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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Comments On "Conflict & Commonality" Part 3

Speedspirit   APRIL 29, 2015 AT 12:33 PM  Safety Fishnet – I agree with your assessment of the situation. We are spiritual beings experimenting with free will is all. 

We as individuals need to start living what is known as our life’s calling. You know your own life’s purpose by identifying the one thing you would do if you were the last human on earth and what you would do with all your time.

 The more individuals who live this way are in essence increasing the positive creative forces of the Universe. This is the counter balance to all the corruption and actions of lost souls. 

Once people see a better path they will choose to follow a positive example for it is a positive energy that nourishes the soul. How many members here are taking positive actions in this direction?

 How many members here are guilty of waiting for someone else to save them? 

How many are brave enough to carve a path? We are obviously a unique bunch, a very small minority that recognize the situation but that same intelligence must be used to save ourselves, in my opinion.
Speedspirit Continues:  Last year I attempted to sell my home in the suburbs to move 1 hr out into the country on 40 acres.

Sold my home in 9 days. The husband of the house I wanted signed the contract for us to buy but the wife would not sign. I took it real hard at first wondering why the stars were not lining up to help me accomplish putting things right with the Universe.

I knew one should always ask “for this or something better” from God so I accepted the situation. My post at that time were seen by  some of you folks as angry. Yeah I was fighting anger.

But now I have found a new property on 48 acres that my family will start a permaculture farm on.

I am doing the best I can to be brave, be logical and set an example for my children, friends and community. Most who know the story tell me they wish they could do the same, but they choose not to.

Maybe after they see what I will attempt to do they will. I can only hope. Everything else in our life I will try to keep the same just live 1 hr away on land that can be farmed. Thats the best I can do to make a difference.

Safety Fishnet (@SafetyFishnet)   APRIL 30, 2015 AT 7:39 AM  streetspirit, congratulations to you for your persistence & bravery, it seems to work for you.

Moreover, thank you for expanding on my questions and your honest self-reflection, you’re definitely spot on!!

While reading J.C’s material and engaging in this forum is highly enlightening, we should “walk the walk” to make our experience in this universe worthwhile and in line with what we are learning & discussing here.

Self-sufficiency even at modest levels coupled with the company of like-minded individuals will definitely do you wonders, I hope to emulate something similar to what you achieved, but challenges remain ahead for me too.

I have to pick a new career & occupation or relocate to somewhere abroad, a less **ittier place than the extremely **itty Turkey, which I unfortunately populate.

I’m desperate to fulfill these, because even I’m partially awake to the essence of my creation, I can’t afford to go back to sleep.

irrelevant111  APRIL 29, 2015 AT 12:33 AM  Dottie,  The bombs that fell over Japan saved many American lives due to ignorance which is most certainly a failing in all countries.  How many of your ancestors gave their lives so you have the freedom to speak?  I lost many…  Off my podium, wish you well as we live n learn…  Best

Dottie Derewicz  APRIL 29, 2015 AT 8:45 PM that all that matters.. You didn’t have to save American lives..the war was over at the point that how many thousands Japanese civilians women and children were fried. I have done study on this….

Take General Dwight David Eisenhower on this. He, himself said that they did not have to bomb..the war was over..his very words.

I will post his very words on this. How many lost their lives for no reason? Like in Iraq, Vietnam, Afghanistan? You simply just don’t know the is that simple.

There are few wars that we fought that were considered moral and right. My uncle was on Iwo Jima.

He told me about that one. He was there. He said he was a sitting duck and if he hadn’t gotten Tuberculosis he would have been dead.. for what.. a base. You can not justify what the US has done to me. I have studied for two years now.

Dottie Derewicz   APRIL 29, 2015 AT 8:52 PM  Sorry , Irrelevant with all due respect you are just wrong on your facts. I studied this because I had bought all the war propaganda..

here are the very words from General Dwight David Eisenhower..

You can believe what you want, but the truth will win out in the end. Yes, I have lived and I have learned.

I have learned the truth on the wars waged in this country. It doesn’t mean I don’t love my nation. It is because I love my nation that I search for truth. I never want to have to be accountable for little children dying for no moral reason and not to defend our country under attack and I say that..when we are directly under attack we must defend..

Peace through the only way!! It isn’t just about the white man as MLK said. When we are wrong we are wrong..wave the flag all you want sir, but with this one we were oh, so, wrong.

It always comes down to..make someone feel guilty, by saying look how many died for your freedom..most wars are not fought for our freedom. It is fought for power and money..

The military industrial complex..look that one up.. and read this article please. It is very profound as well.

Dottie Derewicz   APRIL 29, 2015 AT 9:10 PM  I apologize to JC for getting a bit off topic, but find the speech that MLK gave to be relevant to the multilateral subject. As you explained about the changes coming. The idea of less wars really rings loud in my ears.

 I have studied for some some time the many, many wars that the US has been involved in over the years. There is a number it is huge. We have over 800 military bases around the MLK spoke about.. being the policeman. I would love to see this change.

Let’s stop being involved in wars in every nation on the planet and especially the Middle East. Bring our men and women home and rebuild this nation. That is my hope.

 luismagno2010  APRIL 29, 2015 AT 6:29 AM  @nanook  I was responding to JC’s comment on your comment. “Minority rights” is establishment wording and JC’s. It is not my wording.

 I used that wording as a starting point in an attempt to close the conceptual gap to New Paradigm thinking on the issue of “minority rights”. The concept of “minority rights” is a mental abomination and a mental aberration imposed on the hapless American people from “on high”.

Dottie Derewicz   APRIL 29, 2015 AT 9:12 PM I agree are so right..hit the nail on the head, thank you.

daniel grig (@gelingrig)   APRIL 29, 2015 AT 7:17 AM  irrelevant111, All wars are behind the interests of private banking.  Countries and people are victims. But the elite works behind a symbol of a country such as America, Russia and China.

If the U.S. out have many hotbeds of war, it is not that the country called USA, if single to decided to go to war, but that have manipulated the votes, for the lie of corrupt politicians, which are private banking puppets.

The United States is no longer a free country, it is a corporation headquartered in Washington, DC (district of Colombia) is a micro-estado in another State and belonging to the Vatican.

America has two constitutions, but few know this painful truth.

What makes the elite then is face even through patriotism.

Part of patriotism is “brainwashing” that many American soldiers have died and killed others, thousands of miles distance from his country, like Afghanistan, Iraq etc thinking that they are Patriots and defend America, unaware that defended the interests of private banking. We are all brothers planetary.

Dottie Derewicz APRIL 29, 2015 AT 9:14 PM I thank you for telling the truth. If you dare say this to many in America you get attacked saying you aren’t a patriot and don’t love your country. Quite the contrary.. it means you love your country enough to tell the truth.

luismagno2010  APRIL 29, 2015 AT 8:24 AM  JC, I do believe that this is your best off-topic essay ever. The Achilles heel of your improving vision is the failure to extend your multilevel thinking to a multidimensional reality.  ~ from Ludwig der Grosse aka Luis Magno

JC Collins   APRIL 29, 2015 AT 12:21 PM Luis, thanks, I think. The esoteric is never far from my mind. So in good spirit I’ll give you a tidbit of something that aligns with your comment.

Humans are multidimensional reality, and the Earth is a multidimensional lens. Everything has multidimensional components whether we perceive it correctly or not.

A multilateral restructuring of Mans systems is a “projection” of the multidimensional characteristics of both mind and matter, of which the Earth is the projecting lens.

Tommydelicious   APRIL 29, 2015 AT 10:28 PM   from JC: “Luis, thanks, I think. The esoteric is never far from my mind. So in good spirit I’ll give you a tidbit of something that aligns with your comment.

Humans are multidimensional reality, and the Earth is a multidimensional lens. Everything has multidimensional components whether we perceive it correctly or not.

A multilateral restructuring of Mans systems is a “projection” of the multidimensional characteristics of both mind and matter, of which the Earth is the projecting lens.”

Now there’s a topic which underlies a lot of the comments that have been posted here. I know you, JC, understand what Krishnamurti spoke of when he said that we are all “reading the book of life”, and through a multidimensional lens no less! I appreciate all the comments that have come in here, and am engaged in reading the book of life through these projections.  Thanks to all.

irrelevant111   APRIL 29, 2015 AT 2:58 PM Patriotism is Nativism. Part of any culture. History supports loyalty to any country. Always know, WW2 freed many a man at huge cost from Americans, British, Australian n many others. The fault of war is self evident. The sacrifice of common man in the trenches is the honor one should bestow. Hope for calm waters down the road.  Nothing more…

Dottie Derewicz   APRIL 29, 2015 AT 9:19 PM  Sacrifice for what put money in someones pocket. Many of these men and women died for just that reason..start doing some research my friend.

Daneackerman   APRIL 30, 2015 AT 9:17 AM  Unfortunately Dottie with this point of view disrespect the men and women who have put boots on ground or in trenches but didn’t know they were fighting for corporate advancement. They thought they were fighting the good fight which was to give us the right to do just what we are doing now sharing our own personal perceptions of the lives we have lived.

Although understanding this point of view it doesn’t take into account them that truly believed they were fighting the good fight we should work diligently to remember this and factor it into our reasoning.
Tommydelicious   APRIL 29, 2015 AT 10:34 PM   I agree irrelevant111. Having read accounts of Taliban terrorism in the homeland of Afghanistan against their own people, I cannot blame American soldiers nor the empire itself for moving to make a change there. I personally know a few men who fought in Iraq, and they did indeed fight against some truly evil forces.

Yes, hope for calmer waters down the road, meanwhile, keep the mind open and the thoughts clear. Emotional attachments to lyrical ideals creates confrontation. And where confrontation exists in individuals, it will exist in societies.  Stay lucid.

Dottie Derewicz  APRIL 29, 2015 AT 11:57 PM   I just attempt to bring forth the truth. If you are open to the truth, but some never will be. Of course there is terrorism in Afghanistan. How many years did the US stay in Afghanistan fighting a war they couldn’t win if that is truly what their intentions were. 

Why was the US there? Why do we get involved in every confrontation in the world when we are broke.. 

It seems no one gets that.Bring the troops home and bring the money home and stop paying the military industrial complex to clean up in every country we demolish.

beachdude2   APRIL 30, 2015 AT 2:17 AM  Irrelevant111, Yes but after the economic collapse of Germany’s economy after WWI, who brought up much of Germany’s manufacturing infrastructure for pennies on the dollar and brought the Nazi’s to power?

Wall Street Banks like Brown Brothers Harriman, Chase and Union Bank, plus big American Companies like Dow, Alcoa, Ford, GM & ITT, thats who.

Who has never lost a war in the last 1000 years? The Bankers because they fund both sides. The Patriots you refer to are just pawns on the chess board and just fodder for the slaughter.

Professor Anthony Sutton has a whole series of books and YTube videos on this and other dual war funding:   Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany: The Best Enemies Money Can Buy 1 of 5 -- Prof. Antony C. Sutton

jas0712   APRIL 29, 2015 AT 5:46 PM  Thanks JC, long time reader, 1st time replier. Just wanted to say thank you and you have opened many eyes with your posts, observations of our global economy and speculations as to the direction we are heading Globally. It’s good to put things in perspective and I look forward to reading your insights in the future.

Dripfood   APRIL 29, 2015 AT 7:50 PM  It is indeed an interesting discussion what system of governance form along the movements of multilateralism and consolidation.

I guess demockracy will surely be promoted as the best system of choice, since it is so easily covertly hijacked by those who seek power over many, while giving an impression of free choice for the populace.

But we might see something interesting form just yet.

The internet has caused the elimination of many middlemen in retail and it might be used to render the political middlemen useless over time. Why not vote for visions and decisions directly, without the easily corruptible mediation of political representatives?  As our friend Axx always says: Time will tell.

irrelevant111  APRIL 30, 2015 AT 2:41 AM  Thanks to all. Opinions are like ****holes. We all have one.

Smile n grin as we journey on…  Sincerely,   Axx

Dottie Derewicz   APRIL 30, 2015 AT 11:25 AM  Actually Irrelevant.. it goes this way.. excuses are like a–holes.. not opinions. Most of the entries on here were not opinions, but fact, many never want to deal with the truth. Maybe it is just easier to live in the fantasy world.  

We can smile once America most especially becomes the nation with a soul. It can happen. .not really sure at this point that it will come through the new multilateral system or not.. 

no matter what system it takes my prayer is that we will remove the military bases around the world.. take out the military industrial complex and rebuild not just the industrial component of our nation, but become a kinder nation.

Dottie Derewicz   APRIL 30, 2015 AT 11:28 AM   I do have a question. JC you mentioned checks and balances.. how will the checks and balance work with the US, Canada and Mexico as we are not integrated as of yet?

Dottie Derewicz   APRIL 30, 2015 AT 1:57 PM  ASEAN beating out China in manufacturing

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