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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

WMAWhite at Dinar Updates- EMailed To Recaps

Dinar Updates:  

wmawhite - the CBI will introduce the IQD to the world prior to the massive wave of investors flooding into Iraq, which will be prior to all of these so called needed laws.  

Q: [Do we really think that Shabbi was ready for a RV in 2013...?]   

wmawhite : We truly do not know…what we do know for sure is what is taking place today. We know for sure that PM Abadi stated that he will remove ALL obstacles to investment in Iraq…and as soon as the CBI instructs its banks to start accepting foreign remittances…the true value will be established and the world currency markets will be informed.  

Iraq has inked trade agreements with over 18 countries. Iraq doesn’t want to open up their country at essentially $0.00086 per share.
You can buy bank shares today on the ISX at 1.6 dinar per share. That is still less than $0.01 per share. If the ISX was opened to the world today every major company in Iraq would be owned by the rest of the world within hours.  

This is why the IQD will reprice prior to/before the world of investors flood into Iraq. 

Again, we know as fact, that PM Abadi stated that he was removing all obstacles to the investors. He is doing this now and IMO, we will see the repricing prior to this.  

Q:  [So does that say Iraq wants to keep ownership in country?] 

wmawhite:  What it tells me is Iraq believes it is well worth more than $0.00086.  In other words If someone from the USA was going to invest $1,000,000 today they would only need the same as $860.00. 

 Remember, these investors coming into Iraq long term are going to change their currency into IQD and set up shop and do business there. Today, at the current rate all they need is $860 to do $1,000,000 worth of business. 

IMO Iraq is going to say NO WAY world…we are worth more.

the other reason for a dramatic increase in value is because 90% of all goods are imported…meaning bought outside of Iraq at $0.00086 which increases the costs 1,000s of times. 

That is why it takes a 25,000 note to buy a bag of sugar. Increasing the value off the bat at least a 1,000 times will reduce the costs on the shelves 1,000 times putting tremendous buying power into the economy. 

What Iraq is dealing with today is what is left over from the war when billion of USD was flooded into the country in order to keep its economy going.

This is coming to an end very soon and as they tell us the IQD return to greatness.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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