation of projects including consistent with the security and economic conditions

Dr. Saleh points to improved oil prices in the coming future for Iraq....that coupled with cooperation from the US in further developing oil and gas as well as petrochemical sectors will help stimulate things in Iraq he believes....but it will be a slow turn around the meantime Iraq still stands face to face with liquidity problems as well as the fight against terrorism....they have many balls that must remain in the air in a juggling act to turn things around for on outside powers and expertise may not be the best game in town...but it may be a necessary evil to get completely and fully back on their feet.

To pass the "deals" .. Hakim calls for the issuance of important laws in the "basket" one!

One is a lonely number.....but in this case it can deliver a much needed impact for Iraq...the passage of a "basket" of laws in one swooping effort....hmmmm.....similar ring to what we've heard from Frank basket.....many laws....continuing to push DAASH out of its strongholds is a key success for the future of Iraq it would seem....they have the British being supportive to their efforts as well.

Parliamentary Finance is required to issue the two categories of the fifty and one hundred thousand to address the high exchange rate

The Finance Committee DEMANDS the 50 and 100 thousand notes be issued as well as the lowering of customs tariffs on traders....just who are they to make such demands....someone needs to pull their drawers up in the crack and get their attention....they are not the masters of the CBI....they have awoken and must have fell out of bed hitting their heads on the floor to think such wild things....

The CBI is fully capable of standing on their own two feet.....the issue with the USD rise over the IQD has only been exacerbated by the meddling minds of the Finance Committee this year....when is someone in charge of things going to wake up to this realization.....

If you go back and track the long list of articles that have talked about the issues between the USD and the IQD this year....almost 100% of them stemming from the Finance Committee points to someone or something other than the Article 50 effort of the Committee as the problem with the currencies....the CBI, the Economy and Investment Committee, and Dr. Saleh, PM Abadi's economic advisor and others all point to Article 50 as the culprit to the problem....wake up Iraq.

Abadi: The government is moving the issue of the transfer of powers to the provinces

PM Abadi again speaking in Karbala points to the transfer of powers from Baghdad to the provinces, the decentralization of political power from Baghdad is moving in the right direction...the COM ministries want to be assured the provinces have the right systems in place to accept the responsibilities that are coming their way.....see that he spoke about the "distribution of wealth"....this can only be positive things to come for Iraqi citizens through this decentralization process.

Calls for the repeal of Article 28 of the Banking Act to support the industry and specialize propose a strategy to activate certain sectors

The Association of Banks is calling for repealing Article 28 that would provide for more support within the banking industry and allow for the activation of some sectors that are restrained today....this would allow for private banks to be more supportive of industry sectors than they are today through easier lending practices to small and medium businesses....they also need to provide ways to rework the product protection laws of the nation through the Economic Commission....such efforts will clearly lead to an improved economy for all of Iraq...improvements over the way things stand today.

Security forces closed the entrances to the Green Zone

Yes security within the Green Zone has recently been opened up....but as is observed today it can be closed off again rather quickly when there is a perceived threat as was indicate by potential demonstrations thought to be seen later today.

Strong message to al-Maliki Abadi

PM Abadi offered up a strong and severe message to more meddling in security or fighting that is ongoing in not get in the way of the government's efforts in these areas....seems Abadi's backbone has grown stronger with time.

Private banks without money .. and the government established a looming Insurance Company and guarantee deposits

Citizens are complaining that some private banks are dry of money and they are not able to withdraw their funds from the banks....meanwhile the government is working towards guarantee insurance for such cases.....Dr. Saleh spoke to the fact that the government is working towards an insurance company to protect depositors money...but that is not the case for all falls back on issues of liquidity through out the country.

As seen through the eyes of a left-handed Aggie....time for cookies and coffee....anyone know where Frank it.....distract him....need to grab a handful of cookies.  Aloha  Randy

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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