Don't WAIT!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

More News, Rumors, and Opinions Tuesday Evening


RE: Blackjack7 Update Here:

New Update from Blackjack7: (Thanks to OK Rocks for capturing )

Blackjack7 : I have known this man for going on 6 yrs and never have I heard him like this     
zzzzzzzz wrote  blackjack... any indication regarding when the rest of us may see this announced?

Blackjack7 wrote I think we are all in the same boat as this should not only happen for me but for all of y'all as well

Blackjack7 wrote Hey y'all just looked at recaps holy moly news travels fast didn't realize I was that popular lol
Blackjack7 wrote No worries this is news we all have been waiting for should not be kept under a rock let's share it with the world

gemco wrote Blackjack, so are you still expecting an update from your friend with the intel?     
Blackjack7 wrote Yes I am in fact I will be calling here shortly


Another UPDATE:

Blackjack7:  Hi all my friend is on with his contacts across the pond could be what we are waiting for

rvalready : BJ is on the phone with his contact.
Blackjack7 : Ok y'all here it is this thing is ready to pop from what he said the beast is out of the cage and can't be put back

:  what's that song, I'm so excited

Dogmom4:  blackjack on a scale of 1 to 10------how excited are you??

Blackjack7: let's say I have now listened to Gotta Feeling twice now and may listen again I am off the RICHTER!!!!

: So let's put into perspective…my wm would not be setting up trusts, foundations etc .as that costs mucho dinero….. he knows what's about to happen

Blackjack7:  Rates are what Tony and DC have told us

Frazier2013:  Blackjack, If he calls you tonight maybe you can post a quick goodbye to us in the forum before you will be our little secret and we wil know what happened in case on NDA

Offgrid:  Frazier - blackjack is talking about ALL of us going asap ;)

I personally believe that these people knock everybody else's info as they have nothing to share from themselves...sure we have all been waiting for quite some time but if we did not have hope and faith then we would be no better than the haters

  Blackjack.....all I can say is WOW! and GO RV.....Thank you for sharing what is going on with you.


OMEGA MAN April 28, 2015 at 7:29pm  some early exchanges have taken place here...also more bonds are paying out...

should be a great week...

i have sooo much good news

i kant say...but...naysayers are doomed to eat Krow…shortly


Rick April 28, 2015 at 7:49pm LANDA HUMANUS UPDATE!!!!!!!


all  Information subject to change without notice 

April 26, 2015

We have been advised that we expect some major global events this coming week. Current intelligence and new instructions have accelerated Landa processing all file types inclusive of all Chinese and all USA historic assets previously not admitted.





Aggiedad77 : April 28th, 2015, 6:29 pm 

Family this has been a really stellar day for Iraq I believe.....we've seen confirmation of at least 2 loans from the IMF, mention of a possible third of possible money from the World Bank.....the discussions that PM Abadi had with the Parliament today....basically threw the gauntlet down in front of the Maliki supports.....and we believe the ones who may have gotten a pink slip today may have been Maliki supporters as well.....

Abadi is showing he can play hardball and he is not intimidated by threats or accusations from those who blindly stand with M....

We saw a commitment by the Baghdad government that leads us to believe a "full" payment is to be made to the Kurds for April....whoooorahhhh on the Kurd efforts for the month of April to get their exports up to par.....

Abadi continues to vocalize support for Basra and their economic plight as well as for Anbar and the tribal leadership there who continue to fight DAASH cells....the Iraqi Security Forces are showing they are to be reckoned with in the province....unity abounds.....cooperation is swelling all over Iraq for Abadi and his government efforts...

The minuscule noise that you hear against him is coming from Maliki supporters....those that are left and their noise is but a tweak at this point.....there is a growing national partnership that is more and more evident each day not only in the government but from all Iraqis.

I'm excited about what has been happening....what we saw from today and I look forward to what the remainder of this month can show us and the world and what May holds in store for all involved....remember....the BEST is yet to come.  Aloha  Randy



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