Don't WAIT!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Tuesday Night


R.V./ GCR:
  April 28, 2015 at 9:47pm How this works.... imo… Hypothesis:

China gives 46 zeros on admin hold… dinar wants to revalue kicking off multiple currencies backed by USA Treasury …then China can no longer purchase tonnage of gold at fiat dollar prices ….

They up the value of gold thirty forty percent over night… Iraq revalues paying only the cost of half they expected …

USA turns in the dinar at oil gas prices trade value …pays back China…

Admiral goes in… admin lifted …Iraq remits USA  clean credit value …the other countries get backed by USA treasury….

America makes its fee… USA strongest nation in the world again and Monetarily set.....Yes extra money in vaults ….WATCH THIS.....TIMBER


Rrrr: A Fitting Time for my favorite RFK Quote…”There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why... I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?”


Good advice when you are faced with sudden wealth

I just spotted this article by Robert Pagliarini in Forbes online:

Don't Make These 6 Common Sudden Wealth Mistakes

After nearly two decades of working with sudden wealth recipients, I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t. Navigating sudden wealth requires equal parts knowing what to do and knowing what not to do.

If you have just won the lottery, been notified you will be receiving an inheritance, or settled a lawsuit, your emotions and stress levels are bound to run high. We like to think of ourselves as rational, but under stress, we can quickly morph into irrational and highly emotional creatures who undermine our own success. Avoid making these all-too-common sudden wealth mistakes:

1. Making unnecessary decisions. Depending on the type of sudden wealth event, there may only be a handful of decisions you need to make early on. Work with your advisors to learn which tax, financial, and legal decisions you must make and which ones you can delay. Bottom line, unless it is necessary, hold off on making a decision.

2. Spending money. There will be plenty of time to figure out what you want to do with your money, but this is not that time. You still need to know how much you will get after taxes and how much you can comfortably spend. If you are tempted, write it on your wishlist.

3. Promising anything or making commitments. If you just found out you will be receiving money, it is too early to make any financial or non-financial commitments. Don’t make promises to friends and family.  Again, it is too early to know what you have and what you can spend.

4. Sharing news with others. Keep your sudden wealth situation private. The fewer people who know the better. You’ll get less unsolicited advice and you won’t feel the pressure from others. If possible, keep your lottery win anonymous.  

5. Retreating. While you don’t want to broadcast your windfall to the world, you should avoid hiding. Stay social and engage in the activities you’ve always enjoyed. This will help you stay grounded and the social interactions will help ease the stress.

6. Self-medicating with alcohol/drugs. It’s understandable that you want to take the edge off a situation that can be highly stressful — and drinking or drugs will certainly do the trick — but it’s not sustainable and will only make your situation worse. There are many more healthful alternatives such as exercising, talking to friends, or participating in therapy that are more effective and that will set you up better for the later sudden wealth stages.

Sudden wealth can provide an amazing opportunity to create a better life for yourself and others. To best do that, set yourself up for success by making this stressful process a little easier. Breathe, slow down, and avoid these common sudden wealth mistakes.


Dinar Updates:

wmawhite  PM Abadi did not go the Davos and then to Berlin and then to D.C. to tell the world WAIT...we don't want you or need you now.

His message has always been now not later.

They are wanting to do this as soon as they can pull it off successfully.  


wmawhite  Actually, IMO, no. IMO the status of the IQD will change PRIOR to the flood gates opening, the laws passed, etc., etc.

KTFA Tuesday Night Conference Call.

Approx. 122 minutes long

The first part is Bible Study and the second part is Dinar/Iraq Intel.

PLAYBACK # : 760.569.7699 PIN: 156996#


Denaradori  » April 28th, 2015, 9:15 pm   


New York Times

AFTER THE WAR; No Electricity but Kuwait Reopens Its Banks

By DONATELLA LORCH, Special to The New York Times

Published: March 25, 1991

KUWAIT CITY, March 24— It still has no water and little electricity or food, but Kuwait revived its banking system today, introducing a new currency.

Banks reopened for the first time since Iraqi occupation forces shut them down in December. Thousands of people lined up to exchange their old Kuwaiti dinars for crisp new ones and to withdraw a limited amount of money.

Without electricity, the banks services were slow, limited to money exchange and withdrawal. There was no telex, no electronic money transfer and no telephones. The computers were unusable, so all transactions had to be entered by hand.

"It's like going back 20 years," said Mohammed al-Yahya, the manager of the Commercial Bank of Kuwait, the nation's second-largest bank. Seized Dinars Canceled

The Central Bank is canceling the value of Kuwaiti dinars that were seized from the Central Bank and put into circulation by the Iraqis. The invalid serial numbers were posted today in front of all banks in the city.

All other old dinars can be exchanged for new ones on a one-to-one rate until May 7, when the old dinars become invalid. The new official exchange rate is 3.47 American dollars for one new Kuwaiti dinar.

Although it is severely handicapped without electricity, the Commercial Bank, like many other major banks, was able to open for business because its records had been saved from the Iraqis. Mr. Yahya hid the bank's balance sheets in his home and sent its computer records to London via Syria with an Indian employee, who packed the tapes into the back of a trailer.

The banks also face serious personnel shortages. Only 11 of the Commercial Bank's 35 branches opened today, with 137 out of 1,300 workers.

Before the Iraqi invasion, only 17 percent of the bank's staff was Kuwaiti. Many of the foreign workers -- Jordanians, Palestinians and Indians -- fled and now cannot re-enter the country.

For those exchanging money today, there was little they could buy in Kuwait. Many of those in line said they planned to use their money for vacations or for shopping trips to Saudi Arabia to buy generators and food.

"I need to get away from this pressure," said Abdul Mohammed Hussein, a computer engineer in his early 40's who said he was withdrawing 1,500 new dinars to take a vacation in the United Arab Emirates.

"Everywhere you go you find lines. At the supermarket, you find lines. To get petrol for the car, you find lines."

Abdul Hamed al-Atar, a 50-year-old retired Interior Ministry official, said this was the first time he had set foot in a bank since September, and he seemed relieved. "Kuwaits always keep a lot of cash with them," he said as he was handed crisp new piles of money that he stuffed into a small bag. "It's a comfort to have money in my hands."

Photo: As Kuwaiti banks opened for the first time in months, a group waited in line to change old banknotes for new. New currency was printed to replace stocks of previous notes looted during the Iraqi occupation. (Agence France-Presse)

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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