Don't WAIT!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Bulldog75: "Gold Is Currency"


April 26, 2015

Ladies n Gents:

We've all heard it, but our education never ends.

Knowledge and Education is POWER.

Let's empower ourselves with additional knowledge and insight.

When we are mentally prepared, Life is a little easier to sleep at night Smile
Dr. Jim Willie once again, simply lays the info on the table.

Read and absorb.

Knowledge will empower.

Gold is currency.   China corners the market in gold, silver and precious metals.  1,2 and 3:  China, Russia, Australia are hoarding leaders.  Australia is a major mining Leader.

I simply cannot emphasize the words enough.  IMHO, Gold will reset first, then the CE follows shortly thereafter.  Monitor Shanghai. ~

I Love You All.  Blessings to Our Planet and Mankind.   Bulldog75

Jim Willie on End Game Prediction: “We’re in that Stage Right Now!"

April 26, 2015

Wondering why metals are crashing again? Hat Trick Letter Jim Willie just might have the answer.

In this MUST LISTEN interview with Finance & Liberty’s Jim Willie, The Golden Jackass explains how he predicted years ago that we would be in the end stage for the dollar when it begins to rise,  and states that “We are in that stage right now!”

Willie’s full 50 minute interview on the End Stage is below

National Default, Dollar Collapse, Global Economic Crisis | Jim Willie (Part 1)
Published on Apr 24, 2015    IN THIS INTERVIEW:

- What is the difference between money, legal tender, and the U.S. dollar? ►0:27

- Triggers that could crash the financial system ►7:44

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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