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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wednesday Night KTFA CC Notes by FrostyTheSnowman

Wednesday April 29th, 2015 KTFA Conference Call Notes by FrostyTheSnowman

** The comments made by Frank26 and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! **

FRANK:  I know that some of you come here for a little dessert … so … first of all … Frosty … don’t put this up tonight

I do want to tell you something family.

IN MY OPINION … one of the most important things being done right now is obviously the monetary reform … but there are many things or “wires of complexity” that come out of the MR process.
One of them was talked about when Abadi came to Washington, DC.

They wanted money and weapons … they got more money … (billions) … because they need to get by with April … now May … so they are going to help them out.

Security is highly important.

They know that Iran wants to hurt Iraq … but we [US gov’t] made a deal with them.

Question: Does that make you happy Iraq?

Answer: Not really – but it does make the borders safer.

We [US] would like for you to help us with Dr. Shabibi.

iTeam was assigned back to him [Dr. Shabibi] … (not the whole team … just Ghost) … won’t hear from him for about 15 days.

Dr. S asked for Ghost back. Why?

Every time the MR wants to happen … something evil also happens … you know the pattern.

I’m not saying O is evil … but it was stupid for O to pull us out of Iraq. All of the generals and officers said it was crazy.

Dr. S is fearful for his life.

Let’s just say that the “President” [of the USA] is not a President … like the ones that we knew back in the good old days.

It’s not that Dr. S is nervous and scared of M … but M and his idiots don’t want the RV to happen … especially to see the glory and happiness it will bring … especially walking into Ramadan.

That’s why you don’t see me talk much right now.

Most of the internet is confused about what I say … and that’s ok. But when I want to talk … I TALK!

Right now … Maliki is H.O.T. … SUPER HOT!

It’s important that they must deal with him.

So guess who wants to make a deal?

You know Frosty … go ahead … because this will leak out to the other sites before too long … so go ahead Frosty … release these notes. Knock yourself out.

So yesterday … Maliki says … “let’s make a deal.”

Leave me alone and I’ll tell you where I’ve got gold buried … (we already know that).

I’ll help you with Iran … (we already made a deal).

I give you some of our intel from ISIS … (we already know that)

I’ll tell you where I buried the dead (mass graves) … (what? … humm … ok … let’s make a deal)

Maliki may be thinking … (scoreboard) M =1 … Bad Guys = 0 …. (so M thinks he is ahead)

No! They’re going to get your head. Nothing is going to save him. They have a goal for this man.

They already know what they are going to do with him.

The MR is so close … it’s so fragile to these bullies.

You’ve seen in the last 48 hours … killings are up … but SHHHHHH … the rest of the Internet doesn’t know yet … and what they do is either copied from us or just reading articles. Doesn’t anybody have anything from their teams?
We are very blessed here at KTFA … with the intel … the newshounds like WalkingStick.

Most of you don’t know half of the things that WS does to communicate with me. I’m so proud of this man!

AggieDad … how he interrupts the articles … AMAZING!

Frosty … love the graphics! How he backs up what we say with articles/highlights.

Our skullcrushers … amazing people!

Dusty our prayer warrior!

We are a well-organized machine that honors God!

Anyway … Maliki is superhot right now … because he can be dangerous towards the closeness of this MR.

Stupidity can happen when it comes to Maliki

Abadi and Shabibi asked for $$$ and weapons to help with Maliki.

We’ve got it covered … I can’t tell you how … but the media will in the next 30 days or so.

As you see one disappear … (God willing) … you will see the one that fears him … appear.

We’ll see Dr. Shabibi soon!


Wednesday Night CC. Approx. 66 minutes long

The first part is Business Promos and the second part is Dinar/Iraq Intel

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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