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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Comments On "Conflict & Commonality" Part 1

Thoughts On “Conflict And Commonality Between Multilateralism And Democracy”

nanook73   APRIL 27, 2015 AT 11:19 PM  Hi JC,  I understand the intent of your line of thinking here but am concerned that without defining a few terms that a true discussion on what is good and what is bad for us as human being is difficult to have.

The first issue I have is with the idea that democracy is a moral system of governance. It is not. Democracy is a tool for decision making – it is amoral in this sense – and can be a tool for the better or worse depending on the framework within which it works.

 The USA for example is technically NOT a democracy but rather a constitutional republic that uses democracy as a tool to operate politically. Much the same as our native Canada.

 We are not per se a ‘democracy’ either but rather a constitutional monarchy that uses ‘democracy’ in order to carry out political business. You state:

“While America promotes the ideals of domestic democracy, it defiles the very nature and intent of democracy itself.”
Nanook73 Continues   In my eyes the problem lies in the idea that the presence of democracy equals the presence of personal and political liberty. Since democracy is amoral though one does not necessarily follow the other.

Had Americans not forgotten that their founders intended her to be a Republican system founded on the idea of each human being being sovereign and responsible for themselves then they might possibly look quite different than they do today.

 Indeed, I can’t help but wonder if democracy (or our lack of understanding regarding its nature) is the root of the problem?

In my mind the multilateral and its success or failure lies not only in decreasing corruption throughout our various systems but in recognizing that the implementation of ‘fairer’ democracy or ‘minority rights’ (whatever those are) will not lead us forward.

A mass awaking and understanding of just what ‘rights’ truly are and how we should relate to one another as conscious and spiritual beings will.

Then again – maybe I misunderstood the intent of your post. My apologies if I am off topic.

Sincerely, Nanook

JC Collins   APRIL 28, 2015 AT 12:54 AM  You are on topic friend. And thanks for the great contribution. I’d like to see a constructive debate on this topic, because it’s going to bring vital understanding to a very emotional aspect of the multilateral transition.

luismagno2010  APRIL 28, 2015 AT 1:28 AM  Minority rights are protected with ethnocultural sovereignty and ethnosocial autonomy.

nanook73  APRIL 28, 2015 AT 5:01 AM  @luismagno  I had to read your one sentence post three times to really get it. I haven’t been in university since the mid 90’s so I’m not real hip on modern pc jargon/mumbo jumbo (do people even say ‘hip’ anymore???).

Rights are a negative obligation and they are universal (we are all endowed with them by virtue of our existence as human beings). If a right requires you to take something from someone they might not normally give you if asked then it probably isn’t one.

Thus – logically speaking – there are no “minority rights” there are only rights as we are all simply human.

The issue of culture is quite different than that of rights. A culture may be suppressive of man’s natural rights or it may be supportive. Like democracy it is neither inherently good or bad and often represents the the collective behaviour and choices of individuals living together in a group situation.

We are what we we think we are.  Nanook

Daneackerman  APRIL 28, 2015 AT 3:44 PM  Great essay JC! A few thoughts from an aging American.

“the people will seek out an identity based on the principles of morality and vigilance which brought it to greatness hundreds of years ago.”

Diligently watching for the turning of the tide in humanity.

“Such is the motion and direction of the waters of history.”

Insanely deep! Just like the little ripples on the water going this way and that but all working together on the whole. So we can see that chaos exists in the whole but then those individual chaos instances or waves have patterns as well. You can see them very well my friend.

Understanding that democracy is neither moral or immoral (neutral if you will) what about something called the electoral colleges?

You see in the US the peoples collective voice has been hijacked by the electoral college votes. This began to be very visible with the Al Gore vs. George Bush hanging shards election in Florida.

 Then when Obama was reelected. The election process has a pattern that reveals that in order to secure the presidency there are key states that have to be won. Inside of those key states there are key cities which must be won to win the state.

Therefore, if a key city in a key state has over a million people waiting in line to vote how can the president claim victory? How did the electorate render its vote if the so many hadn’t even voted yet?

So how can democracy be called foul when it has been diverted and in essence unused in its original intent…four presidential terms? Has anyone else realized the two term presidential pattern that has emerged?

I understand the Republic argument but evolution stops for no one so perhaps democracy was simply a step in that evolution. Does democracy work anymore?

Some most likely believe it never did as well as some thinking it was the best. But over all for the collective voice did it work? Heck would a republic work today with our communication, internet and state of its people?

What if democracy were to be reworked to address the multilateral thinking more completely? It would seem logical since most everything is moving toward a multilateral architecture and our cultures are becoming so intertwined we may need a different type of process for representing such a diverse group of people.

We will grow in population until every culture populates every block in society and then we will realize that our borders have vanished and we ourselves have consolidated into one human family sharing one earthly household.

Toknowyourenemy   APRIL 28, 2015 AT 5:04 PM  The founding fathers based the American constitution not on democracy, but a democratic republic centered on the bill of rights.

The elites or whatever seem to interpret them as a ‘bill of privileges’…..anyway, the Iroquois Federation as well as the Swiss (crazy, huh?) were instrumental in their efforts.

Jefferson nailed it….an overgrown executive branch with a standing army will only lead to tyranny.

We just need to return to basics – time to go old school, AND THAT INCLUDES A LIFE WITH NO BIS, SDR’S, UN, IMF, WORLD BANK AND WHATEVER ELSE ELITIST GROUP OF FOREIGNERS FEEL THEY HAVE A RIGHT WHERE THEY HAVE NONE!!!!!!!!! Life was just fine, and America was still a powerful nation prior to 1913.

irrelevant111   APRIL 27, 2015 AT 11:55 PM Wonderful insight.  We hope for balance.

As we gaze into the crystal ball, it becomes once again, another day.

Monty Python And The Holy Grail - Help Help I'm Being Repressed

Norman Ball  APRIL 28, 2015 AT 12:07 AM  I believe it helps to think in terms of two distinct entities: the American People and the American Empire.

The former are among the most bereft and disenfranchised people on the planet. All the traditional organs of the sovereign state have been coopted, distended and conscripted into empiric/internationalist mandates for decades. Think of a G-string that’s been lent out to the heaviest man in the world.

When it’s returned, it’s unwearable. That’s the USD. Think too of the returning military. It will find ways to justify its existence on the domestic front, as is currently happening in Texas.

Mayberry RFD now has two surplus tanks care of the Pentagon. They may not have needed them. But now that they have them they will find ways to USE them.

Old soldiers won’t just wither away. They’ll form the backbone of a militarized domestic presence. Frankenstein is coming home and he has a lot of mouths to feed.

“The assumption is repeated ad nauseam that international organizations and institutions undermine domestic democracy.”

‘Grassroots democracy’ is used almost interchangeably with the term ‘democracy’ itself. Localism seems more proximate to democratic principles than having yet another chunk of self-determination migrate ‘up the chain’ and across the ocean to Basel, Switzerland, for example.

So I endorse the ad nauseum repetition in this instance. The further self-determination drifts away from the self, the greater the prospects some stranger in a distant land will sever it from the original owner.

“There are some within the small rent seeking elite who represent the existing power structure and are leveraging business and industry in their attempts to maintain the status quo. This is off-set by those in the small rent seeking elite who wish to transition the world towards the multilateral framework.”

Without doubt, there are recalcitrant American Empire interests that are contending right now with transnational capital’s (TC) propensity to mint follow-on empires when the prevailing one becomes more decadent than capital-friendly. This is a losing historical proposition.

Nonetheless TC   (JC?) has ridden this arc multiple times before. The essence of transnationality is the absence of affinity for any sovereign state.

 Empires are built up, favored with no great sentimental attachment, then abandoned for greener pastures when the opportunity cost (corruption, graft, moral decline, entitlement) exceeds R.O.C.

 In a season of amazing developments, the City of London’s ‘pivot east’ is a bell-ringer. Old Money says: ‘never fall in love with an empire because you always let them down’.

One need only look at the continuing mischief being sewn in the Ukraine to see just how disruptive such rearguard actions can become. Transnational capital is moving both eastward AND upward at the present time. There are empire factions not so ready to accept this inevitable historical process.

 They are further emboldened by holding the keys to the most formidable military on the planet. Beware the fading hegemon. Also there will be a tendency to oversubscribe to the weakness narrative.

Yes there have been a number of key setbacks. However the America Empire is far from weak. At the risk of adding to the fear, this is a very perilous time. It just is.

Norman Ball  APRIL 28, 2015 AT 12:20 AM (Sorry, I chopped my bold dash over the finish line.)

The AIIB is one non-confrontational manner through which America’s looming isolation can be ‘demonstrated to itself’. The race is to coax cooler heads to the fore in the US in an effort to forestall WW3. This exacerbates an internal contradiction.

American Empire is at least as interested in its hegemonic power as it is in liberal democratic principles.

The AIIB paints a canvas of vast economic opportunity that should excite America’s ostensible principles. The world says, “but this is what you’ve espoused for decades.”

In fact, America is not interested in global prosperity if it cannot control it. Therein lies the core hypocrisy and contradiction. Therein too lies TC’s growing disaffection with the American Empire as the latter becomes increasingly obstructionist to the expanding debt/growth imperative of bank capital.

patriciasmith03  APRIL 28, 2015 AT 12:27 AM  And pigs will fly JC, and pigs will fly.
Speedspirit  APRIL 28, 2015 AT 1:24 AM  JC- Limit the power and influence of domestic special interest groups, such as national rent seeking alliances.

Well this certainly is not happening with the upcoming election of President of the USA. Hillary has collected over $2 billion in campaign funds from all over the world.

After the crash and burn your logic sounds very reasonable but you for some reason have this fascination with the unreal. Yes you are conceptually right on target but I stick with my belief your timing is off.

Furthermore the sun spot cycle tracked by NASA and the forecast is to bottom at solar minimum in 2020. This aligns with other patterns thru history. 

Of course by now we all see governments and central banks are fully committed to do all they can to avert a economic crisis but the bubble they create has to pop. They always do, they always have. 

Kondratieff four season cycle is playing out because its part of the natural world. Spring, summer,fall winter. 4 weeks to a month. 4 cycles to the moon. Youth, adulthood, midlife, dying. 

And four stages to the business cycle innovation,growth,shakeout (competition), and maturity (obsolete). In due time your vision will come true but I stand firm that we will witness how ugly the .01% really are first.

Daneackerman  APRIL 28, 2015 AT 3:55 PM  Watch out for the slight of hand.

“Jeb Bush tells his donors they’ve helped make history….his super PAC, Right to Rise, is on track to collect $100 million by the end of May”

“but the bubble they create has to pop” Not all bubbles have to pop. Some get wholes and just go flat….

Danielbradford  APRIL 29, 2015 AT 2:47 AM  One hundred million dollars. How many starving children would that feed, Jeb…?  

~GetReal  APRIL 28, 2015 AT 2:32 AM  I believe the American Empire is sick and diseased beyond recognition. Trying to make sense of the wherefore’s and why’s is like trying to make sense of the most psychotic of behavior. 

There is no sense, it is what it is and we are where we are. The best defense attorney could argue a magnificent case using the insanity plea.

The American people, much like the children of a psychotic parent have developed into a off shoot of the parents. Try as hard as they can to NOT appear dysfunctional, they have become functionally dysfunctional. It seeps out in the smallest of cities. They are clueless to what lies ahead. 

You try to get them to absorb the possibilities and they can’t see beyond the psychotic world they have created. They are fragile .. Their children are on vyvance or adderral. 

They eat manufactured gmo’s that turns their brains into “mush” and their bodies into blobs. The obesity rate is out of control which will burden the healthcare system. 

And the majority are unaware or care for that matter… They are a product of their parent the American Empire.

The above while sad is true. I know because I deal with it on a daily basis.

In the OR, when dealing with a diseased body part, the surgeon excises the disease. Completely removing it so the patient can begin to heal. The recovery period is dependent on the attitude of the patient.

 If they wallow in negative, recovery is slow and the patient doesn’t do as well. If the mindset is positive, you usually see the patient have a positive and swift recovery.

This is how I see the future of America… We need to remove the cancer and begin the healing. I believe JC does a great job putting a positive spin on what lies ahead. Unfortunately, there are not enough Americans reading his blog and far too many watching MSM to be prepared for what is ahead.

However, try as you may you can’t make sense out of anything they do in DC, they are beyond reason and have had too much shock therapy to recover.

So I hope for the best and prepare for the worse.  ~Get Real

Londonsimes  APRIL 28, 2015 AT 9:55 PM  @get real: And yet, despite all, there is still something *amazing* about the American spirit/Zeitgeist that is free-er and which dares to be more rebellious, outrageous & courageous compared to other populations. 

The energy that is illuminating so many previously hidden layers of the ‘matrix reality’ originates, fundamentally, from the American peoples. I therefore consider America is still a most precious & irreplaceable light for the world, in these regards.

~GetReal  APRIL 29, 2015 AT 12:23 AM   londonsimes, In this day and age, your words are kind and generous.

I agree Americans are spirited, just look at the response of the Texans toward the Army when they dare to come into their town to perform their Jade Helm exercises. Once awakened we have the potential to be a united and spirited group.

However, it will take the falling of the system before many will be awakened. The MSM continues to paint a picture of recovery… There is even encouragement of risky market moves and most chose not to educate themselves on the system. 

Shows such as the kardasians, and bravo’s southern charms or “wives of somewhere’ are what they watch. I can’t even have an intelligent conversation with most because of their lack of knowledge on the subject matter.

I feel I exist in parallel universe’s .. living one life during the day and another at night. I didn’t think one was suppose to come upon oneself within parallel worlds ;-)

But I thank you for your words and am glad to know we have some shine left on the surface. I do believe we will arise to the occasion when the time is necessary. Unfortunately, it could be too late for many.

~Get Real

Rev17   APRIL 28, 2015 AT 9:57 AM  Important Update: Monday April 27, 2015  E*TRADE Global Trading will be  retired effective July 9, 2015  Thank you for using the E*TRADE Global Trading service. 

We appreciate your business, but regret to inform you we will be discontinuing this service effective July 9, 2015. Additionally, open accounts will only be allowed to make closing equity and currency transactions as of June 12, 2015.

Daneackerman   APRIL 28, 2015 AT 4:08 PM  Hello Rev17 thanks for the video links I watched them last night. What craftsmanship.

Regarding your comment above you may want to check this link as this persons message was a bit different than the one you posted.

Comments may be made at the end ofPart 2  Thank You

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